Thursday, July 12, 2012

BB14: The Hours Before

It's finally arrived! July 12th is here and in just a few long hours of anticipation the show will air at 9 PM EST and a few hours after that, the feeds will go live!!!

As we perform our premiere day rituals, stocking up on snacks, getting in some naps, going to the gym to strengthen our core, taking a few hours to enjoy the outside world before we go into BB hibernation, saying goodbye to our friends and families, I'd like to take a moment.

Let us remember that above all else we love this game and all its flavors: the elation, the dread, the anticipation, the frustration, the glee, the sadness, the disappointment, the victory.

Let us remember that it is a game of people stuck in house for 3 months with each other, undergoing extreme homesickness, loneliness, frustration, confusion, elation, disappointment, grief and glee.

Let us remember that though we will have our favorites, though we will be sorely disappointed or angry or even disgusted by some actions, that these people are just that. Human beings with families, friends, loved ones, rivals, colleagues, neighbors, dreams, goals, expectations, fears, hang-ups, quirks, talents and faults. They are no different from us, just in a different situation than us.

So as Big Brother 14 begins, let us have the fortitude to keep all this in mind and not shatter ourselves, each other or them in the process.

This is my BB prayer. :)

Stay tuned.