Monday, March 10, 2014

BBCA2: Let the Cluster Begin

One HG evicted, a new HoH, and chaos has crashed down onto the house. Andrew originally nominated Paul and Neda with Kyle being the backdoor target. After Kenny won PoV and took Neda off the block, Andrew's plan came to fruition. This prompted Adel to say he "gave up" after 3 days of ranting, raving and terrorizing the volatile Sabrina. Lawd, the drama. Between Adel's rages, mooing taunts of Sabrina and her crying fests, it's making it entertaining for the feedsters. Well, when they're not causing the feeds to black out...

So where does everyone stand now?

Top Shenanigans ratings (meaning the ones with the worst games) go to Adel, Kyle, Paul and Sabrina this week. The three man Destructo Team have done nothing but ensure that one of them, probably Kyle, go home this week. They get gold stars for alienating everyone in the house with their ghoulish behaviour, burning more bridges than Genghis Khan and painting huge targets on their backs. Paul's obvious attempts to manipulate people have backfired. His "plan" to make himself a villain to go to F2 is hilarious. Kyle's decision to ally with one of the most obnoxious people in the house, Adel, has made him the focus of eviction. His game is not smart and his physique is not helping him. Andrew wants to be the one with the biggest 'guns' in the house.

But why is Sabrina is this dubious grouping? She ties with Adel in Drama Queen of the week. They've been going at each other since practically the beginning of the game. Her terrible hysterics after each episode have inspired sympathy to her face but annoyance behind her back. It's doubtful that they will tolerate her ceaseless need for reassurance and being in the spotlight of attention. Blech. Glad I can turn her off.

Who's playing the best game so far? Arlie is, as predicted. He put on a great show of heroic loss during the HoH competition, is well liked by everyone in the house including the Destructo Trio and has not been mentioned as a target by anyone. He's also considered as an ally by the Jon, Kenny, Rachelle and Ika foursome as well as the Andrew, Sabrina and Sarah threesome who with Arlie and Kenny have formed an early alliance. That leaves Heather and Neda floating around like rafts in the rapids. Heather's not trusted but tolerated. Ika is trying to form a girl's alliance. We all know how well that works in BB... They're not in any immediate danger but if one of the girls gets HoH, look to one of them being nominated.

What of the secret trio? Scott's need to be stage center will no doubt cause huge drama in the house which might work for or against him. He's got a crush on half the boys in the house which might not be well-received. Allison is an astute observer and mellow chick. She will almost certainly cause a huge wave of jealousy among most of the girls should she walk into the house. Nate has the most laid-back personality which will probably cause him not to be voted in. Should he however make it in, he probably has the most chances of not being an immediate target. I would like to see Allison go into the game because she might shake things up in the catty house.

Wow! Week 2, game on!

Stay tuned! :)