Monday, March 3, 2014

Bring Sexy Back!

Yup! It's me! I decided to blog BBCA 2 deep from the tundra that I and the HGs are living in. I've had a chance to read up and watch the new BBCA houseguests and here are my first impressions.

 Adel Elseri or as John Travolta would call him Idina Menzell or as he calls himself "The People's Champ". I have a feeling he will be more chump than champ and the others will be chomping at the bit to oust him. He's going to go with the boys unless they hate him, then he will go with the girls. I say he will go early.

Right away, I take a liking to Arlie Shaban or Shazam as I will probably call him. He's a die-hard fan with a laid-back vibe. But he's planning on backstabbing, showmancing and lying his way through the game. His word is 'adapt and if he does succeed in adapting he might Shazam his way to the end.

Neda Kalantra is planning on playing a social game by antagonizing everyone with her bluntness and laughing in their face. Yup, Drama Queen. She might fall victim to a showmance with "the people's champ" but she'll have to smother him in disinfectant once her OCD kicks in. She will be joy to live with but I'm sure the drama she will cause will amuse the feedsters. She has a 50/50 chance of making it to the end.

Paul Jackson, the daddy of the cast, doesn't like fake people or whiners. Don't look up Paul, cause Neda is both. That should make for fun interactions. He's got a nice solid vibe; if he can maintain his cool, his chances are good.

Heather Decksheimer's voice immediately gets on my nerves. I have to take a break after 6 seconds of her video. She's like Jordan Lloyd on Red Bull. Nope, not for me. Her bubbly "super fun" nails-on-chalkboard personality is not my thang. She will immediately latch on to some male and ride his coat-tails.

Andrew Gordon, the Canadian edition, says he can read people but doesn't like opinionated people like himself. In other words he's the only one that should have an opinion. He likes to be the center of attention. What better place for that than in the eviction chair huh?

Anick Gervais is going to try to lay low, "if that's possible" by "bartering body massages" for safety. Ask JoJo Spatafora how well the bartering system works in the BB house. She's a "spiritual 5 year old" which probably means a lot of esoteric temper tantrums.... Oy! I'm sensing a trend here folks. The women are super annoying so far.

Kenny Brain (seriously? BRAIN?) is a male model (for beards?) He's into Cougars and I'm into the nearest paper bag. Is he going to endearingly quirky or acutely creepy? He's not going to "divulge his sexuality", planning on using it later down the road. WTF does that mean? He seems shrewd and if he can dial down the odd, he might have a good chance of making it.

Ika Wong. Well this pose says it all doesn't it?  She's a mom and most identifies with Danielle Reyes. She doesn't like conservative, type A personalities, meaning she is one, meaning there will be conflict, especially since she doesn't "back down" and "it comes naturally to just insult people". Oh boy! Gotta love drama! If she can keep her mouth in check (LMAO), she will probably barrel through the competition or get flattened like the Coyote with his own inventions.

Jon Pardy is a self-proclaimed goofball who won't back down. His sense of humor and unpretentious manner will probably take him a long way as long as he forgets about his scrappiness and doesn't jump into the inevitable fray. On first impression, he's a pretty likable guy which probably means nothing, because we all know the BB house chemically changes people.

First words out of Sarah Miller's mouth is that she doesn't "get along with bitches or bullies"" (emphasis on the bitches). Oh, boy! She doesn't like when people are purposely mean or cruel, so she should get along perfectly with Ika and Neda. I think we're in for some fireworks this season of BBCA... If she can just ignore the drama, she might have a chance, but who am I kidding?

Sabrina Abbate is planning on getting to the guys through their stomach, the girls through their vanity and generally through cleaning the house.She's planning on laying low in the competitions until jury time and then go for HoHs. So if her social game pans out and she does have competition chops, this is the one to look out for!

Kyle Shore or Canada's Lane is down to earth and doesn't seem to take any shit. He's probably going to hang with the boys, flex his muscles and probably rope in a filly or two. Hopefully, he won't emulate the shower escapades...  If he doesn't get into a solid alliance, he will be one of the first to go simply because his massive physique might intimidate the less physical.

Rachelle Diamond hates girls with squeaky voices *coughHeathercough* and is planning on toning down her loud, talkative personality. Yeah right! Another person who can be very confrontational and seems quite competitive. I don't get a clear read on her yet, but so far, I'm not too hopeful...

Well, here we have it. A house full of cray cray. Happy season 2 everyone! :)

Stay tuned! :)