Monday, August 13, 2012

BB14: Is Dan Dun? The Answer is No.

The tables might finally have turned this "chill" week into another one filled with drama and upheaval. Finally, we've gone from Little House on the Dreary to Big Brother.

Last night at 12:06 am BBT, Ashley and Wil snagged Frank to launch their campaign. Wil brought up the three points: 1-They (Wil and Ashley) voted out Kara and kept him which they say was a big move. 2-They voted out Janelle last week despite her not targeting them which they also feel was a big move. 3- They promise him he will have the votes this week and next week if he makes a big move. Frank tells them that he has been thinking about using the veto and getting rid of a threat (Dan) though he doesn't tell them who. Ashley points out that if the "other side" had the power, the veto would be used.

Concurrently, Britney and Dan worried that Frank might be using the veto. They also are not sure whether Ian is solidly with them or Mike. Britney was alerted to this by Ian's reluctance to get rid of Frank and how happy he was when Frank won HoH. They feel like they won't know until Mike leaves. Britney pointed out that this alliance (Silent 6) is only a week old, yet they're having doubts whether an  attack will be launched this week. Britney added that if they come out of this week unscathed and there's a Double Eviction or Fast Forward, they need to take that opportunity to get Mike or Frank out. Britney then went to HoH to do some recon, finding Wil and Ashley there. That sent up some warning flags which she immediately reported to Dan, Danielle and Shane.

At 12:55 am, Ian went to HoH, after the other two left, to find out if the plan had changed. Frank told him that it might have, hinting at making a big move. Ian pushed the idea that neither Joe or Wil can be trusted and if "they" make a move against Dan, Danielle, Britney and Shane, they will have the other 3 against them. Ian bemoaned that it will be a blood bath. Frank responded that he probably won't do anything because it's easier. Ian was quick to point out that if he does, he will be opening a big can of worms. Frank countered that the others have been going against him for weeks, asking Ian if he would vote the way Frank wants him to should he use the veto. Ian responded with, "Sadly, yes." Frank theorized that if they get rid of Dan this week, that Britney and Shane will  be easier to work with, leaving Danielle who he doesn't consider a threat, alone. 

Throughout the conversation, Ian was trying to take the target off Dan's back as subtly as possible, while Frank was countering with reasons to. Ian seemed to be making headway, saying they need to talk to Mike too; and Frank said he needed to sleep on it.

Concurrently, Britney and Shane were discussing the possibility that he will be the target this week and the doubt that they have the numbers to save him should he be put on the block. Shane related his conversation with Frank where Shane asked for reassurance about being backdoored and Frank replied with, "Don't you trust me?"

Later, around 1:39 am, Ian found Danielle and Britney outside, to tell them about his discussion with Frank. He told them that the new target might be Dan, because Frank is scared of Dan, adding that they to relax and stay cool because it's not a definite yet. They asked him if Frank is gunning for them and replied that he's not scared of Danielle or Britney. Britney queried about the deal that Wil offered Frank; and Ian replied that Wil and Ashley will give Frank their votes and won't go after Frank, Mike or Ian. Ian reiterated that Frank is just considering it and more likely won't use it, repeating that they need to relax. Ian doesn't want them to say anything to Dan because it will snowball and he will be exposed. 

Meanwhile, around 2 am in the storage room, the Tits Alliance were, prematurely, celebrating that they've managed to save themselves and get rid of a big player.

2:15 am: Interesting chit chat about the preseason BB leaks, who the coaches were, that there was a "packet" of information pf the newbies when Flipper intervenes; but not before Missyae is given credit for those leaks. Two things Ian had wrong though are: Missyae isn't a "she" and he isn't in ANY WAY connected to Survivor Sucks. If you're looking for Missyae, you can look him on Big Brother Whispers. (Thanks Dale McGill for the heads up!) Ian supposes Willie got this information (about the coaches) through Missyae's connection to Russel Hantz but we know Britney told him. *Join the FB group to see Missyae's answers to what was discussed on the feeds.

There you have it. We went from a predictable day today, to another nail-biter. Will Mike convince Frank to not use the veto or will Frank go with his instincts to put Dan on the block? If that should happen, what will the ensuing drama be and where will the alliances fall?


9:37 AM: Frank and Mike talk alone for the first time. Frank tells Mike about the idea of backdooring Dan. Mike is not with this plan, saying it's too early and dangerous. Frank is pushing to put Dan up, saying he even has Ian's support. Mike questions whether it's wise to be telling Ian what he wants to do. Frank is backtracking, trying to make it sound like Dan was Ian's idea. Mike says that if they do it, and they flip two people, it's came over for them. And we get dunked in the fish tank. When the feeds come back, Mike is saying it's a scary alternative if it doesn't work, it's going to backfire on them whether Dan goes or not. Frank is irate that he has to prove himself to them even though they put him up twice and lied to him.

Shane comes out and the conversation flips to chit chat. When they get a chance to be alone again at 10:14 am, Mike advises Frank to talk to Dan. He emphasizes that he feels better rolling with Dan. Shane comes out and Mike flips the discussion on women and dating.

10:27 AM: Frank and Shane find themselves alone. Frank asks Shane if he trusts everyone in the six. Shane says he does. The only one he had doubts about is Dan, but Danielle has told him that Dan is trustworthy. Shane says that he's in for the F6, and that he doesn't want to ditch Danielle after this but he's not unwilling to get rid of her after that. He adds that he does trust Dan. Shane reassures that he won't be coming after Frank; and the later replies that he trusts Shane. Shane says that his biggest concern was about Boogie not Frank. He adds that when they get to F6, they need to start picking the coaches off. Shane promises Frank his vote, adding that he's good with him, Dan, Danielle and Britney.

Fun fact: Shane tells them he was one of the 50 finalists for Bachelorette one season.

1:49 PM: Dan and Shane are alone outside. Dan says that DR was asking Dan about something in the DR and Flipper intervenes. When the feeds come back Frank tells Dan about his discussion with Wil last night, saying that his name was thrown out as a possibility. Discussion turns to Wil's credibility. Dan finds it interesting. Mike joins them and Frank reveals more of the conversation. It looks like Wil's fate is sealed. Dan says that he will have a great message for Wil.

11:19 AM: Trivia. PoV Ceremony under way. Will the Tits or the Quack Pack be surprised?

12:05 PM: Feeds back.

Looks like nominations stayed the same, from Wil's face. Yes it's confirmed. Danielle and Britney say they're relieved and they were nervous. Britney says it shouldn't have been a concern. Shane says that he was concerned he would be put up.

12:17 PM: Ashley is working on plan B (Keep Wil) by joining Danielle and Britney in the bathroom for some makeup bonding time. She doesn't know that they know what she and Wil tried to do.

12:32 PM: Britney tells Dan that he was a viable option of being put on the block last night. He tells them there's nothing to be scared about. Britney tells him that he needs to win HoH next, that the alliance of 6 won't work.  He says they need not to worry he won this game, he's "in tune" and to not underestimate themselves. Ashley has rejoined them so talk turns to chatter.
1:13 PM: Ian takes a moment to fill Dan in on last night's discussion in HoH and his part in it. It's quick pithy discussion. They move the pool with Danielle and Ian fills them in on the rest of the discussion. Dan says that he appreciates Ian's help.
1:28 PM: The Quack Pack minus Shane are at the pool. In the kitchen, Joe is looking worried and Jenn is chatting about food...

1:37 PM: Joe joins Frank in HoH. Joe asks him about something Wil told him last night, saying that he "worked Frank" and Joe was coming off the block. Frank tells him about Wil's proposal but he decided against it because it would have come back to bite him. Frank says that Joe is safe and that it was wise asking everyone for votes all together. It's a brief meeting.

3:20 PM: Mad Vote Gathering Cooking Lesson with Chef Joe.

4:10 PM: Dan takes some time to mist Frank, thanking him for not putting him up. He adds that Danielle has been with him the whole time and he would like to take her farther but if she needs to be cut, she will be. He adds that he prefers to get rid of the floppers who don't do anything in the game. Talk moves onto Shane, how he's good at competitions and for this reason would not be good to take to the end. Frank says that he wants to get to the end with him and Mike. Dan says he wants someone to win who deserves and he will vote this way should he get to jury.

Dan asks Frank about Danielle; and Frank replies that though Danielle lied to him about her vote, he thinks she's a "golden girl". Dan then asks who Frank is leaning toward evicting and the latter replies Wil. Then Dan pretends not to know who Ian would put up; and Frank replies that Ian wants to get out the floaters (meaning the floppers). Dan is doing a good job checking whether Ian has been saying the same things to them and Frank. Dan says that Ashley would be a dream final 5 or 4 which totally contradicts what he said earlier about competitors. Franks agrees at first but then says he doesn't want to see a floater make it to the end.

Dan continues to probe Frank, asking him who he's least sure about in the six. Franks says Britney because she lies and can get in people's ears, qualifying that he thinks that the can get Shane on their side. Dan continues by asking Frank about who he would want to go next; Frank replies Jenn and Joe (though he's talked about Shane, Britney and Dan). How real this conversation is, we don't know. It's more of an information recon mission or an interview run by Dan who knows how to read between the lines, so we will see.

Dan wonders if they can get someone else to put up Shane and Britney so they don't have to worry about doing it themselves, like Ian. Is Dan working Frank or is he selling his alliance out? Who knows?

Stay tuned! :)