Thursday, July 3, 2014

BB16: Lost in Translation

So last night around 10:35 pm BBT, one drama spiraled out of control while another found it's dubious resolution.

Earlier in the evening, around 8 pm BBT, Devin decided to confront a confused and uncomfortable Amber about her doing his boy Caleb wrong in front of an equally confused and uncomfortable Nicole. Amber would have none of his bully tactics, telling him she didn't appreciate him coming at her like that when she didn't do anything wrong.

This send Amber into a crying fit, prompting Frankie, Victoria, and Nicole to comfort her. Turns out Amber said nothing that Devin reported to Caleb who immediately acted like a 14 year old, taking it to heart and lashing out against Amber. The four convinced Amber to talk to Caleb but she went to the WC to compose herself, followed by Paola and Jacosta who tried to calm her down. Frankie went to the Beehive aka Caleb's Hissy Fit room to tell him that Amber insisted she said nothing of what Devin had reported and that she was crying in the bathroom.

Caleb, ever being the gentleman, told Frankie to fetch her. Umm, move your ass Caleb and go find her yourself. Frankie did so and after a bit of cajoling from the 3 others in the WC, Amber went to Lord Caleb to give him a hug and hash things out. They talked for about an hour with Caleb rehashing his much repeated list of grievances: We danced to Florida Georgia Line. You wore my hat. We ate salmon together. I found you cookie dough. I was going to "carry you"  (like a sack of potatoes... ahem she threw the first HoH Endurance to Frankie. Carry her?) to the end. Blah blah Blah. Amber did her best to explain the misunderstanding caused by Devin's lies. I fear though that what Amber said and what Caleb heard were two different things. This is my interpretation of how it went.

Amber: I love everybody and want to be friends with everyone in the house.
Caleb hears: I love you especially but can't declare my undying love for you yet.

Amber: I consider you my best guy friend
Caleb hears: I want you to be my boyfriend after the show but shhh.

Amber: We're here to play a game. I'm not into having that kind of relationship.
Caleb hears: We'll date after the show.

Maybe this will work out. Maybe Caleb will let go of his grade-school perspective of relationships, easily hurt feelings and ego, actually getting that Amber is not that into him. I doubt it. He went as far as to tell her that he was entertaining cutting her from the alliance. He then said it was a joke but it wasn't when he said it. If I were Amber I would make sure he is out of the house ASAP.

He's not a monster. He's a tortured soul who is not benefiting from the BB environment at all. Again, I blame the casting decisions. Their ever-pressing need to fulfill stereotypical roles is resulting in unethical choices. It took all of 6 days for Caleb to come unglued. This would no doubt have been apparent in his tests. Yet, they still cast him. They saw him as a source of drama and he delivered. Unethical casting. I mean how hard would it be to make sure that no one who is on psychiatric medication is cast? But no, people who need medication to remain stable are perfect candidates for this "social experiment". Which brings us to the other figure in the center of all the insane and unnecessary drama - Devin and his alleged bipolar condition.

After creating this clusterfuck in Caleb's mind and between him and Amber, Devin decides it's time to apologize to Donny for misunderstanding him and making Caleb nominate the older man for eviction. Devin doesn't stop there. He calls a house meeting. Dude. It's. Day. 14!

So he gathers everyone in the living room, except Donny who stays in bed and the pair in the beehive room who still have to rehash this agonizing episode of He said/I said/I heard. He tells them that he wronged Donny, that he made Caleb nominate him, that he intends to play a game of integrity and honesty for his daughter. He repeats himself a lot but mercifully it is short. On the one hand, I feel sorry for this messed up dude who should not have been cast, on the other I'm trying to figure out WTF is going on.

The result of this meeting? Devin blew up Caleb's game and by almost unanimous consent, Devin needs to be the next to go. Well there you have it. I do agree though that for their own good, it's best that Devin and Caleb be taken out of the game, so they can see to their inner stability.

Stay tuned!