Friday, August 24, 2012

BB14: The Unsinkable Frank Eudy!

Frank has done it again! He has been on the block 5 times and HoH 3; it's indisputable that when he has to, he can pull out all the stops to stay in the game, other than the time that he was saved by AGP when the coaches came in.

It's 4: 45 AM PDT, Danielle and Jenn are still up discussing Ian and his undercover entity in the game. As it stands Frank will be nominating Dan and Danielle for eviction. They are discussing outing Ian to Frank who seems to have forgiven Ian for putting him and Ashley up on the block last night for the second eviction. Ian told him him he was pressured into these nominations and got flustered during the DE. Jenn reassures Danielle that she will talk to Frank and see what she can to help.

Last night, after the HoH reveal, around 1:19 AM, Jenn and Britney are the only two left in the room. Frank says, smiling, he can't believe that "little joker" (Ian) put him up). Shortly after Britney asks Jenn to talk to Frank alone. Britney promises him that should she win HoH next, she won't be putting him on the block. Frank says that he's going to put Dan and Danielle up. Britney says that she understands, that if she will be voting to keep Danielle. She adds that she would like that he would roll with the four, but she understands if he doesn't want to. Frank says he can't trust Dan because he's responsible for Mike and Ashley leaving. Britney doesn't disavow him of this. He adds that should Dan somehow come off the block, Frank will be pushing for Danielle to go as his closest ally.

Frank says that he can't trust Dan because he's been lying and pressured Ian to go against Mike. Britney, again does not tell him the truth about Ian. She says that she likes Ian and talks to him because she likes him. Frank gets a little heated, saying it wasn't fair to put so much pressure on Ian and make him believe that he was expendable and he couldn't win anything. He blames Dan for everything. Again, Britney says nothing, protecting Ian and leaving Dan exposed.

Frank wants assurance from Britney that she won't continue to influence Ian and "scumbag" him. Britney tells him that she has always been there for Ian as a person but has never tried to influence Ian. We know this is a lie; but it's a lie that's necessary in the game. Frank again insists that it was a horrible thing of Dan to pressure Ian to put Frank and Ashley up. Britney says, she understands why Frank doesn't trust Dan, she likes him and he's never lied to her. Frank points that Dan is a liar as is evidenced by the "fact" that Dan did no say anything when he was confronted about telling Shane that Frank and Mike wanted to  put Britney and Shane on the block. (It was Ian). Yet again, Britney does not tell Frank the truth. She has clearly made her choice. It makes sense for her to get Dan out because that ensures Danielle's loyalty and takes the target off her back.

Britney tells him that Frank's had the hardest time in the history of BB, and should he make it to the end, he has this hands down. She repeats that should she win HoH next week, he's safe. Frank pushes her for a longer commitment than one week. Britney tells him that she will 100% vote for Danielle to stay. She adds that it's a good strategic move for her to get rid of Dan because she cannot beat him. Frank asks if it was mostly Dan who went against Mike and pushed for Frank to be put on the block.. Britney says she doesn't want to throw anyone under the bus and to ask Ian. Frank asks her a little later if she wants to roll with the four to the end. (I am assuming it's Frank, Ian, Britney and Shane?)

When Ian talks to Frank alone, shortly after 2 am, he agrees that in order to get Dan out, Danielle needs to be on the block with Dan. He adds that he does not like Joe but putting him up would be risky. Ian says that he didn't want to vote Mike out, or put Frank and Ashley on the block, but he was pressured, putting the blame on Dan. Ian says that he wants to bring Britney to final 4 but not Shane.

It's interesting to watch Ian play the floater's strategy so well, and do so without being called out by anyone, including those who know his secrets. But will Danielle blow his cover?  Could this is the end of the Quack Pack.? Have Britney and Ian jumped ship? Or could this be another strategy to lull Frank and depending on what happens during the PoV competition, bank on putting Joe up as a renomination? Who knows? There are many variables, conversations and events to determine what's happening.

Shortly after 3 am, Danielle has a chance to talk to Frank alone. after he finds her crying in the bathroom. Frank tells her, straight-up that she and Dan are going up. He says that his target is Dan but if he wins PoV, Danielle will have to go. She responds that if Dan goes then she's willing to work with Frank. (The feeds keep skipping at this point so it's hard to put together a cohesive conversation.) During this conversation, Danielle implies that this situation (that Dan is to blame) is not the way things are. She doesn't directly expose Ian. Danielle says that should Dan go, then she will have no one in the game. Frank says that he's in the same position. He thinks he has Ian, but he did put him up. Could these two be working toward an F2 alliance? She tells him that he would be "her Dan" meaning that her allegiance be to him. (The feeds have been skipping and rewinding constantly during this time.)

It's interesting to watch Frank play without Mike, seeing how he sets up alliances, talks to people, and makes deals. Speaking of Mike, I would like to officially say that he took his eviction well. He laughed at Britney's goodbye message, which was the most hilarious to date, and he tipped his hat when Ian revealed it was him who orchestrated his demise. I will tip my hat to Mike Boogie. He handled it with class, redeeming him in my eyes. I have been quite critical of the things he's said while in the game, and  I won't apologize for that; but I give credit where credit is due, and Mike showed us that, ultimately, he is a good sport. Well done Mike Boogie!

Well, this week is going to another interesting one in the BB house. As we all know, things change from day to day, from competition to competition. Dan hasn't talked to Frank alone yet, neither has Jenn. If Ian's cover is blown, that might also change the nominations today. The PoV competition is set for Saturday, so the game might reset by then, too. There are just too many variables in place at the moment.  The thing I don't get is the supposed rule that an HoH is not allowed to tell someone directly that he/she is going to be nominated. But we all know those AGP rules are liquid.

8:31 M: Jenn joins Frank in HoH. He tells her he's planning on putting up Dan and Danielle etc. He says he just wants to go after one team at a time, that putting up someone other than Britney and Shane, it will ensure his votes. The rest of the time, he goes on about how Dan is not a nice guy because he rooting against him. Jenn is cool with the plan and voting Dan out. So far she hasn't said anything about Ian. Step it up peeps! I need a nap. :)

When we come back from an extended visit with the fishies....

We're tossed back into the tank a moment later. Wet from our swim, we climb out into the backyard. Shane, Ian and Frank are the only ones chatting about penis size... Look slik they are on outside lock down... New table?? The chatter turns to an extended dip in the tank...

9:51: Something fishy is going on... OK! It's been 40 minutes and I'm really sleepy lol... BBS! :)

It's 12:51 PM BBT: I'm awake and here's the status of the house. They got a smaller table. They got matzo balls and mozzarella.. Seems like Dan is the only have not (he volunteered.) Dan remains the target and the whipping boy. No one has set Frank straight about Ian's part in the deception. Shane and Frank have come to an  "understanding" to work together. Is this a real alliance? Who the hell knows? Dan has yet to talk with Frank alone. Also, looks like Pandora's Box is a-coming too... Will it be good or bad for Frank? Will it save Dan?
1:21 PM: Trivia... Still trivia almost an hour and a half later...

3:05 PM: Feeds back. Britney has won something that will affect the game. Dan is ready to rat Ian out. Ian joins Frank and Britney and pretends to feel bad and is full of bravado. Ian cannot play in the veto. The target is still Dan.

See the gold ball in his hand? That's what he won. Ian has a lot of nervous energy which makes Frank doubt him about working together. Frank won 3k. Ian won't use the power because Frank has told him Britney will go up.

Shane quickly checks in with Dan and Danielle. Dan asks if Joe and Jenn knew what he meant when he said during Pandemonium box to Ian that he would rat him out. Dan seems to think this new development is giving them a better shot to keep all the QP safe... I"m not sure how yet. They hope that Frank doesn't nominate Ian. Dan says there are two people he can't nominate... Britney joins them to brainstorm strategy. Dan tells Shane and Brit to leave so they don't get caught. Yup. The QP is strong!

Here's what I'm surmising. The power allows Ian to veto one of the nominees, Dan. Ian and that person will be safe. Then two other QP members will be put up. If another QP member wins the veto and takes down one of them, then Joe or Jenn will be put up and be evicted by the QP.

3:37 PM: Frank has joined Danielle and Dan. They are talking about the PB. Frank was stuck in HoH but couldn't see what was going on in the yard. It seems they were getting rained on with things. Sounded a little chaotic. Dan says that it was a fun challenge but it got ugly and in two seasons, this is the first time he is embarrassed in his actions. They don't talk about game, really. No mention of Ian.

I don't know if nominations will happen today or not. I will update any new conversations should they happen (namely between Frank and Dan, or Dan and Ian.)

Continuing with the feed chaos... 3/4 are on trivia with audio. Frank is talking to Jenn that he doesn't trust Ian. He is saying that it bothers him that "they" used intimidation against Ian to vote against Mike. We know that's not what happened. Frank thinks that Ian is so weak and emotional that he can't stand up to them. Jenn says she wants to keep the lines of communication with him, yada yada...

4:06 PM: Dan joins Frank. Dan tells him that Mike pulled him into the storage room to tell Dan that Frank is a warrior and to look out for him. Dan says that he completely understands what's going to go down but should he survive, he won't come gunning for him. Dan adds that if he survives to be open to anything. Frank says he would be open to that. Dan says he doesn't believe that he would be staying against anyone. Frank says he doesn't know about that. He adds that he doesn't like this situation. Frank adds that he has always thought Dan was a great player.

Dan says that he did not handle Frank's connection with Boogie, implying he was jealous. Frank says he was looking forward to working with the 2 of them. They both have high praises for Frank. Dan wraps it up that should he survive, it won't be a blood bath. He says that he has no hard feelings. Frank says that he hopes he doesn't miss and he doesn't like it because talking with him right now make shim second guess himself. Dan repeats that should he survive, they can work together without letting the others know. They wrap it up, shake hands and hug, Dan wishes him good luck with noms.

4:37 AM: Britney goes up to HoH. After some Dan discussion, Fran brainstorms about who to put up. He is thinking of putting up Dan and Ian. Britney says that might backfire. She says that Ian will not take it well. Ian will not be able to play the veto and he would be leaving a spot open. She she working hard to stop him from putting up Ian. Britney says that should she go up on the block, she doesn't have a hope in staying. They agree that Ian won't use the power. Britney tells him that Ian has not even talked to Dan today.

4:45 PM: Trivia. Let the nominations begin! And now fish... I guess not. Great fake out Button Boy! Feeds come back 10 minutes later and nothing's changed. Thank you Button Boy for feeding into our paranoia. Britney and Frank are chit chatting. Joe and Jenn are in the living room talking about drugs.

5:09 PM: Trivia. Again. Nominations
6:39 PM: Feeds back... Dan and Danielle are the nominees as expected. The house is calm with a lot of chatting... Now onto the PoV competition and how that shakes out.

Until Tomorrow! :)

P.S. You notice that commenting has been turned off on my blog. I have said at the beginning of the season that should negativity come knocking at my blog door, I will be slamming it shut. I'm very sorry to the other awesome commentators who have to suffer because of one or two people. I encourage you to join our BB Shenanigans FB Group and another great FB group BB Whispers; and I want to take a moment to thank all of you for your positive support and interesting perspectives! Namaste! :)