Sunday, August 26, 2012

BB14: Chum Baths and Chump Moves

Here's the situation in the game right now. Jenn has won PoV (maybe they should have put her on the block earlier in the season) and, as of now, is not planning on using it. The target for eviction is still Dan who is stuck in Raver's Solitary for the rest of the day today. His so-called allies, meanwhile, have given up on him, cutting their ties (on a game level) and accepting his demise. In order for Dan to have any hope of staying this week, he has to drastically change his game, and shank his alliance. He has the ammunition: Ian's betrayal of Mike and Frank, Britney's pushing for Frank's eviction and Shane's targeting Frank in both his HoHs. The only way Dan can make it in this game is to somewhat change his game play and get out of chill-mode and into full-blown Ninja Warrior mode.

Though AGP put in place some safety nets for the vets this season and last, the vest face an uphill battle because their game play is known, has been discussed and can be used against them. In order to override that, they need to change it and go against the flow of expectation. This is why Rachel was able to not only stay in the game, against all odds and despite her lingering reputation, but to win it. Last year was not only a year of personal redemption for Rachel; it was a redemption of her as a BB player. She kept her fierceness in competitions but also learned from her past mistakes and changed her social game as well.

This is something that Britney is doing this year. Despite the fact that she is a vet, the target on her back has not been as great. She's been able to use her mad social skills to forge relationships with everyone in the house, allowing her to somewhat shake off the vet stigma. If she can throw a couple of competition wins under her belt, she has a chance at redemption too this season. She's gotten close in a couple of competitions and stands a great chance in winning an Endurance competition. If she can ride the males' tendency to go after one another and keep the other two girls in the game close, she has a chance of making it to the end.

On a human level, it's really rough to witness such a lack of loyalty and gratitude in the house. Dan completely took the heat for the Quack Pack, especially Ian, last week thus making himself a huge target this week. Frank is under the misapprehension that Dan is solely responsible not only for Mike's eviction but in forcing Ian to nominate Frank and Ashley during the D.E. last Thursday. Ian, at least, owes Dan a fighting chance by working on Jenn to use the veto. Instead he along with the rest of the Quack Pack have accepted that Dan will be the first casualty, not even trying to put up a fight. That's quite the chump move. It's what's best for their game for sure, but it makes me sour towards them, just a little bit.

Here's some chum bath, just for the hell of it.. (The list of punishments are in the previous post.) Dan is expected to be released from solitary around 6 pm PST. I'm looking forward to his conversation with Frank. The rest is moot. Everyone in the house, sadly, eagerly or thankfully, expects that Dan will be evicted Thursday. Hey, AGP? How about a FF this week? Just sayin'

4:24 PM: Dan is free! Now watching for his talk with Frank... A little later he goes to the Arcade Room and lies down with a towel on his head... He's pretending to be sick. He lifts the towel, smiles and winks at the camera.

Stay tuned! :)