I have never been one to go with the majority of public opinion, not because I'm rebelling, but because I have a soft spot for the underdog and the outcast. I can relate to their struggles; and the bigger the crowd against them becomes, the bigger my support does. Oddly, it's always been female players that have found themselves the target of constant ridicule, disdain and, sometimes, hatred. Michele Noonan, Rachel Reilly and now, most recently, Danielle.
Michele and Rachel have survived, despite the fact that they were on complete and constant blast during their seasons and have gone on to have productive and fulfilling lives, but it was a bumpy road for them in the house and after they came out of the house. It will be the same for Danielle. I hope she has a big enough and strong enough support system to help her through it.
Whenever anyone uses the "they signed up for it" excuse or "they brought it on themselves", I say, no. They signed up to be on one of the most mind-screwing games on TV. They may or may not have gone into this expecting the massive public and personal character assassinations that they got, are getting and will get, but I don't think they or their families realized to what extent this scrutiny can cause damage. I wish all of them luck.
Now onto the game. I'll give Allison Grodner this. She surprised us. I'm not sure the surprise was a welcome one for some, but a surprise it was. My first clue was during the show when they took the time, among story fillers, to include a heart-warming segment about Frank Eudy's family, especially his dad, known as Sid Vicious. There was no corresponding segment on Joe.
Interesting. AGP knew two things: 1- Frank was the one most likely to be evicted 2-The coaches would have the option of coming into the game. This segment both set the audience up to root for Frank's last minute reprieve or ensure the votes (like they count, but anyway) for his return should the coaches not go into the game.
This "choice" was a fiasco. Instead of giving the coaches a chance to convene and come up with a consensus, they asked them to vote individually. To further ensure that the coaches would come into the game, they set the rule that only one coach voting "reset" would reset the game. And only one coach had the honesty to admit it, despite being one of three who hit the button. It's now become funny to what lengths AGP will go to push their agenda.
Now onto the actual game being played in the house. Danielle won HoH after a grueling and long (about time!) Endurance Competition. She become HoH in a climate of rebellion, anger and resentment because the newbies were saddled with 4 more players. Her closest and most trusted ally blundered and let the cat out of the bag to Mike that Frank was on his way out. This has turned all of Mike's and Frank's wrath against Danielle; but she forgave Dan telling him she will not turn her back on him.
There now remains the decision of who to put up on the block. Around 2:21 AM BBT, Danielle and her alliance, Dan, Britney and Shane, stayed behind after everyone left HoH to brainstorm the possibilities: who they can trust most in a house of untrustworthy people and who the biggest threats are. Despite Danielle's dislike and distrust of Janelle, she listened to advice and decided to pull Janelle to their side, for now.
Danielle followed through with this when she brought Janelle up to HoH around 4:02 AM, to get an idea about where she stands. After clearing up some personal issues, Danielle tested the waters about Janelle's opinion on Frank, Wil and Boogie and how Janelle thinks the votes would play out, while deflecting all of Janelle's attempts at getting information from her. Danielle told her that she's the only one with whom she will be making any deals, except for honoring her promise not to put Ian up. Janelle, not surprisingly, is all aboard the Frank Eviction train. Choo choo.
As it stands right now, Frank is going to be nominated but who will share the spot is still up in the air, with Wil being the prime candidate.
As of 10:03 AM BBT, Mike and Frank are outside ragging on everyone in the house, starting with Ian, moving onto Wil, Jenn, Danielle, Janelle, Britney, Dan and the list goes on. They are a pair of bitter betties because they were almost blindsided last night; and no one blindsides the great and powerful Oz! Mike says he wants to roll like Willie.
They are both raging. Frank is irate that his name has been dragged through the mud when he has been playing an honest game, forgetting that he was all set to stab Shane in the back, should things have gone according to their plans. Frank wants to call out Dan, Janelle and Wil; and this is further fueled by Joe who comes out to run Wil, Danielle, Britney and the others who were trying to save him over with a Mac truck.
11:27 AM: BB calls an outside lock down while Mike is still fuming, planning on having "meetings" with people out in the open. Way to turn up the drama BB! They all go outside. Mike and Frank sit apart from the rest, choosing not to put their money where their mouths have been all morning. Awkward... Chit chat is sporadic interspersed with awkward silences. The calm before the storm.
12:17 PM: They call in Inside Lock Down. Let the scheming begin! Britney ad Danielle go upstairs. Britney asks her who she's thinking of putting up, and the latter replies Frank and Wil.
Ian comes up shortly after. He wants to get away from the rest of the house. He seems very alienated. Britney asks him if he would vote against his "team". Ian says he knows he will have to soon and that his only friend in the house is Frank. (Wrong answer Ian.) They are trying to figure out where Ian stands in the house. He replies that he tries not to open his mouth because it gets him in trouble.
Britney tells him she likes and trusts him but she doesn't know where his alliances are. Danielle asks him if he would hold a grudge if one of his friends (Frank) are put on the block. Ian replies he wouldn't, They are also trying to suss out his allegiance to Mike. Ian says that the only word he's given was to Shane. Dan joins them, asks if he should leave but they all say he's fine.
Britney tells Dan that Ian doesn't want to be a free agent. Dan tells him that he wants to ally with Ian but he's worried about the team concept. Ian says that everything has been flipped. He's worried that Mike is no longer with him, and feels distrust. Britney keeps pushing whether Ian would still vote with Mike. Dan asks Ian if they were to be an alliance if he would keep it hush hush. Ian says that it would be a good idea.
Looks like they are working toward bringing Ian into their alliance and Ian seems to be for it. Ian says that he's wanted to ally with them but couldn't because of the teams. They are asking questions about what Ian would do mostly targeting his allegiance to Frank and Mike and whether the latter would support him or Frank. Ian says that he's beaten Frank in both physical competitions. Britney makes sure to drive it home that Mike told her yesterday that he's working with Frank. Ian replies, "The sky is blue." Britney adds that if Ian commits to this alliance he has to be unwavering.
Ian: Once I give my word. My word is gold. He basically tells them that he wants to play a clean game. He doesn't want to be alone in the game; and he keeps his word. Britney and Dan say they can work something out. By 12:45 PM, they have moved on to talk about naming their alliance. Ian says that he will tell the others that he was up there to reaffirm that he won't be put up.
I really hope that Danielle would put up Mike with Frank. That way she ensures that one of them goes home, pitting them against each other, splitting the votes, and sending the message that the former coaches are not being favored.
*flips off Flipper*
Dan and Ian talk together a bit more, solidifying an alliance and trust. Let's hope this sticks!
1:00 PM: Ashley comes up to talk to Danielle. Ashley tells her that she's a free agent. Danielle tells her she likes her and hopes that she has her vote, without directly saying who she would put up. Ashley says she's on board even if it is against "quote unquote" her team. She says that this is really a reset button. She wants to have Danielle's support and the latter asks her if she would have safe next week. Ashley says she has Danielle's back. We'll see. They hug it out.
A little later, Dan comes up to fill Danielle in on his discussion with Ian. He thinks that if Ian shakes their hand, he's in. Danielle wonders about this because he's close with Frank. Dan says that he has been trying to see what Ian' allegiance is. Danielle wonders if Frank or Mike will come up to talk to her. Dan says that if they don't she has her nominees. Danielle asks if she should put both of them up, but Dan says not Boogie because the house would vote him out and they need Frank out. (I don't understand the logic.)
Danielle fills him in on her discussion with Ashley, brief as it was. She believes she has Ashley's vote and with Janelle they have the numbers to vote out Frank. Danielle says that this will be Ian's test if he votes with them.
1:40 PM: Britney comes up and tells them they have every reason in the world to put Wil up. She says it's super awkward downstairs and Frank is giving her the stink eye. She's figured out that Wil threw them to the wolves pretending that he was going to vote for Frank to stay but lying to them. She adds that Ashley is stirring the pot saying that Danielle is trying to get deals from everyone and see who they would put up. The three figure this is coming from Janelle. Britney is angry that Wil is getting away with his lies.
1:53 PM: Dan has gotten Shane who's come up to HoH. Britney asks him if he's heard anything and he says no, he's been sleeping. She recycles the Will discussion. Jenn comes up and game talk blocks.
Meanwhile, Frank is telling Mike that he doesn't trust Wil and his version of events.
Jenn finally leaves, shortly after, and the four catch up on information. Britney tells Shane about Ian's offer. They are ;basically everything previously reported. They tell Shane that they didn't let Ian know that the four were already allied. That Dan and Britney told him they would bring Danielle and Shane in. Dan offers to get Ian so that they can talk to him without anyone else knowing and bust his cover.
2:21 PM: Wil comes in frustrated with Frank who told him that he can't trust him anymore. Wil is under the impression that Janelle and Joe let the cat out of the bag about the conspiracy against Frank last week. Shane plays into this asking why Janelle would do this. Talk turns to Janelle's lack of trustworthiness and how she wants to work with Mike, all of a sudden.
Britney goes on to complain about being thrown into the game "against her will", Shane's HoH was squandered and team Britney isn't looking good despite having won 2 of the 3 HoHs thus far.
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Where's Wil's head at? You tell me. |
3:06PM: Joe is up in HoH trying to cover his butt and lie. Shane is vocally not believing him. Britney and Shane leave Joe alone with Danielle to blow out her ear drums as well. Joe is trying to play innocent. He tries to get information from Danielle, telling her he's keeping his promise to Shane and that she's his favorite person in the house. (eye roll) Danielle tells him she's not telling anyone what she's going to do, but that she like him personally. Joe continues his bs. He wants to ally with Danielle and Shane because they have integrity... (I wonder if he would be saying the same thing if Danielle were not HoH.) This conversation is so disingenuous and irrelevant, I'm not going to spend much time on it.
3:43 PM: Ian FINALLY comes upstairs. Danielle asks him about wanting to talk as a group, saying she trusts him and asks him what he thinks. He says the he would feel the odd man out and he would feel badly about turning his back on his former team. Danielle tells him not to feel that way. Ian says that he is planning on taking a bath tonight and that would be a good time for all of them to talk. Danielle tells him she has no deals with anyone, except she's close with Dan, adding that she doesn't want him to feel uncomfortable. He adds that it has to happen though. Danielle reassures him that she will have his back as much as she has Dan's. Ian leaves. BB calls an inside lock down.
3:52 PM: Jenn has come up to talk to Danielle. She's taking about how she strayed loyal to Danielle when the latter was up against JoJo. Flipper intervenes with the fake-out trivia that's been happening all day. When they come back, Danielle is telling her that she's not making deals or telling anyone about what her nominations will be. Jenn tells her that she's good with her, even down the road. This discussion seems honest, as is their affirmation to have each other's backs in the game.
Britney comes up a few minutes later and recaps her argument with Frank and Mike at around 3:40 PM. She tells Danielle that they hate her and Dan. Britney tells Danielle that she told Frank the vote was waffling the whole week because of changing circumstances. Ashley interrupts saying she's coming to hang. They ask her for a few minutes. Danielle wants to know who threw her under the bus. Britney tells her that Frank and Mike won't talk to Danielle unless she goes to talk to them. She also adds that Mike is on a rampage and he doesn't care if he leaves. Danielle says that she won't grovel to them. Britney adds that she told Frank and Mike that she wasn't going to tell them and throw people under the bus. Danielle is now wondering who to put up next to Frank.
It comes out during this discussion that Britney found out that Joe told Frank about the switch in votes. She continues to say that Frank is severely mad at Wil. Danielle is wavering about putting Wil up against Frank. Danielle is wondering if she should put Mike up on the block, but then nixes thinking that he would go before Frank. (Hello? Put both of them up!)
4:25 PM:: Janelle joins Britney and Danielle in HoH. Chit chat. Janelle tells them that Frank came to here asking her to talk, saying that you can't work with too many people in the house. Britney and Danielle find that interesting. Danielle asks Janelle if she likes Frank and the latter responds, "Not in the game." There's not much game talk, except Danielle told Janelle that there are some people who won't come upstairs to talk to them, expecting her to go find them. Janelle says, "These people."
Britney leaves to go sleep. Janelle asks Danielle if Frank came upstairs to talk to her. Danielle says no. Then asks if Wil talked to her and Danielle replies he did, but they didn't talk game alone. The topic of the showmance comes up and Janelle says that the fans are loving it. You couldn't be more wrong Janelle. The majority are ripping into this. She advises Janelle not to go onto the internet. I second that.
4:51 PM: Wil fesses up to Jenn... he tells her that he wanted to throw would Ian off. His lie had nothing to do with Frank. Jenn isn't surprised. She says that Frank's and Mike's cockiness is not good. She says it's not a good idea what they haven't talked to Danielle today. They both say they like Ian but they don't trust him. Wil says that he tried to talk to Danielle but she's always had someone up there. They agree that Danielle is in a difficult position.
4:56 PM: Danielle is called to DR. Here we go. It seems that Frank and Wil will be the nominees as of now.
Not so much. It's 5:07 PM and no Nomination Ceremony yet. Frank and Wil are agreeing that talking to Danielle will serve to purpose. Danielle grabs Dan to talk in HoH, saying they have 5 minutes before nominations. Danielle relates to Dan what Britney told her earlier about her discussion with Mike and Frank. They are debating putting up Frank and Mike up on the block. Danielle is worried that Mike would win veto and take Frank off the block, having to deal with both of them in the house. Thank you! Finally!
Danielle grabs Wil quickly. Wil says that he's okay if she puts him up. Danielle asks him if she's his target and he denies it. She asks him if he and Frank have anything. Wil emphatically denies it. They are both trying to figure out if they can trust each other. Wil tells her he's down with working with her, that he tired to play the manipulation game and he's over it. He almost breaks down. Danielle tells him she likes him, but that she needs to trust him, saying she's tired of the he said, she said. Wil tells her he's not afraid to draw the line in the sand with Frank and Janelle. Britney and Janelle joins them.
Wil leaves. Janelle and Britney are trying to change her mind to put up two pawns, to potentially back door Frank. DON"T DO IT Danielle! Danielle counters that if she puts up two of the people who she wants to go, then she has a better chance to get someone out. Thank you. Danielle is not buying it. Janelle is pushing her to put up pawns. Danielle isn't going with it. Janelle keeps pushing. CALL Danielle to DR!
Dan comes up. Janelle tells him about the pawn strategy. Dan, thankfully nixes it. Then an eerie silence falls. Finally Dan asks to Danielle alone. Thank you, Dan. He gives her his coaches advice. He gives her the two options: Frank and Wil or Frank and Boogie. Danielle still wants to put up Mike and Frank. Dan is pushing not to put Mike up. Danielle still wants to put both of them up. Wow! My head is spinning. Danielle is holding her ground. Dan is trying to save himself by keeping Mike in the game. This is endless and frustrating. Danielle really wants to put up Frank and Mike up, but Dan is pushing for Wil to go up.
This is too frustrating to witness. I'm waiting for after the nomination ceremony. I'm done.
6:19 PM" Trivia. Let the stupid nominations begin. When they come back I will be posting up top who the nominees are. But I'm done blogging for the day! Enjoy the feeds :)