Wednesday, August 8, 2012

BB14: Shenanigans Standings

As of now, it's still status quo in the game. Despite the fact that Shane told Janelle that he and Dan are voting to keep her (2:35 AM), this is a falsely cruel sense of hope that he's giving her. No other discussions shown on the feeds corroborate this. So unless Janelle pulls out some Jedi magic out, she will most likely be the one leaving the game on Thursday. It's unfortunate that it has played out this way, but part of me believes that Janelle wants to get out and go back to her family. The house is, at this point completely against her, leaving very little wiggle room, making her stay a hard uphill battle.

So instead of going into the useless discussions that littered the feeds last night, I'm taking this opportunity to rate the players in the game thus far, in alphabetical order:

Strategy: Ashley listens and observes, knows when to remove herself and says little to few people. She is in the Tits Alliance with Wil and Jenn, but has managed to ingratiate herself  with everyone in the house. Though she has been put on the block, she has yet to be anyone's target. She is playing the Social Game.
Competitions: She's come close a couple of times but not enough to mark her as a threat.
Shenanigans Scale: 5 out of 10

Strategy: Britney is part of the strongest alliances in the house and has managed to make a couple of side alliances of her own with Ian and Danielle. Of the coaches, she is the most liked and least targeted by the newbies. She has a great Social Game, gaining trust from almost everyone in the house.
Competitions: She came second in the Endurance Competition and did well in the coaches comps though has not won those.
Shenanigans Scale: 7 out of 10

Strategy: Dan is the mastermind behind the strongest alliances in the house While managing to forge relationships with the majority of the house, he's not off people's radars. He's playing a Floater Strategy, willing to forgo one alliance for another, and is not afraid to cut someone he's allied with in favor of a stronger alliance. While he is also playing a good social game, this position can very well land him in trouble.
Competitions: He's done dismally in all the competitions. Whether it's strategy or inability is irrelevant because people are think he's throwing them.
Shenanigans Scale: 6 out of 10

Strategy: Danielle is in several strong alliances and side-alliances in the house, managing to insulate herself within groups and pairs. Her social game is questionable however, as her behavior has been erratic and emotional. Though her allies trust her and some of the others admire her, this emotional upheaval might taint her position in the house.
Competitions: She's won two major competitions back to back which have landed a huge target on her back. If she can maintain this level of competitiveness, she will keep herself and her allies safe.
Shenanigans Scale: 8 out of 10

Strategy: Frank's best strategy has been to stay in the house despite being on the block twice, making it a Trifecta on Thursday. This is largely due to Mike's manipulations, AGP's intervention, and nonstrategic voting. His attempts to gain supporters have not succeeded. Though people constantly call him a threat, it's mostly because of his alliance with Mike.
Competitions: He won one True of False HoH in week two.
Shenanigans Scale: 5 out of 10

Strategy: Ian has been using the Punishment Strategy, volunteering to be a Have Not for 3 weeks and taking the Puppy punishment during the last PoV. He has also managed to negotiate himself into the Quack Pack while keeping Mike thinking he can manipulate him. He is also in a deal with Britney. Though his eccentric behavior made him a target early in the game, he's managed to ingratiate himself in the house.
Competitions: He was 3rd in the Endurance and close in many of the physical competitions as well. He's a favorite to win memory/knowledge competitions in the future.
Shenanigans Scale: 7 out of 10.

Strategy: Janelle unfortunately has not maintained a good strategy in this game. She has managed to alienate most of  the house with the exception of Joe. She is considered untrustworthy, making it almost impossible to convince anyone to vote for her to stay. She is personable but most of the house guests do not believe this is genuine.
Competitions: She won 2 out of the 3 Coaches Competitions, saving her players who have now turned their backs on her.
Shenanigans Scale: 2 out of 10

Strategy: Jenn has managed to stay so far off the radar, that people forget she's in the house; yet she's managed to forge good relationships with many people in the house, regardless of alliances. She's in the Tits Alliance, giving herself a safety net for the future.
Competitions: She's won no competitions, but has not had a chance to be in many.
Shenanigans Scale: 5 out of 10

Strategy: Joe's main strategy thus far is to kill the house guests with his cooking and unsanitary practices. His tales and running around telling lies or spreading rumors have landed him at the bottom in the house, a position that is unlikely to change in the future. His attempts at trying to keep Janelle from being evicted are doing more harm than good. His attempts at alliances are having equal success.
Competitions: He's won none and has not come even close to winning.
Shenanigans Scale: 0 out of 10

Strategy: Mike has almost singlehandedly managed to save his "number one player" this week, forged an alliance with the strongest group, managed to get Dan to offer up his alliance members for future eviction and succeeded in getting Janelle out on the block next to Frank with the eviction target on her back. Despite being one of the largest threats in the house, he's managed to call the shots even in a week when he technically has no power. On the flip side, his social game is minimal at best, making little effort to socialize with those he finds no use for.
Competitions: He won the first Coaches Comp to save Ian in a week when the latter was a target.
Shenanigans Scale: 8 out of 10

Strategy: Shane's managed to stay in the game after being the biggest target as a result of his team association with Willie. He's in several strong alliances and sub-alliances, helping to insulate him as he still is one of the biggest targets in the house. He's created several ties within the house regardless of alliances and is well liked. His association with Danielle might prove an added threat to his game of which he is aware.
Competitions: Being the reigning champion with 1 HoH and 3 PoVs under his belt is the main reason he is both feared and respected in the game.
Shenanigans Scale: 9 out of 10

Strategy: Wil is not afraid to make big moves and lie to his advantage; and despite that fact he is not one of the bigger threats in the game. He's playing a fantastic Social Game by managing to get close to several people in the game. He's the leader of the Tits Alliance with plans for the future that will solely depend on his ability to win a competition or influence those who do.
Competitions: Although he's come close a couple of times, he's won no competitions in the game thus far.
Shenanigans Scale: 5 out of 10

Just to clarify, these ratings are based on game play and their social interactions. :) That's it for now. I will be updating any breaking news as far as Janelle's status in the house should they arise.

3:34 PM: Franks sort of gives Janelle a heads up not to necessarily trust the votes that are promised her, referring to last week and what they tried to do to him.

6:25 PM: Odd. Trivia... 7:19 PM: Still Trivia... and speculation rages...

It was a Half-way Party which is technically true though is belied by the fact that there are as many players in the house today as there were on day 1 of the show. They got pizza, pasta and cake. There was music and a cake fight; but that wasn't nearly as exciting as the speculation that went on outside of the house.

Stay tuned! :)