Frankie and Zach had a preliminary conversation in the beehive room shortly after the feeds came back after the show. After some back and forth, they decided Frankie is to put up Donny and Hayden so that Zach remains HoH and Zach to put up Victoria and Jacosta with Caleb as the backdoor plan. Seems straightforward, right?
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The Detonators after Zach is done with them. |
This set Zach off on an anti-Christine tear, deciding that she does nothing for the Detonators, and should be ousted. He approached Hayden with the same proposition (to throw BotB) and after some hemming and hawing, Hayden said okay but told Christine and Nicole that he wasn't throwing anything. Zach decided he now wanted to put up Christine because she had to "take one for the team", saying they need to get Amber out.
Being a natural saboteur, Zach decided to talk to Caleb, telling him that he's heard from several people that Amber is gunning for Zach, so he's putting her up. Caleb wanted no part of this because it's putting a wrench in his Get Amber Alone in Jury creeper plan. Zach wound up telling Caleb that it was Christine, Nicole, Hayden and Frankie that told him this. Caleb reassured him that it wasn't the case, but that he would talk to Amber. Zach emphasized that Caleb not tell Amber who those people are.
Caleb made a bee-line for Amber, telling her everything that Zach said, including who the 4 people were who threw her under the bus. Amber insisted that she wasn't gunning for Zach but should he put her up, all bets are off. She got irritated with this information that people she trusted were stabbing her in the back, and being naive, with little understanding of the game or powers of observation, she approached Christine and Hayden telling them what Caleb said. They immediately snitched on her to Zach and Frankie.
Amber then declared to Christine and Derrick that she wasn't going to talk to anyone in the allaince. DOH! Caleb tried to wrangle her into the beehive room, but she would have no part in it. This set him off on an anti-Amber campaign declaring to anyone who would listen that Amber needs to go, he's done with her, Cody can "have her back" and the rest of his misogynistic bull shit. He finally went up to Zach, Derrick and Frankie to tell them he's on board with getting Amber out, suggesting they backdoor her. He's a prince! As soon as he left, they agreed they need to backdoor him.
Amber had a talk with Hayden who tried to do damage control with Caleb and her because his name got thrown out. Amber told him she didn't believe Hayden threw her under the bus (Double DOH!) and that she has always wanted to work with him. This prompted Hayden to have second thoughts about her, and suggested to Zach, Frankie and Derrick that they go after Caleb instead.
Are you dizzy yet? I'm trying to make some sense of the whirlwind events of last night as a lot of these happened concurrently.
The Detonators watched Zach like someone who recently escaped a maximum security asylum, each trying to reign him in. That didn't work. He changed his mind several times after talking to various people including Cody who said it was better to take out Amber. WHAT? He was pissed at himself for not nominating Caleb and backdooring him this past eviction. This after he went on an anti-Zach tear because Amber told him Nicole told her that Zach told Nicole that the BS was still active and she was on the outs. My head exploded at that point. And I turned off the feeds.
It went around and around until they decided that Zach put up Nicole & Christine (he will get into an argument with Christine staged by TA w/o his knowledge) Frankie will put up Victoria & Jacosta. The change now is that Frank wants to dethrone Zach because he's unstable. The renom and backdoor possibilities are: Zach, Amber or Caleb. Yup. You saw that right. Zach.
Of course all that is subject to change. Interesting to note that Derrick washed his hands of this situation telling Zach to do what's best for his game.
Anyway, Zach's manic episode last night was amusing to watch, along with his demonic laughter and HoHitis, however, he's done nothing unpredictable. Four girls are going up, Amber is his target and if she doesn't win PoV, she will more than likely be going home.
This is probably for the best that she leave before jury if Caleb stays in the game, because he's trashed her game, her standing in the house and has very unhealthy intentions towards her.
Stay tuned! :)