Sunday, August 12, 2012

BB14: Jumping the Fish Tank

Here's a quick overview of what's happening in the game so far. Joe and Wil were nominated by Frank, with Joe being the target. During the HoH meetings, Wil refused to give the Stale Town duo any promises of safety in the future. The other two did not appreciate his "tude" and the fact that he would not kiss the Don of Big Brother's ring in supplication. So they trained the target on Wil who went to Britney with a proposal to work together in bringing down the terrible two. Britney told Dan who told Danielle and the plan seems to be in place to save Wil. Meanwhile, Frank and Mike while alone last night (1:05 AM BBT) tossed around the idea of keeping Wil to go after the other four (Dan, Danielle, Shane and Britney).  Dan joined them shortly after, and they continued the debate whether to evict Joe or Wil. It seems that they were trying to convince each other that Joe is the best to evict, for their own hidden yet concurrent agendas.  So much for the Silent Six.

Getting a story out coherently about what's happening on the feeds is getting progressively impossible, especially last night, because of the constant assault of fish. I mean it was literally every minute or two at some points in the evening. This is beyond ridiculous and has left many purchasers of the feeds with the decision not to do so next year.

In fact, Big Brother might very well have jumped the fish tank; and the sole responsibility of that falls on production. From their casting manifesto to their constant and laughable attempts to hide their agendas and what the players are talking about in the house, they have managed to turn off a lot of people, to the point that ratings have plummeted. It's time CBS bites the bullet and fires this production team, bringing in new blood and fresh ideas. The whole show needs an overhaul or it will drown in its own fish tank.

First of all, people are getting tired of devoting so much of their summer to watching three shows a week. It's a ridiculous waste of time. If The Glass House can do it in one show, so can Big Brother. They can easily do that by eliminating all the unnecessary competitions like the Have/Have Not or even the PoV. The Have/Have Not "twist" is stale and does nothing for the show. Why not just give them all the food and alcohol they need? Why not make them do chores and incur punishments for breaking rules or bad behavior? As for the PoV, why not make it less elaborate or even eliminate it altogether by giving the viewers the ability to give the PoV to someone? Or better yet, why not incorporate the PoV in the HoH competition as two separate powers that can be gained? Further, why not truncate the time in the house by having Double Eliminations every week?

Secondly, get rid of the "24/7" feeds. Do we need to see them doing their make-up or sitting in the sun or working out or talking about poop? If there are fights or key strategic discussions or particularly funny/fun moments, they can record them live and offer them to subscribers for daily viewing at their leisure. That way, people will get off their computers and stop obsessing over each person's smallest word, quirk, reaction and habit, turning it into a weapon against them. This mob hate that happens every season, targeting one or two players, usually women, needs to stop. It's not healthy. Yet as it happens, AGP and Superpass feed into it, thinking this is a good marketing technique. No. All it's doing is fueling the hate and creating a very unsavory and unhealthy environment not only for some of the players but for the general public as well.

Thirdly, they need to stop trying to cast people into "roles". Sure, it's cool to cast different types of personalities, but they need to stop trying to micromanage the outcome and interactions using a formula that clearly does not work. Maybe they also need to have more stringent psychological, medical, and criminal evaluations done. Maybe they should take more care of their players while they're in the game by not egging them on in the DR and seeing to players' injuries properly.

Case in point is Ashley, this season. She has severe back spasms to the point that she cannot participate in at least one competition with the threat of doing herself more harm when she does. Whether this is a ploy on her part or if it's a true injury, she should be disqualified from the "game" for her own benefit and for that of others. They should also pay attention to what being in the house does to their mental health. When they see a player spiraling out of control, like Willie did early in the season, it would behoove them to get him help before he flushes himself down the BB toilet.

They also need to let go of the formula of bringing in vets with newbies. It's lame, transparent and irritating to most. Apart from Rachel last season who used this opportunity to redeem her public image, this is actually harmful to the vets. Jeff, a fan favorite, got a lot of flack last year for off the cuff statements he made. This year, Dan is getting the same treatment by the Big Brother community because he isn't saying or doing what they expect him to do. They all had their chance, won or lost; it's time for them to move on. At this point, this formula has soured fans towards the vets so much, that even doing an "All-Stars" won't help them.

There is so much broken with this show, that if it's not fixed, we may very well be seeing the last of it this year. Something massive needs to be done; and really, unless it is, the show is doomed. I for one, will be okay with it. I'm enjoying The Glass House a lot more. It has all the drama, competitions and twists I need. It also has a true fan interaction component that actually has some impact in the game beyond candy canes and cod. Again with the fish...


11:03 AM: Ian and Dan have a moment alone. Ian tells Dan that Frank and Mike are targeting Wil, so it might be best to get rid of him because he seems to have a deal with the co-HoHs. Ian believes that Wil is going after Frank and Mike; he adds that he will have to vote with the latter two, to keep the Quack Pack under wraps. That settles the controversy about Ian's allegiances.

11:34 AM: Jenn questions why Ian helped Shane during the Have/Have Not comp. Mike says that Ian got confused and excited. Jenn says that it makes her not trust Ian as much. Mike says Ian doesn't think things through before acting or saying things. Talk moves on to the Zing bot.

1:34 PM: Dan and Mike get a moment alone to discuss the coming eviction. Dan hints at keeping Wil, but Mike won't have it, saying Wil is too dangerous. Dan quickly backs off and agrees.  Mike implies getting rid of Frank, Shane and Danielle by saying that the newbies will vote for someone who's won a lot of comps. Dan agrees that they have no shot of winning against a newbie. They think that the best newbie to take to F3 is Ashley because she is so weak in comps and can be easily beaten (famous last words).

4:48PM: After a day of frolic and chit chat, Wil takes a moment to talk to Shane about the vote. They speculate about what Frank would do, hoping he doesn't nominate Shane. Wil says he has Britney's vote and another vote. and would like to get Shane and Danielle's vote to go after the powers that be. They both agree that the relationship needs to be cute (Frank and Mike).Their conversation is interrupted by Ashley.

5:43 PM: Shane, Frank and Mike are working out alone in the back yard. They take a break to discuss game. They ask Shane who he wants out and he replies he's heard good cases for both, adding he just doesn't want to be backdoored. They assure him that's not the case and they they're leaning toward Wil because he is too sneaky and dangerous. Shane tell them partially about his conversation with Wil only divulging that Wil has Ashley's and one other vote. Frank and Mike assume it will be Jenn's. They hug it out and go back to working out.

6:54 PM: Mike and Joe have a chance to talk alone. Mike coaches him about how to act while he's on the block. Mike says that he assumes Joe would "fire at some big guns" in the game. Joe agrees that he is definitely on board with the plan. (What else is he going to say?) He says he feels indebted to Frank and Shane and doesn't want to go after them. He adds that Ashley is not a stupid as she pretends to be. Mike finds that interesting.

7:57 PM: Wil gets Britney alone and take the opportunity to talk to her about working together again. She says that it's not that she's not open to discussing this but she wants to wait until tomorrow after the ceremony. She doesn't want to say something that will land her or Shane on the nomination chair. Wil agrees to wait until tomorrow. Talk turns to chit chat.

8:10 PM: Danielle and Shane talk about keeping Wil in the game because he will have their back more than Joe. Shane is worried about getting backdoored this week. He fills her in on her convo with Wil saying that the latter said he wants to work with Danielle, Shane and Ashley. They are on wait and see until tomorrow as well.

8:56 PM: Ian has joined them and tells them that Joe has a deal with Frank and Boogie and Joe might be the best one to get out. The feeds switched to this conversation from feeds (endless swimming fish). They whisper about an Endurance competition and that Danielle and Ian have to get this again. (Hard to hear) Joe comes by and they start talking about a Fast Forward on Thursday.

9:20PM: Ian and Britney are talking game on the hammock now. Ian tells Britney that if it's an Endurance competition that he will throw it to her. Britney asks him what he would do if he won HoH and he says he would put up Wil or Joe, whoever stays. Britney points out that Frank and Mike are in the best position, they they have deals with everyone and everyone is scared to put them up. Ian thinks that Dan would be the best person to get rid of one of the two. Britney agrees. I disagree.

Stay Tuned! :)