Big Brother is touted as a televised "social experiment", as a "game" and as "entertainment". The bi-polar and contradictory nature of the U.S. version of this show, combined with an unethical selection of "subjects", the disregard for psych evaluations or psych evaluations performed by incompetent individuals and the network's need to make profits has made this "show" a social nightmare where disaster lurks.
A game is about following the rules and using problem solving skills in order to master it; but more importantly the rules of the game are strictly enforced. These skills can be mental, physical or a combination of both. If this really were a game show, it would involve little to no "downtime". The contestants would participate in the competitions and those with the lowest performance would be eliminated or the others would be given some time to deliberate and eliminate someone through voting or the public vote someone out. This long period between competitions only serves to muddle the whole "game" aspect of the show.
Now before you chime in and say , "but strategy and power are part of the game", I will shut you down. It's not part of the game. It's part of the social experiment. There have been many social experiments conducted over the years (here is a pretty comprehensive list) to examine people's reactions, behaviors and relationships. They have a particular goal in mind; they use control and test subjects; they choose from a wide or narrow cross-section of the population; and they have a theory to prove.) Conformity, abuse of power, cruelty, violence and compassion are some of the human qualities tested in these experiments.
Let's apply this to Big Brother, shall we? The goal of the show is to produce revenue and generate ratings, so right off the bat, the "term social experiment" applies more to the producers than the participants. The ultimate goal is to make money, therefore, the decisions the producers make, the way they manipulate the "experiment" and the way they "edit" what is really happening proves that there is zero objectivity or concern for the human experience.
The "rules" of the experiment are nebulous and free-flowing, subject to interpretation and manipulation; the rules are more about protecting the network than any of the participants. When the house guests are asked to stop singing, it's about copyright not an attempt to control behaviour in order to examine it. When the subjects break the rule, there are no consequences for them. The "have not" element of this "experiment" was surely put in place to introduce an element of punishment, but this season the responsibility of who is to be deprived has been solely in the HoH's hands. Further, they have bent over backwards to accommodate one house guest, over others in his food and his physical conditions because he's related to a marginally popular singer.
The casting process or the selection of subjects for this "social experiment" has been increasingly performed under unethical circumstances. They supposedly rely on casting calls, audition videos, interviews and psych evaluations to cast each season, but that's all bogus. There is a very obvious casting mandate to include people who conform to certain stereotypical, racial, gender, societal and cultural profiles. Add to that the fact that a lot of these people are recruited based on their aspirations to break into acting and modelling careers, thereby needing TV exposure further taints the casting process. When "normal" people or self-proclaimed "superfans" are cast, they're also subject to the same stereotypical expectations.
Though the hopefuls supposedly go through psych evaluations, it's become increasingly evident that they are ignoring the red flags; in fact they are probably using those red flags to cast people who provide "drama". In BB14, Willie Hantz was ousted from the game for getting into a physical altercation with another contestant, Joe Arvin. It was quickly evident when the season began that Willie was emotionally unstable and volatile. There is no way, that didn't come up in the testing. (i'm not even going to go back into the history of marginal behaviour as I've gone into detail in previous posts).
When the BB15 cast was interviewed, there is no way the testing would not reveal their proclivity for violence, racism and fringe outlooks. Aaryn Gries became the poster child for racism and was taken to task for it, which she deserved, but Amanda Zuckeman's, GinaMarie Zimmerman's, Andy Herren's and Spencer Clawson's comments and behaviour were cleansed in the television edit. Feedster outrage was ignored. (For a more immediate and detailed look into their horrific behaviour go into the archives for season BB15 in this blog).
BB16 has been plagued with misogyny, sexual harassment and a perpetuation of rape culture. When Caleb Reynolds developed a highly unstable attachment to fellow-contestant, Amber Borzotra who had clearly and vocally told him she was not interested, he was encouraged by many fellow house guests including woman-centered minster Jacosta Odom, police sergeant Derrick Levasseur and father of a daughter Devin Shepherd to pursue Amber, to touch her in her sleep, to kiss her, knowing she was not interested and uncomfortable with the situation. Hayden Voss, a seemingly happy-go-lucky pedi-cab driver, expressed on at least two occasions the desire to 'murder" Amber. All the rest of the house guests, as did Caleb's family and a portion of the fanbase, blamed Amber for Caleb's unhealthy obsession with her.
She was finally evicted and freed from this toxic environment but not before a huge portion of fans expressed outrage at her treatment. There is no way, Reynold's obsessive and unhealthy propensities did not raise any red flags if proper testing/interviews were conducted. His gleefully violent behavior towards the animals he's hunted is proof enough of a disturbing instability.
This was just the tip of the iceberg as misogyny manifested itself during several occasions culminating in a horrific discussion last night when Frankie J Grande made a "joke" about Cody Calafiore and Reynolds "double teaming" Victoria Rafaeli and taking her virginity from all her orifices, which the other two along with police sergeant Levasseur and resident hag Christine Brecht laughingly encouraged.
Were any of these people told to "STOP THAT" or called to DR to be reprimanded at any point? Nope. It doesn't contravene production's major rule: the more controversial the participants' behaviour is, the more ratings they get. The producers have turned a blind eye and deaf ear to racist and misogynistic bullying, threats of graphic violence and rape, "jokes" about gang rape, sexual harassment, child molestation and animal cruelty. Not once were the perpetrators and their cheering squad reprimanded for such intolerable vocalizations even when the viewers expressed deep and disturbed outrage. Of course, it had no effect, because viewers kept watching and talking about it, contributing to the network's ultimate goal - ratings and revenue.
The fact that all the victims of these horrific intentions, the people who did not participate or give into the mob mentality but had to endure sub-human conditions were eventually ousted from the house in the last two seasons sheds a very disheartening light into society. This social experiment is proving that all the hard work that has been put in on a global scale to eliminate, racism, sexism, homophobia, ageism and stereotyping is for naught. This alarming behaviour thrives in the underbelly of society and is proudly broadcast by a network who thinks it's okay as long as they include a disclaimer.
Well, I have news for you Mr. Moonves. Those who stand by and allow this behaviour, even shrouded under the guise of a "social experiment" implicitly take part in and condone said behaviour. But, you don't have to lose any sleep as along as the ratings put money in your pocket.
Stay tuned :)
Big Brother 17 Spoilers and Commentary: Following the shenanigans inside the Big Brother house through the live feeds.
Sunday, August 31, 2014
Thursday, August 28, 2014
BB16: Vote NO to Fakie
Oh Hi! Are y'all still here? Yeah BB16 is still going on but I will confess I haven't. I've stopped watching the feeds and I won't be watching the shows except the Live evictions. Today I will be present to honor Donny's departure and after that I will be present to see the Detoturds get evicted.
Before you accuse me of being sour grapes because my favorites are gone and that I'm bitter, let me tell you that you don't know me. I know a lot of people love spoilers, but I don't. I don't see the point of watching a show or reading a book (unless they are supremely awesome and I'm watching/reading them again) if I know how it's going to end.
There is a 95% chance that Derrick will win this thing and honestly, he's earned the win. Yes, he's shown some very unsavory qualities and has made some very off-putting comments, but more than likely he's treating his stint in the house like another undercover job. If you have to mix with scum, you become scum. I realize that it could very well not be the case, but at this point, I don't even care enough to be outraged.
Anyway, should anyone else, other than Derrick or Nicole, win this season, it will be even more of a travesty. Not that Nicole has played any better than Derrick's other bobble heads or that she's displayed better qualities than the others (she thoroughly took part in bashing Amber and others) but I simply dislike her the least. And yes, it's a game but I don't root for winners just because they happen to win. I have to like them as people too.
Speaking of which, the Survivor cast has been revealed and I have a few choice things to say about them. I'll be posting about Survivor and other shows like Utopia on my other blog Everybody and their Dog Blogs after this horrific season of Big Bullshit ends. My Survivor cast assessment will be posted there tomorrow.
As far as what's going on BB16, I hope you all got your NO votes (option 2) to Frankie's lame TA play. We need to get the message across that we are not amused. This will be the only time the fans will have a say on anything important this season.
Stay tuned! :)
Before you accuse me of being sour grapes because my favorites are gone and that I'm bitter, let me tell you that you don't know me. I know a lot of people love spoilers, but I don't. I don't see the point of watching a show or reading a book (unless they are supremely awesome and I'm watching/reading them again) if I know how it's going to end.
There is a 95% chance that Derrick will win this thing and honestly, he's earned the win. Yes, he's shown some very unsavory qualities and has made some very off-putting comments, but more than likely he's treating his stint in the house like another undercover job. If you have to mix with scum, you become scum. I realize that it could very well not be the case, but at this point, I don't even care enough to be outraged.
Anyway, should anyone else, other than Derrick or Nicole, win this season, it will be even more of a travesty. Not that Nicole has played any better than Derrick's other bobble heads or that she's displayed better qualities than the others (she thoroughly took part in bashing Amber and others) but I simply dislike her the least. And yes, it's a game but I don't root for winners just because they happen to win. I have to like them as people too.
Speaking of which, the Survivor cast has been revealed and I have a few choice things to say about them. I'll be posting about Survivor and other shows like Utopia on my other blog Everybody and their Dog Blogs after this horrific season of Big Bullshit ends. My Survivor cast assessment will be posted there tomorrow.
As far as what's going on BB16, I hope you all got your NO votes (option 2) to Frankie's lame TA play. We need to get the message across that we are not amused. This will be the only time the fans will have a say on anything important this season.
Stay tuned! :)
Big Brother 16,
Game Analysis,
Sunday, August 24, 2014
BB16: The Downfall of Big Brother.
I'm not naive. Even when I was a TV only, I knew that foremost Big Brother was a TV show and like all "reality" TV, that reality was relative. The producers of reality TV aim to make money based on story lines that the public most love: the victory of an underdog, heroes versus villains, love triangles, unrequited love, romance, family struggles, friendship, loyalty, strategy and redemption.
Like all reality TV, CBS and Fly on the Wall Productions have cast, manipulated and edited the show to enhance these story lines that naturally and artificially occur when people are stuck in a house together, vying for a 500K prize. And these story lines were developed in all the seasons, more successfully in some than others.
Season 2 was when the show changed to its current format, but more importantly. it was the season of Dr. Will. He, unwittingly became the prototype of the charming villain who captured the hearts of the public not only with his aggressively honest game play, but by throwing competitions and being part of one of the most popular alliances in BB history - Chill Town. Many have subsequently tried to copy his game but without success.
Season 4 - The X Factor- brought us another villain (and my hero), Jun Song who developed what was to be called the "Floater's Strategy" which entails strategically switching alliances, manipulating whoever is in power and winning competitions when necessary. Her cutthroat game might have won her some haters, but it also won her much respect and the season.
Season 5 was the first year only 6 people could play for the Veto, prompting Nakomis to enact the legendary 6 finger plan or the backdoor strategy, nominating alliance members, Marvin and Diane, as pawns, having the target not play for PoV and bringing in all the Veto players on the plan. This intricate scenario was based on alliance loyalty and the ability to bring in side-alliances in order to achieve a goal. And they did. Jase was completely blindsided.
Season 6 brought to the forefront the struggle of heroes versus villains - The Sovereign Six versus The Friendship Alliance, with the latter gaining the upper hand when Maggie convinced Howie that James Rhine was playing both sides, causing him to nominate his alliance members, James and Sarah, thereby spelling the end of the six. Though Maggie won the season and most of her alliance made it to the end, they were one of the most hated alliances in the viewers' eyes.
Season 8 brought us the popular supervillain - Evel Dick and production manipulation in the form of America's Player - Eric Stein. Despite Evel's extremely aggressive game play, his struggle and bond with his daughter, his crazy moves such as using the PoV on her, made him a "villain" that many rooted for. Eric Stein, however became the casualty of the twist that crippled his game. This was glossed over because the driving story for the season and production was Dick and his relationship with Dani.
Season 10, the season of the Dan probably had the most likable characters and eventual alliances in Dan, Memphis, Renny and Keesha. The puppets and pranks outweighed the nastiness that came from people like Jerry whose edit on the show was the exact opposite of what he was in reality. For me, that was the last time I was glued to the feeds just listening to the Fab 4 chat and interact playfully with each other. It was also the season where the underdog rose to the top and won the season.
Season 11 brought romance to Big Brother in the form of Jeff and Jordan, one of the most popular BB couples to come out of this show. Their interaction and loyalty for one another won the hearts of many viewers, and though he was evicted, she went on to win the season. This is when production most blatantly interfered to save this duo by bringing in the Coup d'etat ending Jesse Godderz' game and resulting in Chima's epic breakdown and expulsion.
Season 12 brought the legendary Brigade Alliance, the polarizing Rachel Riley, the constant battles between her and fellow HGs, Brenchel and one of the funniest players in Big Brother history - Britney Haynes. This season highlighted interpersonal struggles, loyalty and betrayal. as well as one of the most effective and popular alliances in Big Brother history, crowing one of its own the winner.
Season 13 was the Golden Key season, one largely manipulated by production to help the vets to last longer than they would have, crippling the newbies' games. It was also the season of redemption and the unlikely, but popular, alliance of Jordan and Rachel. Rachel was able to redeem her public image to a large portion of the viewing audience after Brendon was evicted, prompting production to help her and Jordan with a Pandora's Twist that allowed them both to be saved with Rachel's PoV win. leading to Rachel's eventual crowning of the season.
In season 14, the Coaches Twist, brought even more production interference that protected the vets and then brought them in the game. It was also the season of the Quack Pack alliance of Dan, Britney, Ian, Shane and Danielle. This was a cover alliance for Dan, who masterfully manipulated everyone, climaxing in his ultimate con - Dan's funeral. His villainous game play, however, did not serve him in the end as he lost to Ian by a landslide.
I didn't mean to turn this into a Big Brother history post, but bear with me. There's purpose to my rambling.
Production interference through strategically placed twists has been making appearances more and more blatantly, but more often than not, they were placed to further players that the fans were rooting for at the time. I mean, why else interfere but to encourage the viewing public to watch their favorite story lines? Right?
What happened in season 15 and 16 though? It's simple. Bad casting and production favorites that do not coincide with fan favorites.
Both seasons were plagued by unfortunate casting based on a formula whose motivation is to repeat the successful story lines of the past. The problem is, you can't cast a show based on stereotypes without extensive interviews of these people. One can easily portray someone who they aren't in a video and certainly in a bar from which they are recruited. The other problem is, you can't cast people to fit a story line that might or might not happen, and you certainly cannot force them to be what you want them to be.
Both seasons were also plagued by production's stubborn insistence to control the outcome of these storylines, ignoring the "reality" of the situation and the fans' favorites. Simply put, the twists did not help the victims of racism and bullying in BB15 and the victims of misogyny and bullying in BB16. As we watched each of our favorites get evicted, we lost all faith or interest in the show. There was no real romance, no victory of the heroes, no redemption, no satisfaction.
Big Brother is a TV show and like all TV shows, it's scripted and manipulated. That's a fact. But, what's the point if the manipulation only brings the lowest common denominator to the end? And really, who gives an eff if they win?
Donny will more than likely be voted out on Thursday, and since he's the last person I really care about or have been rooting for, I'm done. Sure there's more game to play, but it's Derrick's game that will round off a season of incredible bashing, horrific personalities, no power shifts, and a stupid off off off off off off off off Broadway show starring wannabe Fakie J Shot for the ridiculous "Team America" task. No thanks. Bye Felicia.
Like all reality TV, CBS and Fly on the Wall Productions have cast, manipulated and edited the show to enhance these story lines that naturally and artificially occur when people are stuck in a house together, vying for a 500K prize. And these story lines were developed in all the seasons, more successfully in some than others.
Season 2 was when the show changed to its current format, but more importantly. it was the season of Dr. Will. He, unwittingly became the prototype of the charming villain who captured the hearts of the public not only with his aggressively honest game play, but by throwing competitions and being part of one of the most popular alliances in BB history - Chill Town. Many have subsequently tried to copy his game but without success.
Season 4 - The X Factor- brought us another villain (and my hero), Jun Song who developed what was to be called the "Floater's Strategy" which entails strategically switching alliances, manipulating whoever is in power and winning competitions when necessary. Her cutthroat game might have won her some haters, but it also won her much respect and the season.
Season 5 was the first year only 6 people could play for the Veto, prompting Nakomis to enact the legendary 6 finger plan or the backdoor strategy, nominating alliance members, Marvin and Diane, as pawns, having the target not play for PoV and bringing in all the Veto players on the plan. This intricate scenario was based on alliance loyalty and the ability to bring in side-alliances in order to achieve a goal. And they did. Jase was completely blindsided.
Season 6 brought to the forefront the struggle of heroes versus villains - The Sovereign Six versus The Friendship Alliance, with the latter gaining the upper hand when Maggie convinced Howie that James Rhine was playing both sides, causing him to nominate his alliance members, James and Sarah, thereby spelling the end of the six. Though Maggie won the season and most of her alliance made it to the end, they were one of the most hated alliances in the viewers' eyes.
Season 8 brought us the popular supervillain - Evel Dick and production manipulation in the form of America's Player - Eric Stein. Despite Evel's extremely aggressive game play, his struggle and bond with his daughter, his crazy moves such as using the PoV on her, made him a "villain" that many rooted for. Eric Stein, however became the casualty of the twist that crippled his game. This was glossed over because the driving story for the season and production was Dick and his relationship with Dani.
Season 10, the season of the Dan probably had the most likable characters and eventual alliances in Dan, Memphis, Renny and Keesha. The puppets and pranks outweighed the nastiness that came from people like Jerry whose edit on the show was the exact opposite of what he was in reality. For me, that was the last time I was glued to the feeds just listening to the Fab 4 chat and interact playfully with each other. It was also the season where the underdog rose to the top and won the season.
Season 11 brought romance to Big Brother in the form of Jeff and Jordan, one of the most popular BB couples to come out of this show. Their interaction and loyalty for one another won the hearts of many viewers, and though he was evicted, she went on to win the season. This is when production most blatantly interfered to save this duo by bringing in the Coup d'etat ending Jesse Godderz' game and resulting in Chima's epic breakdown and expulsion.
Season 12 brought the legendary Brigade Alliance, the polarizing Rachel Riley, the constant battles between her and fellow HGs, Brenchel and one of the funniest players in Big Brother history - Britney Haynes. This season highlighted interpersonal struggles, loyalty and betrayal. as well as one of the most effective and popular alliances in Big Brother history, crowing one of its own the winner.
Season 13 was the Golden Key season, one largely manipulated by production to help the vets to last longer than they would have, crippling the newbies' games. It was also the season of redemption and the unlikely, but popular, alliance of Jordan and Rachel. Rachel was able to redeem her public image to a large portion of the viewing audience after Brendon was evicted, prompting production to help her and Jordan with a Pandora's Twist that allowed them both to be saved with Rachel's PoV win. leading to Rachel's eventual crowning of the season.
In season 14, the Coaches Twist, brought even more production interference that protected the vets and then brought them in the game. It was also the season of the Quack Pack alliance of Dan, Britney, Ian, Shane and Danielle. This was a cover alliance for Dan, who masterfully manipulated everyone, climaxing in his ultimate con - Dan's funeral. His villainous game play, however, did not serve him in the end as he lost to Ian by a landslide.
I didn't mean to turn this into a Big Brother history post, but bear with me. There's purpose to my rambling.
Production interference through strategically placed twists has been making appearances more and more blatantly, but more often than not, they were placed to further players that the fans were rooting for at the time. I mean, why else interfere but to encourage the viewing public to watch their favorite story lines? Right?
What happened in season 15 and 16 though? It's simple. Bad casting and production favorites that do not coincide with fan favorites.
Both seasons were plagued by unfortunate casting based on a formula whose motivation is to repeat the successful story lines of the past. The problem is, you can't cast a show based on stereotypes without extensive interviews of these people. One can easily portray someone who they aren't in a video and certainly in a bar from which they are recruited. The other problem is, you can't cast people to fit a story line that might or might not happen, and you certainly cannot force them to be what you want them to be.
Both seasons were also plagued by production's stubborn insistence to control the outcome of these storylines, ignoring the "reality" of the situation and the fans' favorites. Simply put, the twists did not help the victims of racism and bullying in BB15 and the victims of misogyny and bullying in BB16. As we watched each of our favorites get evicted, we lost all faith or interest in the show. There was no real romance, no victory of the heroes, no redemption, no satisfaction.
Big Brother is a TV show and like all TV shows, it's scripted and manipulated. That's a fact. But, what's the point if the manipulation only brings the lowest common denominator to the end? And really, who gives an eff if they win?
Donny will more than likely be voted out on Thursday, and since he's the last person I really care about or have been rooting for, I'm done. Sure there's more game to play, but it's Derrick's game that will round off a season of incredible bashing, horrific personalities, no power shifts, and a stupid off off off off off off off off Broadway show starring wannabe Fakie J Shot for the ridiculous "Team America" task. No thanks. Bye Felicia.
Big Brother 14,
Game Analysis,
Thursday, August 21, 2014
BB16: Coo coo's Nest
Tonight is the night that will make or break the rest of the season for BB fans, depending on who comes in and who wins HoH. Frankly, if Donny or the returnee don't win HoH, it will be the end of BB16. It will chug along to its inevitable conclusion, predictable as a rusty nail. My prediction is that the juror's will compete first, and then the HoH comp will happen either later tonight or tomorrow. It would be the best way to give the returnee a chance at winning. (And I don't care if it's fair to the others.)
Zach is ready for his eviction. He's taking it in his stride and has not lived up to Frankie's slanderous expectations. His fan base is considerable including All-Stars such as Kaysar, Dr. Will, Danielle Reyes, Janelle and Britney, evictees such as Amber who will be buying a pink hat to give to him at the finale, and even Ariana Grande who's tweeted her disappointment at Frankie's nomination of Zach instead of Derrick.
It's indisputable that Derrick has been playing the best game all season, but his increasingly disturbing comments about other house guests is losing him fans, yours truly included. I tried to get past the fact that Derrick encouraged Caleb's crazy obsession with Amber to control him. It was crossing the line, but I understood his game motivations. Yesterday, however, he annihilated the line with his personal vendetta against Donny who's just trying to play the game like most of them.
When Christine made foul accusations against Donny, saying he "jiggled" his penis in front of her (Aug 20th, 6 am BBT - thanks Lisa Chanana!), Derrick encouraged her saying Victoria feels uncomfortable when Donny stares at her. Then, when Christine ratted Donny out after he attempted to talk some sense to her (an exercise in futility given she stabbed her closest friend in the back and threw the BOTB comp in order to oust him), Derrick got verbally violent, saying he would smack the M&Ms out of Donny's hand and tell him to "pick them up, bitch". (Donny told Christine, jokingly, that he would use the M&Ms to decide his nominees should he win HoH).
Sure the pressures of the game make people do and say things that are not defensible, however, Derrick's "good cop" facade peels away when he's not in control. Being a student of this game, he should be able to give Donny some credit for playing the game. And sure, he could be speaking this way for his disgusting companions, but he lost any sympathy most fans had for him.
Christine, on the other hand, continues to live up to her low status in fans' eyes. Despite the zing she got and her whole crying act in its wake, she can't get her paws and body off Cody who's just as much to blame for this situation. She continues to bash everyone and everything, especially the women who have been evicted. This is what makes her ugly, not the face she was born with.
Then there's this:
A quick read of someone who displays symptoms of sociopathic tendencies, proves that this dude is not all there. His graphic cruelty towards animals even in his deluded lies (he claimed to have broken a lion's jaw with his bare hands), his narcissism, his odd outfits, his lack of empathy, all show a very disturbing individual who should have thrown up any number of red flags during the psych testing. We know however that CBS doesn't really pay heed to those. Can you say Willie, Brandon and Russell Hantz?
Speaking of not all there, there's this:
This chick's jealousy, vapidness and vicious behaviour (ripping apart Zach's pink hat just because he was teasing her) is parallel only to her supreme lack of game. I present you with your second place winner.
Yeah and there's Ariana's brother too. But I don't have time for that.
Stay tuned! :)
Zach is ready for his eviction. He's taking it in his stride and has not lived up to Frankie's slanderous expectations. His fan base is considerable including All-Stars such as Kaysar, Dr. Will, Danielle Reyes, Janelle and Britney, evictees such as Amber who will be buying a pink hat to give to him at the finale, and even Ariana Grande who's tweeted her disappointment at Frankie's nomination of Zach instead of Derrick.
When Christine made foul accusations against Donny, saying he "jiggled" his penis in front of her (Aug 20th, 6 am BBT - thanks Lisa Chanana!), Derrick encouraged her saying Victoria feels uncomfortable when Donny stares at her. Then, when Christine ratted Donny out after he attempted to talk some sense to her (an exercise in futility given she stabbed her closest friend in the back and threw the BOTB comp in order to oust him), Derrick got verbally violent, saying he would smack the M&Ms out of Donny's hand and tell him to "pick them up, bitch". (Donny told Christine, jokingly, that he would use the M&Ms to decide his nominees should he win HoH).
Sure the pressures of the game make people do and say things that are not defensible, however, Derrick's "good cop" facade peels away when he's not in control. Being a student of this game, he should be able to give Donny some credit for playing the game. And sure, he could be speaking this way for his disgusting companions, but he lost any sympathy most fans had for him.
Christine, on the other hand, continues to live up to her low status in fans' eyes. Despite the zing she got and her whole crying act in its wake, she can't get her paws and body off Cody who's just as much to blame for this situation. She continues to bash everyone and everything, especially the women who have been evicted. This is what makes her ugly, not the face she was born with.
Then there's this:
A quick read of someone who displays symptoms of sociopathic tendencies, proves that this dude is not all there. His graphic cruelty towards animals even in his deluded lies (he claimed to have broken a lion's jaw with his bare hands), his narcissism, his odd outfits, his lack of empathy, all show a very disturbing individual who should have thrown up any number of red flags during the psych testing. We know however that CBS doesn't really pay heed to those. Can you say Willie, Brandon and Russell Hantz?
Speaking of not all there, there's this:
This chick's jealousy, vapidness and vicious behaviour (ripping apart Zach's pink hat just because he was teasing her) is parallel only to her supreme lack of game. I present you with your second place winner.
Yeah and there's Ariana's brother too. But I don't have time for that.
Stay tuned! :)
Big Brother 16,
Game Analysis,
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
BB16: Saints and Sloths
As Twitter EXPLODES with adulations and pleas for Zach, Donny's futile attempts to save Zach and himself are shut down in the house.
Zach is close to being canonized by a large faction of BB fandom. Since this is my first year being active on Twitter, I can't say if this happens every season, but it's quite the phenomenon this season. My timeline is littered with Zach pictures and gifs, pleas for him to saved, love towards any HG who happens to be supporting him, praise for all of Zach's fabulousness. At the risk of getting attacked, I need to keep it real. Zach is no saint. He's made some very personal comments against people who he had no call to be against, and made equally stupid moves in this game. As far as viciousness, Frankie, Christine and Victoria have him beaten. Anyway, I'm not going to bash the kid, and I've already stated my case about why he's not a good player of this game. (see previous posts)
Donny has been trying hard to save Zach (once again someone else is campaigning harder than Zach is himself) but also to save himself from the inevitable eviction that's looming in the horizon. The problem is that he's working with a bunch of humanoids missing crucial chromosomes. While Derrick and Frankie are dominating this bunch of zoo rejects, the others are protecting them, at risk of their own games. It's unreal. I can't even see a single thought process among them.
Anyway, Donny tried talking to Cody yesterday but he might as well be talking to a sloth. Nothing sunk in and it was business as usual. He hasn't had a chance to report to his puppet master, but that doesn't mean he won't. He's not even smart enough to consider the logical and true points Donny made about where Cody stands in the pecking order. I mean, all he has to do is consider that Frankie took Caleb off the block and not him.
Today, Donny attempted to talk to Christine, but he would have better luck getting a crustacean to do magic tricks. After his very valid arguments to the second of these genetically challenged individuals, Christine scurried to tell her chew toy everything Donny told her. What do you expect from a love-struck individual whose main concern is gaining attention from a jellyfish? Of course this will have a ripple effect. They will go to their masters, spill their guts and seal their dumbass fates.
The only hope that Donny has is if he wins HoH and whoever returns from jury comes in guns blazing. But who are we kidding? Even if those two can win HoH back to back, they're still outnumbered. The task they face is almost insurmountable. They would have to get rid of Derrick and Frankie in order to stand a chance but they have the rabid mutts to deal with.
On the bright side, Utopia feeds go live August 29th, and you can bet I will be blogging that here.
Stay tuned! :)
Zach is close to being canonized by a large faction of BB fandom. Since this is my first year being active on Twitter, I can't say if this happens every season, but it's quite the phenomenon this season. My timeline is littered with Zach pictures and gifs, pleas for him to saved, love towards any HG who happens to be supporting him, praise for all of Zach's fabulousness. At the risk of getting attacked, I need to keep it real. Zach is no saint. He's made some very personal comments against people who he had no call to be against, and made equally stupid moves in this game. As far as viciousness, Frankie, Christine and Victoria have him beaten. Anyway, I'm not going to bash the kid, and I've already stated my case about why he's not a good player of this game. (see previous posts)
Donny has been trying hard to save Zach (once again someone else is campaigning harder than Zach is himself) but also to save himself from the inevitable eviction that's looming in the horizon. The problem is that he's working with a bunch of humanoids missing crucial chromosomes. While Derrick and Frankie are dominating this bunch of zoo rejects, the others are protecting them, at risk of their own games. It's unreal. I can't even see a single thought process among them.
Anyway, Donny tried talking to Cody yesterday but he might as well be talking to a sloth. Nothing sunk in and it was business as usual. He hasn't had a chance to report to his puppet master, but that doesn't mean he won't. He's not even smart enough to consider the logical and true points Donny made about where Cody stands in the pecking order. I mean, all he has to do is consider that Frankie took Caleb off the block and not him.
Today, Donny attempted to talk to Christine, but he would have better luck getting a crustacean to do magic tricks. After his very valid arguments to the second of these genetically challenged individuals, Christine scurried to tell her chew toy everything Donny told her. What do you expect from a love-struck individual whose main concern is gaining attention from a jellyfish? Of course this will have a ripple effect. They will go to their masters, spill their guts and seal their dumbass fates.
The only hope that Donny has is if he wins HoH and whoever returns from jury comes in guns blazing. But who are we kidding? Even if those two can win HoH back to back, they're still outnumbered. The task they face is almost insurmountable. They would have to get rid of Derrick and Frankie in order to stand a chance but they have the rabid mutts to deal with.
On the bright side, Utopia feeds go live August 29th, and you can bet I will be blogging that here.
Stay tuned! :)
Big Brother 16,
Game Analysis,
Monday, August 18, 2014
BB16: Patrol of Futility
Last night was one of two parallel patrols: 1- the useless patrol to catch the "saboteur" and 2- the equally useless campaign to save Zach using the hashtag #RenomRule on Twitter.
The fact that these idiots still want to patrol (which is part of the TA task this week) to lookout for the saboteur is just proof that this house is populated by idiots. First of all, none of their possessions will actually leave the house if they don't personally take them out when evicted, as evidenced by the troubling fact that they found Aaryn's hat behind a chest of drawers. It seems production just gives the house a rudimentary face-lift instead of a thorough renovation. This, along with their recycled competitions, just highlights production's laziness. Anyway, back to the patrol. If there were a saboteur, he/she knows that the others are suspicious, so why would he/she risk being caught? Unless, it's Zach who would openly hide a cue ball after he's accused. This is just another example of the lameness of these people.
Desperation was spoltighted last night as a certain sector of BB fans, including the Grande family, spent most of the night tweeting production with the hopes that it would, for the first time this season, enforce the BB "rule" that says the HoH cannot tell the nominee he/she is being nominated. This is complete and utter futility. First of all, production does what it wants to do; and given Robyn Kass' blatant tweet about fans of social media, they do not care what tweeting fans think. Secondly, this rule was broken multiple times this season; if they enforce it now, it's another example of blatant rigging; but it's okay, as long as they're rigging it for a "fan fave". Thirdly, if CBS and production did nothing to address the serious and disheartening issue of racial bullying last season, why would they bother with a house guest who is not part of their preconceived story line of getting Frankie and Derrick to the end?
Speaking of fan favorite, it's quite astonishing how Zach has accumulated so many fans. Don't get me wrong, he can be a gentle, loving person towards the people he chooses; but he's also demonstrated a very vindictive and angry side. Granted, no one's perfect. Zach does have a certain charm of a 6 year-old, (roses are red, violets are blue... come on); but given what's left in the house, he's one of the two least obnoxious. This, like all things, is a matter of perception, however, what is indisputable is that his game play has been non-existent.
Zach lucked into a big "alliance" from the beginning, an alliance that allowed him to sleep through the majority of the game, laughed at his antics, shielded him when he was at risk of leaving and puppeteered him for the TA tasks. He's lucky Derrick's focus was getting out all the threats to Derrick's game, as the others willingly complied without knowing it. Well, this week, Zach's luck has run out and it's 70% his fault that he's in this position.
He might have continued his Zankie showmance to stay safe this week, but he also allowed Frankie to gain a foothold back with the group. Granted, Frankie is safe this week, but Zach could have continued his campaign to keep Frankie on the outs. When it came down to volunteering to go on the block next to Donny, he should have agreed to throw the BoB, but not throw it, ensuring that he and Donny were safe. Instead, he became petulant about it, drawing a huge target on his back with his "alliance". In addition, his sketchy behavior throughout the season, allowed Frankie to make him the "escape goat", culminating in him accusing Zach of being the saboteur. Finally, when Caleb told him that he was going on the block to be evicted, Zach took it like a sheep to slaughter. No fight, no trying to convince Frankie to nominate a bigger threat -Derrick.
Speaking of Derrick, the dude has it in the bank. Not only do we know this, the house guests know and have discussed this. When Zach told Frankie and Caleb that he would vote for Derrick above all others in F2, this should have given him and the others impetus to switch up the plan and put Derrick on the block. The fact that it doesn't even occur to them speaks to the fact that they all suck at this game.
Before I get a gazillion stones of backlash fired at me, keep in mind that I'm speaking purely from a game perspective. While a lot of these house guests have exhibited varying degrees of hateful behavior, and though I have judged them based on it, in this instance, no matter how much I like or do not like them, I will acknowledge great game play. Derrick's game is far from great. I'd call it great if he were in a house with strategic players. He's not. The others are so vapid as to evict all their allies in order to get rid of Derrick's threats with the exception of Donny.
Donny is, hands down, the fan favorite and the underdog we all love to root for; however, he too has made some critical mistakes in this game. Firstly, he allowed the others to isolate him, by going to bed while the others schemed. Had he played a more active role in the house from the beginning, rallied all the outcasts, including Joey, Pao, Brittany, Jacosta, Hayden, Nicole and Amber, he would have had a Pop Tart army. Instead, he sat passively as they were evicted one-by-one. Sure, the Douche Squad had the power the whole season, but he and the others could have infiltrated them. He certainly was onto them early on in the game, but he did not weaponize that knowledge.
Do I want Donny to go far? Sure. Who doesn't? But, unless he gets help from production and/or he wins the upcoming HoH and the person returning is strong enough to ally with him to win some competitions, his days are numbered.
Stay tuned!
![]() |
BullyModeDoucheBoy screaming accusations at Victoria after the "theft was discovered |
Desperation was spoltighted last night as a certain sector of BB fans, including the Grande family, spent most of the night tweeting production with the hopes that it would, for the first time this season, enforce the BB "rule" that says the HoH cannot tell the nominee he/she is being nominated. This is complete and utter futility. First of all, production does what it wants to do; and given Robyn Kass' blatant tweet about fans of social media, they do not care what tweeting fans think. Secondly, this rule was broken multiple times this season; if they enforce it now, it's another example of blatant rigging; but it's okay, as long as they're rigging it for a "fan fave". Thirdly, if CBS and production did nothing to address the serious and disheartening issue of racial bullying last season, why would they bother with a house guest who is not part of their preconceived story line of getting Frankie and Derrick to the end?
Speaking of fan favorite, it's quite astonishing how Zach has accumulated so many fans. Don't get me wrong, he can be a gentle, loving person towards the people he chooses; but he's also demonstrated a very vindictive and angry side. Granted, no one's perfect. Zach does have a certain charm of a 6 year-old, (roses are red, violets are blue... come on); but given what's left in the house, he's one of the two least obnoxious. This, like all things, is a matter of perception, however, what is indisputable is that his game play has been non-existent.
He might have continued his Zankie showmance to stay safe this week, but he also allowed Frankie to gain a foothold back with the group. Granted, Frankie is safe this week, but Zach could have continued his campaign to keep Frankie on the outs. When it came down to volunteering to go on the block next to Donny, he should have agreed to throw the BoB, but not throw it, ensuring that he and Donny were safe. Instead, he became petulant about it, drawing a huge target on his back with his "alliance". In addition, his sketchy behavior throughout the season, allowed Frankie to make him the "escape goat", culminating in him accusing Zach of being the saboteur. Finally, when Caleb told him that he was going on the block to be evicted, Zach took it like a sheep to slaughter. No fight, no trying to convince Frankie to nominate a bigger threat -Derrick.
Before I get a gazillion stones of backlash fired at me, keep in mind that I'm speaking purely from a game perspective. While a lot of these house guests have exhibited varying degrees of hateful behavior, and though I have judged them based on it, in this instance, no matter how much I like or do not like them, I will acknowledge great game play. Derrick's game is far from great. I'd call it great if he were in a house with strategic players. He's not. The others are so vapid as to evict all their allies in order to get rid of Derrick's threats with the exception of Donny.
Donny is, hands down, the fan favorite and the underdog we all love to root for; however, he too has made some critical mistakes in this game. Firstly, he allowed the others to isolate him, by going to bed while the others schemed. Had he played a more active role in the house from the beginning, rallied all the outcasts, including Joey, Pao, Brittany, Jacosta, Hayden, Nicole and Amber, he would have had a Pop Tart army. Instead, he sat passively as they were evicted one-by-one. Sure, the Douche Squad had the power the whole season, but he and the others could have infiltrated them. He certainly was onto them early on in the game, but he did not weaponize that knowledge.
Do I want Donny to go far? Sure. Who doesn't? But, unless he gets help from production and/or he wins the upcoming HoH and the person returning is strong enough to ally with him to win some competitions, his days are numbered.
Stay tuned!
Big Brother 16,
Game Analysis,
Saturday, August 16, 2014
BB16: Cry Me a River
So, Donny won the BoB, miraculously. Apparently, not only did Christine not help Donny but she was helping Cody and Caleb, a fact that the Douchenators want to disassociate themselves from, allowing Christine to take the hit. They couldn't believe that Donny won this competition alone. They said that unlike last week's BoB, it was not as easy to win alone. (Later, they would accuse production of rigging it in his favor, giving him ear bud instructions and night vision and say that it was a "crap shoot") I find it hilarious that two of the biggest braggarts and shit-talkers in the house could not win again the "old man" as they call him.
Anyway. Donny was happy, as were 99% of the fans.
I was waiting for him to gather all the house guests into the living room to tell them that he's Kelly Pickler's older bother, that he's a flower bed mogul and that he's planning on giving all his winnings to a charity that helps grow gardens in the Sahara. Naw. That's not his style.
While he celebrated, the others scrambled, complained, bashed Donny, panicked and were being their general douchy selves. Christine even went as far as comparing Donny to BB10 Jerry. In what universe are these two even remotely alike other than being over 30? Jerry was a supreme misogynist, frequently calling women the c-word, while Donny has been nothing but a gentleman.
Anyway, Derrick was the one most affected because, for the first time, he has no control over his target. Not only that, but apparently, they heard someone from production cheering when Donny won BoB. This did not sit well with this lowly crew of humanity's outcasts. How dare they cheer for Donny? Yes, it was unprofessional but an understandable reaction. Only those dead inside won't cheer for Donny.
Anyway, knowing the way Derrick's mind works, he realized he isn't the top dog in this fight, so he had a meltdown in HoH. This strategic meltdown is no doubt a combination of his frustrations and a ploy to gain fan sympathy. This, along with mentioning his daughter increasingly and talking down to people, is losing him support among the fans. It doesn't help that later in the night, while he and Caleb were talking about/bashing Donny, they came up with a plan to intimidate Donny, should he win the PoV, into using it. Yeah., okay. Good luck with that fools.
Anyway, that did not stop Derrick from playing Jedi mind tricks on the weak-minded like Caleb, tossing out the idea that backdooring Zach is not the worst case scenario. Frankie is HoH and we know that he's already tossed Zach out into the wild on several occasions, but will he go for it this time? Who knows?
Interesting to note, before the PoV players were picked, Donny subtly told Zach that he hoped he would get picked for PoV, implying that Zach would be in danger if he didn't win it. He stressed to Zach that he's alone, meaning they should work together. Even though, that agreement was not made, Zach let no one in on this discussion.
It all depends on PoV and who wins it. Those playing will be Frankie, Cody, Caleb, Donny, Christine and Victoria. Of course "beast mode" won this in his mind already. He and the other Alpha dogs scoff at the idea of Donny or Victoria winning it. These fools will never learn will they?
Stay tuned!
Anyway. Donny was happy, as were 99% of the fans.
I was waiting for him to gather all the house guests into the living room to tell them that he's Kelly Pickler's older bother, that he's a flower bed mogul and that he's planning on giving all his winnings to a charity that helps grow gardens in the Sahara. Naw. That's not his style.
While he celebrated, the others scrambled, complained, bashed Donny, panicked and were being their general douchy selves. Christine even went as far as comparing Donny to BB10 Jerry. In what universe are these two even remotely alike other than being over 30? Jerry was a supreme misogynist, frequently calling women the c-word, while Donny has been nothing but a gentleman.
Anyway, Derrick was the one most affected because, for the first time, he has no control over his target. Not only that, but apparently, they heard someone from production cheering when Donny won BoB. This did not sit well with this lowly crew of humanity's outcasts. How dare they cheer for Donny? Yes, it was unprofessional but an understandable reaction. Only those dead inside won't cheer for Donny.
Anyway, knowing the way Derrick's mind works, he realized he isn't the top dog in this fight, so he had a meltdown in HoH. This strategic meltdown is no doubt a combination of his frustrations and a ploy to gain fan sympathy. This, along with mentioning his daughter increasingly and talking down to people, is losing him support among the fans. It doesn't help that later in the night, while he and Caleb were talking about/bashing Donny, they came up with a plan to intimidate Donny, should he win the PoV, into using it. Yeah., okay. Good luck with that fools.
Anyway, that did not stop Derrick from playing Jedi mind tricks on the weak-minded like Caleb, tossing out the idea that backdooring Zach is not the worst case scenario. Frankie is HoH and we know that he's already tossed Zach out into the wild on several occasions, but will he go for it this time? Who knows?
Interesting to note, before the PoV players were picked, Donny subtly told Zach that he hoped he would get picked for PoV, implying that Zach would be in danger if he didn't win it. He stressed to Zach that he's alone, meaning they should work together. Even though, that agreement was not made, Zach let no one in on this discussion.
It all depends on PoV and who wins it. Those playing will be Frankie, Cody, Caleb, Donny, Christine and Victoria. Of course "beast mode" won this in his mind already. He and the other Alpha dogs scoff at the idea of Donny or Victoria winning it. These fools will never learn will they?
Stay tuned!
Big Brother 16,
Game Analysis,
Friday, August 15, 2014
BB16: Skittles. Taste the Bullshit.
This season is about as exciting to watch as a scab on a toe. Putting aside the paltry game play that has allowed Derrick to control this game the whole season, or the fact that every single eviction is happening without resistance, or that the eviction speeches have turned into shout-outs, and that we've been saddled with a crew of extraordinary douche nuggets lead by production's pet, the "social-media mogul", now the "game" we've loved throughout the years has been reduced to nominations by Skittles. WTF?
This shows an incredible lack of forethought in Zach. He could have easily shut his mouth, gone on the block with Donny and not throw the competition. Of course, he's taking the chance of losing but now he's the next target and the possible replacement nominee.
With the crippling Bottle of the Block twist, we've had an increase of thrown competitions and one-sided power. As Derrick and Frankie are on the HoHs, they've trained their target on Donny - a member of their TA alliance. They've both been pandering to the cameras with this schmoltsy twist (Frankie just lives for camera time). Now they are going to evict one of TA? How do they think that would go over with the fans? Sure, they have no way of knowing that Donny has lead all the fan polls all season, but they should know that "America" put him on the team.
The bobble heads and Derrick convened to decide who was going to volunteer to go on the block with Donny to throw the BoB competition. Of course, they all wanted the alliance pasty, Zach, to do it; but he was having none of it, incurring Cody's, Caleb's and Chrsitine's wrath and questions of trust. They tried to threaten him to agree but when they reached a stalemate, they drew Skittles to see which three would go up. The results? Derrick will nominate Donny with Christine, Frankie will nominate Cody and Caleb.
This shows an incredible lack of forethought in Zach. He could have easily shut his mouth, gone on the block with Donny and not throw the competition. Of course, he's taking the chance of losing but now he's the next target and the possible replacement nominee.
Today will be another sham of a competition targeting the person in the house who has literally nothing and noone. What kind of lame game play is this? Derrick should know better than to go into the final stages with a 6 person "alliance". Frankie is the biggest threat to his game, but Derrick won't target him? He doesn't know that someone from jury will return. Is he holding his cards close to his chest to see what shakes out after BoB and PoV ot is he trying to play it too safe?
Here's hoping that Donny wins BoB. Hey Grodner, you pulled a "miracle" last week to save your favorite; how about you save ours this week?
Stay tuned.
Big Brother 16,
Game Analysis,
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
BB16: You Say Charity, I Say Bullshit
So in the early morning hours, (Aug 12th) 2:48 am BBT cams 3/4, Frankie admitted to Derrick that he won't be using his stipend (to build a school in Africa). [They were talking about the TA and how much money they can make from it. We never got to hear what he would say next because it went to fish.} Let's just give him the benefit of the doubt that this self-aggrandizing paranozzle will actually give money to this charity. I guess he'll be buying pencils for the school with the $85 this social media mogul has managed to collect.
But what prompted him to explain to Derrick which money he would use to help those kids? I mean who cares, right? Money is money. At first I couldn't understand it, thinking it's a dumbass move to give Derrick even more ammo (but why should he be different than everyone else in the house?). Then it dawned on me. They were talking about how much money they could potentially make from Team America tasks. Oh I see you , Frankie J Grande. Now, you're manipulating production! This just highlights Frankie's ruthlessness to use everyone and everything in his life to promote himself. This, along with the fact that production is working to keep him safe, makes him one of the least-liked individuals this season.
Second only to Christine.
Not only has she been playing a horrible game, basically being instrumental in evicting all of her potential allies in order to gain approval from the guys and uninterrupted attention from her BB boyfriend, Cody, she's been spewing hatred for everyone and everything in and out of the game. This is, no doubt, a reflection of her deeply-rooted insecurities and issues of self-esteem; but it's not a good look on her, as she bashes every single fan fave this season.
Speaking of the house prostitute, Cody has been giving me endless reasons to belly-laugh as he puts down other people's game while being Derrick's biggest puppet and the most cowardly player this season. His sole HoH was used to evict someone who wasn't gunning for him in order to keep someone who's completely worthless, except as a number.
Caleb found redemption with some fans when he "saved Zach" by "convincing" Derrick to keep Zach and, later, when he offered to throw BoB to keep Frankie in the nomination chair. This failed spectacularly because Caleb is incapable of thinking, always concerned with grandstanding and keeping the spotlight on himself. It didn't help that production threw in a comp very similar to the one Frank Eudy won, alone, in BB14, and stopped Caleb from trying to sabotage it by telling him he couldn't play after it started. (I would strengthen the theory that this competition was a last minute switch-up by pointing out that production did not give them a chance to practice on the apparatus like they did in BB14 and have done until this comp.)
Anyway, despite Nicole's valiant attempts to campaign, she's hit a huge roadblock called Derrick, who's now floating the idea that she's a 4th year medical student. Hell, maybe her professor is Donny who is the next target. Though Derrick wants to keep him for TA, it will take Donny winning HoH/PoV in order to stay safe. Zach is also on shaky ground with Derrick and Cody which infuriates me.
How is it smarter to get rid of a man who is alone or a guy who is loyal, over big threats like Frankie? I'm sure DR has a lot to say about that.
Stay tuned! :)
But what prompted him to explain to Derrick which money he would use to help those kids? I mean who cares, right? Money is money. At first I couldn't understand it, thinking it's a dumbass move to give Derrick even more ammo (but why should he be different than everyone else in the house?). Then it dawned on me. They were talking about how much money they could potentially make from Team America tasks. Oh I see you , Frankie J Grande. Now, you're manipulating production! This just highlights Frankie's ruthlessness to use everyone and everything in his life to promote himself. This, along with the fact that production is working to keep him safe, makes him one of the least-liked individuals this season.
Second only to Christine.
Not only has she been playing a horrible game, basically being instrumental in evicting all of her potential allies in order to gain approval from the guys and uninterrupted attention from her BB boyfriend, Cody, she's been spewing hatred for everyone and everything in and out of the game. This is, no doubt, a reflection of her deeply-rooted insecurities and issues of self-esteem; but it's not a good look on her, as she bashes every single fan fave this season.
Speaking of the house prostitute, Cody has been giving me endless reasons to belly-laugh as he puts down other people's game while being Derrick's biggest puppet and the most cowardly player this season. His sole HoH was used to evict someone who wasn't gunning for him in order to keep someone who's completely worthless, except as a number.

Anyway, despite Nicole's valiant attempts to campaign, she's hit a huge roadblock called Derrick, who's now floating the idea that she's a 4th year medical student. Hell, maybe her professor is Donny who is the next target. Though Derrick wants to keep him for TA, it will take Donny winning HoH/PoV in order to stay safe. Zach is also on shaky ground with Derrick and Cody which infuriates me.
How is it smarter to get rid of a man who is alone or a guy who is loyal, over big threats like Frankie? I'm sure DR has a lot to say about that.
Stay tuned! :)
Big Brother 16,
Game Analysis,
Monday, August 11, 2014
BB16: Rap by G Sizzle
When BB16 started
the fans were all lit
until we were hit
with production's bullshit
The people they chose
it was quickly disclosed
they were mostly disposed
for the image they posed.
A neopolitan mogul
pranced onto the scene
this stunt casting blowfish
a Broadway hasbeen
His goal is so lame
using "Africa's" pain
his sister's known name
to gain internet fame.
The obvious pandering
by a network who's bust
while throwing the real fans
under the damn BB bus
For a handful of children
fans of a pop star
Production will make sure
this poser goes far.
The joke's on you Moonves
The ratings are falling
Your cash cow has failed
so just quit your bawling
Then there's the cowboy
whose beast mode is trolling
for fame and delusions
This mofo is crawling
Because of a beauty
who don't want him at all
he tossed her and laughed
at her BB downfall
His bragging and whining
makes my stomach churn
The best BB moment
is when on him they turn
Oh, he'll find a few fans
when he comes outside
but as far as the rest of us
to hell he can ride.
Another addition
to this jacked up crew
is a chick who'll do anything
for a damn BB screw.
She'll play the boys game
Wanting applause
While she gropes and rubs Cody
with her wedding ringed paws.
The day is still coming
when, at last, it's her turn
The sausage she's pawing,
this hag will soon burn.
She seethed all damn season
with hatred and jelly
on the women who're prettier
on the new HD telly
She plotted and ruined
all the women she hated
but guess what Christine
you're the constant low-rated.
Now on to the house whore
Yes, Mr. Flirtmance
He's gotten the women
to dance for his glance
But what is insane
his sole claim to fame
Is that he's so lame
to play Derrick's game.
The goat of the season
Is easy to find
she's whining and whimpering
all the damn time
She hates all the women
because they're all fake
with extensions and make-up
that award she will take.
Though Ian was dressed
as the BB pet dog
Vicky's the poodle
clenched on Derrick's log
Derrick's the house boss
It's hard not be
With a house full of idiots
who plainly can't see
His schemes and decisions
like good little pawns
And only in jury
the truth on them dawns
Instead of conspiring
to play their own games
when they go and he wins
themselves they can blame.
The only one who's got
Derrick's devious number
Is Donny of course
who's alert when in slumber
The problem with this
Is Donny's alone
And if he can't win comps
He'll be going home
Zach might be an ally
but who knows with him
He sways with the wind
and at every lame whim
If he puts in place
A plan that will cut
the schemers and liars
He's got a great shot
We're waiting to see
who'll he stab in the back
and live up to the name
of the Zach Attack
Nicole is outnumbered
her time has arrived
her game has just started
but she took a dive
Helping the dominant
take out all the chicks
now she's without allies
surrounded by dicks.
This one sided season
without power shift
has taken a tumble
into boring-ass shit.
We count out the weeks
as this season done reeks
all enjoyment we seek
from the bottom it leaks.
*drops the mic*
-GSizzle aka Genie Sea out
Big Brother 16,
Sunday, August 10, 2014
BB16: Bobbleheads
It's 5:33 am BBT, and Derrick is misting Victoria who is feeling badly for "betraying" Derrick. The mist is strong in the room. But then again, it's easy to mist people who don't understand what this game is about.
So to recap the events of the
night. Zach and Frankie seemed to have made up but we all know that's bogus. They're still after each other. After telling Frankie, that he won't talk game to anyone, he blows up the Detonator alliance to Victoria around 10 pm BBT last night. This launches Victoria into a dramatic spiel of tears because she was "cheated" on, despite the fact that Zach points out that Derrick has her back. Her main beef against Derrick is that he was working with Christine. Gurl, always focus on the women, that's why they're gone and you're tossing in the wind.
Of course, nothing stays behind closed doors. Victoria spills it all to Nicole, an hour later; Nicole spills it to Cody an hour after that. Zach tells Derrick that he told Nicole about the Detonators and then she told Victoria. A little while later, Cody questions Zach about the series of events, prompting Zach to confess what really happened. Lawd, these children cannot keep their mouths shut.
Derrick goes into a, quite violent, tirade against Zach for blowing up his game with Victoria, bringing his daughter in the game. Around 2:30 am BBT, he brings Nicole into HoH to ask her about who said what and Nicole complies. He collects Victoria to hash things out, meaning lie about the alliances he's actually in. He manages to turn it around on Victoria, saying he's hurt that she never came to him. The girls tell him that Zach told both of them about all the alliances he's been in with Derrick. He maintains that he doesn't play a manipulative game and he likes to confront situations head-on. OK. He manages to convince them that the root of all this evil is Zach.
BB: get a clean-up crew, the bullshit is piling on in the house.

Zach calls out Victoria for saying blah blah blah, anyway. Zach trains his accusations at Frankie. He brings up the fact that Frankie has ruined his game and has stabbed him in the back. When he addresses Caleb about the things he can tell him that Caleb doesn't know, Caleb takes the OstrichMode stance, saying he doesn't want to hear it.

The violins play while Frankie tells Zach, that he had to "endure" people turning against him. That no-one cheered for him when he won that rigged competition. That people wouldn't look him in the eye. Zach keeps countering with the fact that Frankie tried to get him voted out.
Ah hell, watch this cluster in the archives. The fact that this house is filled with bobble heads will ensure that Derrick and Frankie will be final 2.
To recap the recap:
Derrick managed to throw the attention off himself and onto everyone else. Yet, his desperation came out, prompting him to bring his hungry daughter into the game. Frankie's deck of cards are his sister, threatening to sic her fans on anyone who crosses him, his so-called charity and the one day he had to be "tortured" with being shunned. Zach isn't buying their bullshit. Cody is still a big baby and Caleb is still wearing bunny slippers
Stay tuned.
Big Brother 16,
Game Analysis,
Saturday, August 9, 2014
BB16: R.I.P. Big Brother
Networks and entertainment conglomerates have one goal - to make money. It's naive to think otherwise. For those of you who know me, know that I have been a vocal proponent of the idea that, though CBS and the producers of Big Brother have manipulated this show for ratings, they could not rig the outcome of competitions. Though competitions would suit certain people over others, they could not 100% predict who would actually win them. Rather, they would resort to Pandora's boxes and Coup d'Etats to influence the course of the game in favor of house guests that were fan favorites of that season.
Until this season.
This season, they've put in two fail-safe twists that would guarantee the producers' full ability to manipulate the outcome of this season. DR has been more strident in planting seeds but that's been always the case, caged under the excuse that they are "running scenarios" with the house guests. Team "America" and the "Battle" of the Block are the clinchers for CBS and Fly on the Wall Productions. With those, they can almost ensure that they control who will be the last 2 standing.
Team "America" is a twist that has been used to pull the wool over the viewers' eyes by camouflaging their Golden Goose and keeping him safe. How you ask? Start by throwing in the team an early favorite like Donny to toss up a smoke screen. Then cast someone who already has a following of his own coupled with his "famous" sister's following to ensure that he be on Team America. Finally, throw another person in there that the network thinks will become a fan favorite based on the success of another show Survivor - a cop. Give them "tasks" that will not jeopardize their games but will slaughter everyone else's.
These tasks are "voted on" by the public but since the voting process is not transparent, it just gives production another tool to manipulate the show. The major victims of this twist have been Amber and Zach. Amber was an easy target for TA. The house quickly turned against her as a result of Caleb's ridiculous and creepy obsession with her, but also as a result of the massive jealousy aimed at her by the idiot girls cast this season. Zach became a target because the Golden Goose decided he would be a perfect patsy because of Zach's unfettered reactions and his naive trust in Frankie.
This week's TA tasks were A- get a pawn nominated and voted out and B- get someone to start a fake side-alliance (like this season needs any more fake alliances.) I've I pointed out in my previous post that most people on social media were voting for B because they've seen the damage any other choice would do. Shockingly, not really, TA was given task A. Why not? The Golden Goose would be safe. So guess who Frankie suggests as a pawn? Yup. Zach.
Unfortunately for production, the house had a different target - Frankie. Oh no! They devise a plan that will guarantee Frankie staying on the block. Nominate someone who would volunteer to throw BoB. Zach volunteered at first, but Caleb quickly took his place, mounting his stallion of delusion to avenge "his girl". Having learned that Frankie was the diabolical mastermind of Amber's eviction, this hotheaded creepoid was on board to sabotage Frankie. Double oh no!
So now we come to the next tool, I mean twist - The "Battle" of the Block. This is the exact way that production can manipulate the outcome. It's easier to control the outcome if there are only 4 players competing. I don't think they've taken that option, until yesterday. Suddenly, there was a massive delay in the competition. So massive that it overlapped with BBAD. Miraculously, Zach and Donny lost that competition despite Caleb not participating and leaving Frankie to his own devices. Shockingly, this was a competition that better suited one player over a pair, as noted by host Derrick. Incredibly, there was a Slop Pass awarded (something bitchmodecowboy has been begging for) AND a trip to watch a football game. Instead of actively sabotaging Frankie, Caleb sat there and watched him win. Who "loves" Caleb now?
Add insult to rigging, Frankie decides that now is a good time to "reveal" his secrets that have "crippled" him in the game. He gathers Cody, Derrick, Zach and Caleb (Donny stumbles into this conversation) to tell them that he's a "social media mogul" with "millions" of followers on YouTube, and not only that, but that his sister is THE Ariana Grande, whose name only HE is allowed to utter. He tearfully explains that he was trying to protect his sister by keeping her secret (from a house full of people who will do what? TALK about her?) He throws in, for good measure, the morsel that he will be giving his winnings to a charity helping kids in countries he could not pronounce. And the cherry on this clusterfuck sundae, he explains that his game was thrown off because of his grandfather's passing. Add some fake tears and voila, Douche Funeral at its most pretentious.
When he tells the rest of the house, the girls' go all gaga and stupid. Caleb now wants to meet Justin Bieber (your "cowboy" papers are revoked). In his head, I'm sure are visions of him and Amber walking the red carpet with baby celebrities. Christine wonders if Frankie can help her husband's (yup, she finally remembered she was married) music career. Nicole starts bawling because she put a "famous person" and a charity mogul on the block, making "America" hate her which ironically they do now as a result of that ridiculous reaction.
Zach, Derrick, Cody and, surprisingly, Victoria are having none of this. The fact that this douche has access to so much money, he can afford to give it all to charity does not go unnoticed. The fact that none of them even have a chance at winning America's Favorite dawns on all of them. The fact that production orchestrated this win is blatant to all the super fans.
I don't like Frankie. He's an entitled, condescending fame whore whose sole purpose is to gain notoriety and followers. He plays to the cameras at all times with his transparent attempts to hog the spotlight, even in his grandfather's death. But let's forget about all that. I detest what Frankie represents - the prostitution of a show I have loved for 14 years (I exclude this and last season) all for the blatant sake of ratings. He represents the fact that CBS and its show cronies/employees have betrayed its longtime fans in order to bring in a clueless and vapid fan-base that could care less about the show.
Last night, Missyae dropped a little tidbit of information to me on Twitter. According to Jim Early who has his ear to behind-the-scenes happenings, Grodner and CBS are pushing for an F2 between Derrick and Frankie. Why Derrick? They both lost their grandfathers. Cue the emotional impact. Derrick, being the best player this season, represents the "good"; "Frankie", being production's Golden Goose, represents the "evil". Cue the "edge of your seat" drama. From a production standpoint, it's TV Gold. From a fan of the show, all the fun, excitement and reason for watching have been demolished, probably beyond repair.
Ride that shark bitches.
Until this season.
This season, they've put in two fail-safe twists that would guarantee the producers' full ability to manipulate the outcome of this season. DR has been more strident in planting seeds but that's been always the case, caged under the excuse that they are "running scenarios" with the house guests. Team "America" and the "Battle" of the Block are the clinchers for CBS and Fly on the Wall Productions. With those, they can almost ensure that they control who will be the last 2 standing.
Team "America" is a twist that has been used to pull the wool over the viewers' eyes by camouflaging their Golden Goose and keeping him safe. How you ask? Start by throwing in the team an early favorite like Donny to toss up a smoke screen. Then cast someone who already has a following of his own coupled with his "famous" sister's following to ensure that he be on Team America. Finally, throw another person in there that the network thinks will become a fan favorite based on the success of another show Survivor - a cop. Give them "tasks" that will not jeopardize their games but will slaughter everyone else's.
These tasks are "voted on" by the public but since the voting process is not transparent, it just gives production another tool to manipulate the show. The major victims of this twist have been Amber and Zach. Amber was an easy target for TA. The house quickly turned against her as a result of Caleb's ridiculous and creepy obsession with her, but also as a result of the massive jealousy aimed at her by the idiot girls cast this season. Zach became a target because the Golden Goose decided he would be a perfect patsy because of Zach's unfettered reactions and his naive trust in Frankie.
This week's TA tasks were A- get a pawn nominated and voted out and B- get someone to start a fake side-alliance (like this season needs any more fake alliances.) I've I pointed out in my previous post that most people on social media were voting for B because they've seen the damage any other choice would do. Shockingly, not really, TA was given task A. Why not? The Golden Goose would be safe. So guess who Frankie suggests as a pawn? Yup. Zach.
Unfortunately for production, the house had a different target - Frankie. Oh no! They devise a plan that will guarantee Frankie staying on the block. Nominate someone who would volunteer to throw BoB. Zach volunteered at first, but Caleb quickly took his place, mounting his stallion of delusion to avenge "his girl". Having learned that Frankie was the diabolical mastermind of Amber's eviction, this hotheaded creepoid was on board to sabotage Frankie. Double oh no!
So now we come to the next tool, I mean twist - The "Battle" of the Block. This is the exact way that production can manipulate the outcome. It's easier to control the outcome if there are only 4 players competing. I don't think they've taken that option, until yesterday. Suddenly, there was a massive delay in the competition. So massive that it overlapped with BBAD. Miraculously, Zach and Donny lost that competition despite Caleb not participating and leaving Frankie to his own devices. Shockingly, this was a competition that better suited one player over a pair, as noted by host Derrick. Incredibly, there was a Slop Pass awarded (something bitchmodecowboy has been begging for) AND a trip to watch a football game. Instead of actively sabotaging Frankie, Caleb sat there and watched him win. Who "loves" Caleb now?
Add insult to rigging, Frankie decides that now is a good time to "reveal" his secrets that have "crippled" him in the game. He gathers Cody, Derrick, Zach and Caleb (Donny stumbles into this conversation) to tell them that he's a "social media mogul" with "millions" of followers on YouTube, and not only that, but that his sister is THE Ariana Grande, whose name only HE is allowed to utter. He tearfully explains that he was trying to protect his sister by keeping her secret (from a house full of people who will do what? TALK about her?) He throws in, for good measure, the morsel that he will be giving his winnings to a charity helping kids in countries he could not pronounce. And the cherry on this clusterfuck sundae, he explains that his game was thrown off because of his grandfather's passing. Add some fake tears and voila, Douche Funeral at its most pretentious.
When he tells the rest of the house, the girls' go all gaga and stupid. Caleb now wants to meet Justin Bieber (your "cowboy" papers are revoked). In his head, I'm sure are visions of him and Amber walking the red carpet with baby celebrities. Christine wonders if Frankie can help her husband's (yup, she finally remembered she was married) music career. Nicole starts bawling because she put a "famous person" and a charity mogul on the block, making "America" hate her which ironically they do now as a result of that ridiculous reaction.
Zach, Derrick, Cody and, surprisingly, Victoria are having none of this. The fact that this douche has access to so much money, he can afford to give it all to charity does not go unnoticed. The fact that none of them even have a chance at winning America's Favorite dawns on all of them. The fact that production orchestrated this win is blatant to all the super fans.
I don't like Frankie. He's an entitled, condescending fame whore whose sole purpose is to gain notoriety and followers. He plays to the cameras at all times with his transparent attempts to hog the spotlight, even in his grandfather's death. But let's forget about all that. I detest what Frankie represents - the prostitution of a show I have loved for 14 years (I exclude this and last season) all for the blatant sake of ratings. He represents the fact that CBS and its show cronies/employees have betrayed its longtime fans in order to bring in a clueless and vapid fan-base that could care less about the show.
Last night, Missyae dropped a little tidbit of information to me on Twitter. According to Jim Early who has his ear to behind-the-scenes happenings, Grodner and CBS are pushing for an F2 between Derrick and Frankie. Why Derrick? They both lost their grandfathers. Cue the emotional impact. Derrick, being the best player this season, represents the "good"; "Frankie", being production's Golden Goose, represents the "evil". Cue the "edge of your seat" drama. From a production standpoint, it's TV Gold. From a fan of the show, all the fun, excitement and reason for watching have been demolished, probably beyond repair.
Ride that shark bitches.
Big Brother 16,
Game Analysis,
Friday, August 8, 2014
BB16: Go Home Grande
Those of you who doubt production is manipulating this game to keep Frankie safe, think again. Team America was designed to save Frankie. In BB15, everyone was outraged because they thought MVP kept Elissa safe, which it didn't. In BB13, the Golden Ticket was in place to protect the vets. This season, every single TA task put a target on other HGs but never Frankie. The fact that it kept Donny and Derrick safe too is besides the point.
This week's tasks were to A- get a "pawn" nominated and evicted and B- make a fake side alliance. Everybody on Twitter almost unanimously said they would vote B. ( I don't bother to vote, knowing that these votes are bogus tools for production to manipulate the game). Anyway, suddenly, not shockingly, Team Lame-rica was given task A. Shocker! The reason? It ensures Frankie's safety this week.
Zach came through, once again, for Zach fan-atics, by volunteering to go on the block AGAIN! AGAIN! Not only that, while talking to Nicole who is HoH with Christine, he spouted everything he's done in the game including the Detonators. Of course, later, he told the Detonators that he told Nicole. What the actual fuck is this kid doing? No really. He's using up lives in this game with disregard to strategy. Can we all agree that Zach can be the house mascot, because rooting for him as a player is just a ridiculous concept? Anyway, despite Frankie pushing Zach to volunteer, Zach is lucky there's another idiot in the house. Caleb volunteered to go on the block and throw the BoB.
It's a win-win situation should Caleb and Frankie stay on the block. If either of these douchers leave this week, I'll be popping champagne. The better news is that Donny is safe this week and has fallen off the radar, replaced by Frankie and Christine. Their rat number is up. That's IF things go according to plan and Christine whose plan is to put up Donny and Victoria does not stay HoH.
Derrick seems to be unwilling to do the task this week, getting Frankie to agree with him. Knowing Derrick, he's getting his moves in place should Caleb and Frankie stay on the block, so they vote Frankie out. The heavens have opened. Is that the Holy Roller singing in the clouds? No, Jacosta is in the jury, saving Hayden from his misogynistic murderous intentions.
Stay tuned! :)

Zach came through, once again, for Zach fan-atics, by volunteering to go on the block AGAIN! AGAIN! Not only that, while talking to Nicole who is HoH with Christine, he spouted everything he's done in the game including the Detonators. Of course, later, he told the Detonators that he told Nicole. What the actual fuck is this kid doing? No really. He's using up lives in this game with disregard to strategy. Can we all agree that Zach can be the house mascot, because rooting for him as a player is just a ridiculous concept? Anyway, despite Frankie pushing Zach to volunteer, Zach is lucky there's another idiot in the house. Caleb volunteered to go on the block and throw the BoB.
It's a win-win situation should Caleb and Frankie stay on the block. If either of these douchers leave this week, I'll be popping champagne. The better news is that Donny is safe this week and has fallen off the radar, replaced by Frankie and Christine. Their rat number is up. That's IF things go according to plan and Christine whose plan is to put up Donny and Victoria does not stay HoH.
![]() |
Courtesy of Michael Borkowski via Entertainment Weekly |
Stay tuned! :)
Big Brother 16,
Game Analysis,
Thursday, August 7, 2014
BB16: Big Bullshit
Yeah okay. So after a two hour blocking of the feeds for a half-way party, suddenly, Caleb has his head in the game not on his abs and what woman he will victimize to talk about numbers. This is not at all suspicious. Combine that with Derrick being told in DR earlier in the week to consider keeping Zach, what happens? Suddenly, Zach is staying. Divine Grodvention.
I have nothing against Zach or him being saved except for two things: this whole scenario contravenes everything Big Brother has stood for; and it is simply yet another ploy to keep production's cash cow in the game. Do not be fooled. Zach means nothing to them except as a shield to keep Frankie safe. This is just another example of how the producers of the show have sold out the show they produce.
The dominating alliance will continue to dominate probably ensuring the fan fave Donny is slaughtered during DE tonight. But it doesn't matter. Zach who sleeps 20 hours a day, wakes up to eat and rehearse lame speeches will stay to "entertain" the fans who think this is America's Funniest Gifs not Big Brother.
Fauxlliances crumble while others reform as a cluster of idiots run their mouths, target each other, threaten to blow up games but do fuck-all. It's beyond ridiculous. It's not even Big Brother. I do not recognize it. CBS and its production team have turned this beautiful, Amazonean game into a two-bit prostitute selling itself to a pop singer and her followers.
The only one playing the game with focused intent but paranoid blindness is Derrick. He will win the game if he doesn`t become a victim of his own waffling machinations. His swinging from fake alliance to fake alliance may very well come back to bite him in the nuts. He`s relying on an alliance comprised of a douchebag, a rat, a sleeper, a jellyfish and a diva. It`s only a matter of time that they will turn on him. Add to all this the fact that he kills all exciting game moves because of his inherent fear of making a move, he is someone whose game is interesting but he himself isn`t.
The way it`s going, expect to see Frankie and Victoria in F2, ending another disappointing season of Big Bullshit.
Stay tuned.
I have nothing against Zach or him being saved except for two things: this whole scenario contravenes everything Big Brother has stood for; and it is simply yet another ploy to keep production's cash cow in the game. Do not be fooled. Zach means nothing to them except as a shield to keep Frankie safe. This is just another example of how the producers of the show have sold out the show they produce.
The dominating alliance will continue to dominate probably ensuring the fan fave Donny is slaughtered during DE tonight. But it doesn't matter. Zach who sleeps 20 hours a day, wakes up to eat and rehearse lame speeches will stay to "entertain" the fans who think this is America's Funniest Gifs not Big Brother.
Fauxlliances crumble while others reform as a cluster of idiots run their mouths, target each other, threaten to blow up games but do fuck-all. It's beyond ridiculous. It's not even Big Brother. I do not recognize it. CBS and its production team have turned this beautiful, Amazonean game into a two-bit prostitute selling itself to a pop singer and her followers.
![]() |
Courtesy of Josh Adams via Entertainment Weekly |
The way it`s going, expect to see Frankie and Victoria in F2, ending another disappointing season of Big Bullshit.
Stay tuned.
Big Brother 16,
Game Analysis,
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
BB16: The Looney Toons Edition
It's getting harder and harder to write about this season. There's been one group in power and even if it's not, it is. And when I say group, I mean a person - Derrick. While his every move is calculated for the endgame, others are stumbling and imploding.
As far as what's happening in the "game", Zach is more than likely leaving Thursday because of two fatal flaws - his naive trust in, yet another, defunct "alliance" and his running mouth that has given the others an excuse to oust him. The next big targets are trained at Frankie, Christine and Caleb whose target is Donny.
Frankie has lost the trust of almost everyone in the house, excluding Caleb, Zach and Christine. His overzealous running about the house, trying to control situations, spreading lies and trying to manipulate others, like Nicole, to reinforce his lies about his target have landed him in a whirlwind of trouble. The word is out and it's not looking good for production's cash cow. While CBS loves the supposed ratings Ariana's fans bring, most the rest of the BB fandom have had enough of their Twitter shenanigans. Frankie has done himself no favors with his need to be the "star" of the house and his dirty game tactics against fan faves Brittany, Amber and now Zach. I don't speak for others, as a rule, but I can safely say we're all sick of Frankie and his little fans too.
Meanwhile, Christine has overplayed her hand, alerting the house guests to her trying to run both sides (the sides are beginning to be drawn) of the house. Nicole turned against her. at first, because she told Nicole that Hayden and Victoria "hooked up - a blatant lie that the whole house now knows. Then she was caught in a some game-related lies, turning the guys in their detonated alliance against her. While she has never been a fan fave, the married Christine has also alienated fans because of her personal vendettas against the already-evicted women, to clear a path in her "nomance" with Cody (who's peddling his wares, at Derrick's behest, to manipulate the women).
These high school shenanigans of hers are obviously a result of personal insecurities she's going through that might impact her life outside of the house. Had these jealousy and self-confidence issues not prompted her to say some of the vilest things about the other women, I would have some sympathy for her; but I don't. She might redeem herself when she leaves the house by apologizing to those whose games she's ruined. Others have in the past, like Britney, Ragan and Rachel. If they can move past their extreme differences, I'm not going to hold a grudge. But I like those three. I can't say the same for Christine.
What I've been trying to point out on Twitter but it's difficult to express accurately in 140 characters, is the double standard against women. Amber tried to politely shut down Caleb; but because she didn't do it in a dramatic and aggressive way which isn't in her nature, she's been accused of being a "tease" by the house guests and some of the fans. Victoria's attachment to Derrick has brought on disgusted criticism of her but less of him. Christine has become the poster child of "adultery". Yet Cody, who's using his sexuality to flirt with women for dirty game, gets a pass. If a woman were doing what he's doing, even if it's for "game", she would be condemned to the label of whore. It seems only women are victims of the high moral ground. I've talked about the misogyny this show spotlights repeatedly. I don't want to be a broken record.
Caleb is still in the house but I don't pay attention to him at all. His delusions and creepiness continue but I don't bother with him. His self-absorption is finally getting on the house guests' nerves and without his stalking target in the house, they have no one else to blame. Since Amber was evicted and is safe from his obsession, I don't feel the need to pay attention to him. There is nothing about this dude that even makes him a good player or a person I can root for. I've drawn a circle in the ground and he can sit his ass in it.
Anyway, Zach is leaving this week which has started a shit-storm of outrage in a large portion of the BB fan-base. His antics and rehearsed speeches of a 5-year-old have softened the hearts of a lot of the viewers. If he weren't a large contributor of misogyny along with Devin, Caleb and Frankie, I'd share this sentiment; but I don't. Does he have some endearing qualities? Sure. His visible empathy for Frankie's and Derrick's losses show a nicer, softer side of Zach. However, his game has been largely one reliant on his alliance members saving him from his own dumb-ass moves, like egging on a volatile egomaniac to nominate him, volunteering to go on the block and saying he will throw competitions so he can make speeches. No matter what the circumstances, even if someone thinks he will be nominated and is safe, it is never a smart move to volunteer. He wasn't the target this week, but he's a casualty of his juvenile antics.
Double eviction is coming up. Hopefully one of the major targets -Frankie, Christine or Caleb- will be ousted Thursday and continue to do so in the coming weeks. With them gone, we can change the channel from Big Brother - The Looney Toons Edition
Stay tuned.
As far as what's happening in the "game", Zach is more than likely leaving Thursday because of two fatal flaws - his naive trust in, yet another, defunct "alliance" and his running mouth that has given the others an excuse to oust him. The next big targets are trained at Frankie, Christine and Caleb whose target is Donny.
Frankie has lost the trust of almost everyone in the house, excluding Caleb, Zach and Christine. His overzealous running about the house, trying to control situations, spreading lies and trying to manipulate others, like Nicole, to reinforce his lies about his target have landed him in a whirlwind of trouble. The word is out and it's not looking good for production's cash cow. While CBS loves the supposed ratings Ariana's fans bring, most the rest of the BB fandom have had enough of their Twitter shenanigans. Frankie has done himself no favors with his need to be the "star" of the house and his dirty game tactics against fan faves Brittany, Amber and now Zach. I don't speak for others, as a rule, but I can safely say we're all sick of Frankie and his little fans too.
Meanwhile, Christine has overplayed her hand, alerting the house guests to her trying to run both sides (the sides are beginning to be drawn) of the house. Nicole turned against her. at first, because she told Nicole that Hayden and Victoria "hooked up - a blatant lie that the whole house now knows. Then she was caught in a some game-related lies, turning the guys in their detonated alliance against her. While she has never been a fan fave, the married Christine has also alienated fans because of her personal vendettas against the already-evicted women, to clear a path in her "nomance" with Cody (who's peddling his wares, at Derrick's behest, to manipulate the women).
These high school shenanigans of hers are obviously a result of personal insecurities she's going through that might impact her life outside of the house. Had these jealousy and self-confidence issues not prompted her to say some of the vilest things about the other women, I would have some sympathy for her; but I don't. She might redeem herself when she leaves the house by apologizing to those whose games she's ruined. Others have in the past, like Britney, Ragan and Rachel. If they can move past their extreme differences, I'm not going to hold a grudge. But I like those three. I can't say the same for Christine.
What I've been trying to point out on Twitter but it's difficult to express accurately in 140 characters, is the double standard against women. Amber tried to politely shut down Caleb; but because she didn't do it in a dramatic and aggressive way which isn't in her nature, she's been accused of being a "tease" by the house guests and some of the fans. Victoria's attachment to Derrick has brought on disgusted criticism of her but less of him. Christine has become the poster child of "adultery". Yet Cody, who's using his sexuality to flirt with women for dirty game, gets a pass. If a woman were doing what he's doing, even if it's for "game", she would be condemned to the label of whore. It seems only women are victims of the high moral ground. I've talked about the misogyny this show spotlights repeatedly. I don't want to be a broken record.
Caleb is still in the house but I don't pay attention to him at all. His delusions and creepiness continue but I don't bother with him. His self-absorption is finally getting on the house guests' nerves and without his stalking target in the house, they have no one else to blame. Since Amber was evicted and is safe from his obsession, I don't feel the need to pay attention to him. There is nothing about this dude that even makes him a good player or a person I can root for. I've drawn a circle in the ground and he can sit his ass in it.
Anyway, Zach is leaving this week which has started a shit-storm of outrage in a large portion of the BB fan-base. His antics and rehearsed speeches of a 5-year-old have softened the hearts of a lot of the viewers. If he weren't a large contributor of misogyny along with Devin, Caleb and Frankie, I'd share this sentiment; but I don't. Does he have some endearing qualities? Sure. His visible empathy for Frankie's and Derrick's losses show a nicer, softer side of Zach. However, his game has been largely one reliant on his alliance members saving him from his own dumb-ass moves, like egging on a volatile egomaniac to nominate him, volunteering to go on the block and saying he will throw competitions so he can make speeches. No matter what the circumstances, even if someone thinks he will be nominated and is safe, it is never a smart move to volunteer. He wasn't the target this week, but he's a casualty of his juvenile antics.
Double eviction is coming up. Hopefully one of the major targets -Frankie, Christine or Caleb- will be ousted Thursday and continue to do so in the coming weeks. With them gone, we can change the channel from Big Brother - The Looney Toons Edition
Stay tuned.
Big Brother 16,
Game Analysis,
Friday, August 1, 2014
BB16:Rate the Player not the Game.
Everyone and their poodle does rankings based on game in the BB house. I thought I'd switch things up and rate these nut cases in the order I want them out of the house and bestow them my own brand of awards. Agree to disagree? K? Thanks!
#3 The Rat's Apprentice Award goes to Christine. All she's done this season is pant after the boys' attention by being their pet snitch, backstab every woman who's trusted her or tried to ally with her, including Nicole, and trash-talk the women who are prettier than her. I won't talk about her appearance. It speaks for itself. I was rooting for Christine at the beginning of the season, but it ended almost immediately. Her insecurity has lead her to target women for non-game reasons and to sit there while the guys in the alliances she's lucked into, laugh in her face at the idea of women allying in the house. She laughs right along. Keep laughing Christine, your name has been mentioned multiple times for eviction.
#5 The Soccer Award goes to Jacosta for all her fake crying and injuries. She'll probably ride to F5 because every season has one of them -except last season when F5 was all of them. You know, the house guest who's just there as filler. For enabling Caleb's obsession with Amber despite knowing how uncomfortable it made Amber and being a so-called "woman's advocate", for knowing that Christine ratted Amber out and not giving the latter a heads up, she needs to go. This woman is not just useless, she's detrimental.
#6 The Toddler Award goes to Cody. For wussing out in his only HoH then talking smack about things he has no intention on following through with, for his smarmy flirtations (which are reflected in his Twitter account, run by his brother who's pimping Cody out to slews of thirsty women), for his absolute inability to make any moves in the game but snort back his snot while talking big, he's gotta go. He's lucky he's in an alliance with Derrick which will take him farther, but meh.
#1 - The Boytch Award goes to Frankie. He thinks he's all that and a puddle of sparkles. Well, I don't really care if he's related to a pop singer. He needs to go. I'm over his accents, his characters, his hoarding of the HoH, his pop-up appearances in each room, his condescending manner and his butt-digging. I'm tired of him being on Team America and constantly using it to throw Zach and Donny under the bus. Thankfully, he's the main target this week, and for once, I will relish this task to its fruition. Grande, go home.
#2 The Douche bag Award goes to Caleb. I want his freeken day to end already, hopefully the second out in DE. The delusional accomplishments he brags about, his constant need to one-up everyone's story, his obsession with finding a woman to subjugate, his absolute lack of game, make him the single-most hated HG, of this season, almost unanimously. Some find him entertaining, yeah. I'll find him entertaining when a team of psychiatrists study him for his various psychoses. They could write a book. And I would be entertained reading it.
#3 The Rat's Apprentice Award goes to Christine. All she's done this season is pant after the boys' attention by being their pet snitch, backstab every woman who's trusted her or tried to ally with her, including Nicole, and trash-talk the women who are prettier than her. I won't talk about her appearance. It speaks for itself. I was rooting for Christine at the beginning of the season, but it ended almost immediately. Her insecurity has lead her to target women for non-game reasons and to sit there while the guys in the alliances she's lucked into, laugh in her face at the idea of women allying in the house. She laughs right along. Keep laughing Christine, your name has been mentioned multiple times for eviction.
#4 The Irrelevant Award goes to The Bachelor contestant - that chick whose name starts with the letter V. All she's done this season is whine about imaginary offenses that other women have perpetrated against her, like look at her , rub up on the guys, including married Derrick, (excluding Donny, probably thinking he's a handler or something), waiting to be handed a rose and secretly wondering where Chris Harrison's at. Maybe he'll make a guest appearance in jury. Wait. Sorry. Wrong network.
#6 The Toddler Award goes to Cody. For wussing out in his only HoH then talking smack about things he has no intention on following through with, for his smarmy flirtations (which are reflected in his Twitter account, run by his brother who's pimping Cody out to slews of thirsty women), for his absolute inability to make any moves in the game but snort back his snot while talking big, he's gotta go. He's lucky he's in an alliance with Derrick which will take him farther, but meh.
#7 The Charlatan Award goes to Zach. Oh he's a fan fave and I know I will get flamed for this. I don't happen to share the opinion that Zach is "brilliant" and "entertaining". His major accomplishment is coining "Froot Loop dingus"; but if he weren't part of a dominating alliance, he would have been gone a couple of weeks ago. His shenanigans which involve mostly targeting women, his clueless eagerness to follow Frankie's directives which always put his game in jeopardy and his "bold moves" which include getting himself nominated, will end this joker's game. He just wants to go to jury so he can buy a Prius, anyway.
#8 The Jackhole Award goes to Hayden. I would have liked him had he not been so needlessly vicious towards Amber. I cannot get behind a guy who repeatedly voices his desire to murder someone. Sure, Amber put him up but he knows that those nominations were railroaded by the Douchebag Alliance. His hatred grew from there, targeting Amber but none of the guys. Anyway, he's riding in the middle so he'll more than likely go far because there are bigger targets.
#9 The Froot Loop Dingus Award goes to, of course, Nicole. She's this high up solely for her willingness and hopefully successful intention to backdoor Frankie this week. Up to this point, she's been scared of her own shadow but this week will make or break her. She already was a target before winning HoH, so getting out Frankie might bring her up in the ranks. She's got multiple alliances with several clusters of house guests, but we all know, alliances are only as good as their actions.
#10 The Fear the Beard Award goes to, you know it. Donny has been the number 1 fan favorite in all polls. Why? Because he's a decent person and people respond to his genuine nature. He's perceptive, asks the right questions and makes the right moves for his own game. He's been a "pawn" 3 times, won a slew of competitions and has been targeted repeatedly. Winning HoH will, no doubt, increase the target but, so far only Frankie and Caleb have voiced the desire to evict him. Hopefully, they will get evicted before that comes to fruition.
#11 The Stealth Award goes to Derrick. He's the mastermind behind a lot of the game moves this season and he's done it without visibly getting blood on his hands. I'm not too crazy about his egging on Caleb's insane thirst for Amber, but I'm sure it was motivated by game reasoning. Derrick does not say or do anything without a hidden motive to get him to the end. He's playing a similar game to Frankie's but he's not as openly aggressive. He's in everyone's ear with words of encouragement, while subtly guiding them to his conclusions. The only person who's initiated discussions about how big a threat he is has been Donny.
I would love for these two to make it to final 2, should all the stars align. They would give each other a run for their money. I don't know if they would actually choose each other to take to the end but it depends on who's there with them. Donny has expressed that he wants to be sitting in the end with a worthy competitor. I don't think Derrick would have the same intentions.
Stay tuned! :)
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