Many have come forward to justify Amanda's behaviour as a legitimate strategy that's been used by others like Evel Dick, Russel Kairouz and others to unnerve their opponents. This is what's called logical fallacy of negative premise. In other words, trying to prove something is good based on negative anecdotal proof. Or the effed up premise. Amanda has also been compared to Dan in her manipulations but their game and situation is as vastly different as comparing a duck to an airplane. This logical fallacy is called jumping to conclusions when the connections are threadbare and superficial. Or the WTF premise.
First of all, Evel Dick's persona is not to be used as a litmus test for appropriate behaviour. His behaviour is and has always been obnoxious and aggressive. Banging on pots and pans as a way of falling on his sword to be evicted over his daughter can be considered a strategy. Tossing ice tea and burning Jenn with his cigarette is plain aggression and violence, as was Jenn's destruction of his cigarettes. Neither of those actions were beneficial to either of them in the game. Even he, did not bring anyone's family or loved ones into it. He also didn't threaten to punch someone with brass knuckles. He won the game because he also accompanied this ugliness with his and his daughter's comp wins. It also helps that CBS edited him in a semi-heroic way while showing Jenn Johnson in the worst light possible. He won his season. Great. A lot of good it's done him on a personal level.
Russel Kairouz taunted Ronnie Talbot when the latter was HoH and was discovered to be a "rat". This served the purpose of unseating Ronnie from his power position in the house which resulted in him getting evicted. Russell did not attack Ronnie's family. Russell had a short fuse but when he went toe to toe, literally, with Jordan Llyod who chest bumped him, he backed off. Interesting to note that Jordan was not given any penalty for it while Willie was expelled for doing a similar thing. Russel did not win the season but Jordan did. It helped that she was perceived as the underdog and charmed the fans with her sweetheart Jeff Schroeder. She did her fair share of bashing people like Michele Noonan and backstabbing her as a result of Natalie Majeran's manipulations but she didn't threaten abhorrent violence against anyone.
Tensions run high in the BB house and it can bring out the worst in people. But there is worst and horrific. Threatening to harpoon a kid in his face, slitting someone's throat and raping her with her own blood, as well as smashing someone in the face with brass knuckles is not a game strategy. It is sign of a deeply disturbed individual who desperately needs therapy. To even think those things, let alone utter them in a forum where thousands and millions are watching is mind-boggling.That's what Amanda has done.
Now on to the most laughable comparison of Amanda with the likes of Dr. Will and Dan. Both these winners had one thing in common, ruthless and smart game play. They lied, backstabbed and did everything they could to win and they did. What they did not do is bring other cast member's families into it, threaten violence on other cast members or utter horrific bigotry.
Yes, Amanda has successfully manipulated this house of fools but she had no resistance from someone in power. She's never been the underdog. She's never had to fight for her life in the game until this week. Dan was in jeopardy from day 1 during BB10. He managed to extricate himself from being the chief target to winning the season by sheer strategy and resilience. Dr. Will was able to manipulate his way to a win without having won any competitions. Why because not only was he brilliant at using others, he was able to charm everybody with his wit and humor.
Some have tried to defend her by saying that looking past this behaviour (looking past this behaviour?!?!?!) she is playing a great game. These are the same people who cannot stand Evel Dick for his behaviour. Others are claiming that we're harder on Amanda because she's a woman. Really? No. It's because she has taken the crown of the worse person to ever be cast on Big Brother. Is she great for ratings? Probably. People are fascinated with the grotesque. Does that mean she should be celebrated and lauded for her words? I certainly hope not.
At best, Amanda is a pale and disgusting imitation of many past BB winners but should she win this game the only winner she can most logically be compared to is Adam Jasinski. They both played in season with people who were either taken out because they were threats or were too clueless to play the game properly. On a personal level, these two exemplify the absolute worst in humanity. We know what happened to Adam. Let's hope Amanda gets the help she needs so she can reclaim some semblance of a life after Big Brother.
Stay tuned.
Big Brother 17 Spoilers and Commentary: Following the shenanigans inside the Big Brother house through the live feeds.
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Butt-hole Brother
It's crazy how this season has brought so much ugliness to the forefront. It began with the nasty racist comments made by Aaryn and Amanda, as well as GM, Spencer and Jeremy, and continues to this day with Amanda's personal attacks on Elissa's family and children. It got so bad that even production woke up, threatening her with a penalty nomination.
Many call this show a game but it's not game. Yes, there are games being played, both of the mind and competition sort, but this is about people being trapped in a house over an extended period of time. We can talk about strategy and we can talk about humanity. There are people who play this game ruthlessly and cruelly; and there are those who try to maintain some semblance of humanity. It's a tough call on who to root for. For my own mental sanity, it's time to break it down.
Let's start with Aaryn who is most likely the one going to jury this Thursday. I can't say I will be shedding any tears. She started the season as part of one of the most obnoxious alliances. Propped by them, she displayed a cruel and vile character, one that unapologetically, resurfaces with the slightest bit of encouragement. She taunted people on their looks, their ethnicity, their race, their sexuality. You name it. She said it. Then when her alliance was decimated, she turned the "good girl" act on that fooled many of them, especially Helen, into supporting her. She went on to win 4 competitions, putting herself in the position to be used by Amanda and Helen to take out Amanda's threats. During the HoH she won with Jeremy, one of her allies was evicted. For every other HoH she had, she nominated people that Amanda and Helen wanted nominated, even saying outright that she was being coerced.
Now, she knows that her "allies", Amanda and McCrae, won't even vote for her to stay over their pet rat, Andy. Elissa tried to put all the personal aside with Aaryn yet again, despite the fact that Helen tried the same and paid the price of her game, suggesting that they work together. When Amanda won the PoV, Aaryn went right back to the pigsty of an alliance, trashing Elissa. When their plan to fool Elissa into nominating GM in McCrae's place failed, and she realized that she was SOL against Andy, Aaryn went pleading to Elissa yet again. Elissa would have none of it. She called Aaryn out on her lies and behaviour, finally blowing her off by saying she would think about it. Aaryn failed in the game and on a human level this season.
Now on to Amanda, the Don of BB15. She started off the game by leeching onto the first HoH, McCrae, and created a personal relationship with him by swallowing him up whole. She helped execute all the evictions and controlled all the HoH nominations, until this week when she hit the wall called Elissa. This set off a chain reaction of demented behaviour like none we have seen before. That's not to say that Amanda's behaviour has been exemplary thus far. She has spouted as much if not more vileness than Aaryn or the others could ever think of, which is ironic because she's the one who called them on their racist comments. She' not only made racist, homophobic and other ick remarks, she spouted fantasies of violence against Elissa, Elissa's children, and Candice. Detailed, horrific fantasies of violence.
Her game could be called flawless but I often wonder if she would have made it this long (certainly not past 2 MVP nominations) if she were playing with people who had the drive, foresight and backbone to make some big moves. It's not like she hid her influence because it's not in Amanda to take the back seat to anyone. Her bullying tactics served her well with this crew but hit an iron barrier in Elissa. This is what drove her over the edge these past few days inducing a medication-driven whirlwind of vileness. Production put a stop to it with either medications, threats or both. This resulted in Amanda having a sit down with Elissa and apologies from both sides. I doubt that will change her behaviour but one thing I think it has changed and that's how the other HGs view her. This might have driven the last nail into Amanda's eviction.
I look forward to the BB15 house being cleansed from Amanda and her flee-bitten pet, McCrae. These are two people whose behaviour has vastly overshadowed any game moves they have made. Their only chance at an alliance is Andy and that's questionable. If the worse case scenario happens this Thursday that she or McCrae win HoH, and you know it has a high chance of happening, her game will continue but, on a human, level she has failed miserably.
There is not much to say about McCrae who has been Amanda's strap-on this whole season. He, more than anyone has been the biggest disappointment for me personally. I had high hopes for him from the preseason interviews and winning the first HoH, but then he turned out to be a gigantic dud. He quickly blew off the Moving Company, putting all his eggs and both his balls in Amanda's basket (pun not intended). He may revive should Amanda be evicted, but he is going for second at best.
Although he started out showing some sense of individuality by calling Amanda out on her questionable comments, he's since disappeared into a filthy emaciated hull of a human being who cannot articulate a full sentence without saying "I don't know." He's shown that he's incapable of thinking for himself throughout this season and has no problem bashing people behind their backs. I think this must come from a deep knowledge that he's effed up his game. The best I can say about McCrae is, I don't know.
Andy has played the rat game this whole season. He hitched his wagon to McCranda and hasn't budged since, not even to realize that the dumbest move in BB is to ally yourself with a showmance. He's been cut throat and insipid in his game and personal connections with people, but when the Zingbot called him on it during the most recent PoV competition, it hit a nerve. He wondered if he was being portrayed as this season's Shelly, getting more and more agitated. Andy, you're not being portrayed that way. You are that way. I don't understand why any player would adopt that strategy as it hasn't worked for the likes of Ronnie and Shelly.
He's said that now that his eyes are open he will go after McCranda but will he really? My guess is that he will throw the next HoH and go with whomever gets power. It's a flopper's way to make it to the end and it inspires me as much as overcooked noodles. Andy has mostly not participated in the slamfests but he's never discouraged them and sometimes laughed at the ugly comments some of the HGs have made. He's playing a spineless game, not one I respect. He's middle of the road in every way.
Judd has returned and I hope he makes the best of it this time. He seems aware that he was duped and playing Amanda's game before he was backstabbed and evicted. He made a deal with Elissa and is part of an alliance-of-the week but I don't set much store in either of them until I see him actually act on his intentions. He seems to have had enough of the McCranda show. Here's hoping he has the power to do something about it.
Spencer and GM get one paragraph. Spencer is there, floating along, surviving 6 times on the block, the stigma of The Moving Company and his association with BB15 public enemy #1, Howard. On a personal level, he sucks slugs. His constant perverted statements culminating in the sexual abuse of children makes him foul in my eyes, and hoping he's not dragged, like the goat he is, to the F2 chair. GM, on the other hand, has shown some remorse for the ignorant statements she's made and some heart in this game. She's obviously someone who appreciates honesty and kindness, mirroring the company she's in. She needs to find better company in her life. She too has survived being part of an alliance that has been decimated. I don't know who she will stay with moving forward. GM is a big question mark.
I saved Elissa for last. She's the one person, other than Judd, left in the game that I'm rooting for because of her game moves and her strength of good character. I know there are people who don't like her because she was given an unfair advantage of 3 weeks of MVP but she needed it because she had the unfair disadvantage of being the only person related to an ex-cast member. Those lame decisions are on production not her. Some hate her because they hate her sister Rachel who was a very polarizing person in the game. I like Rachel but Elissa is nothing like her.
Elissa has held on to her inner strength all season and even more so these past few days when Amanda launched her nasty campaign of bullying against her. What was Elissa's reaction? To laugh and rise above it. How can anyone not admire that? I don't know how I would have reacted but certainly not that gracefully when someone is attacking my child to my face. I wanted to punch walls just reading about it.
I've gone into detail why Elissa has played a very good game. Sure, people criticized her this week because she didn't put up Amanda with McCrae. She did a smarter thing. She put up two of her targets, now three people who have been Amanda's army. It's win-win in a lose-lose situation. Aaryn has been foul, gunning for Elissa, untrustworthy, playing emotionally and winning competitions. In my mind, Aaryn is the bigger threat; but if Elissa had gotten Amanda out, that would have been great too. She went from being alone at the beginning of this week to having formed some alliances and have some numbers. Maybe she has 3 people gunning for her next week, but she's shown the others that there is life outside of Amanda's butt-hole. And maybe, just maybe, they will all reclaim their balls from Amanda and stand where the sun does shine.
Big Brother 15,
Game Analysis,
Saturday, August 24, 2013
BB15 Shenanigans Redux
Yeah. Yeah. I know. I said I was over this season, but who knew that Elissa, the beast, would come out and win HoH? The 2nd HoH of the season. You're probably thinking "WTF Genie? It's week 9." That may be so but it's the first time Amanda has not been the real HoH, from taking over the nominations to commandeering the HoH room. And it shows. She's losing it.
This video says it all.
Elissa, finally free of Helen's well-meaning but completely misguided decisions and shenanigans, is able to play her own game. Helen refused to listen to Elissa who urged her to help get Amanda evicted the two weeks she was on the block by Fan MVP nominations. Instead, Helen was instrumental in voting out her own allies. That's why Helen is in jury right now.
Elissa showed her independent thinking by MVP nominating who she wanted gone even if Amanda did not agree which was highlighted the week she put up Jeremy instead of Howard. The fact that all three of her MVP nominations were voted out, says a lot about her insight into the game.
Now, she found herself alone in the house with her allies and support-group gone. But, using her HoH, she has been successful in getting the newly returned Judd on her side, taming the beast in GM and having her eating out of Elissa's hands, and more suprsingly, this...
Making a deal with Aaryn.
Who would have guessed this turn of events? Elissa told Aaryn that they need to put the past behind them because "this isn't high school" and work together to take out Amanda first, followed by the rest of her allies (McCrae and Andy). She added that Aaryn needs to win PoV but she would prefer if she herself wins it to take her off the block, proving to Aaryn her intention to work with her. She urged Aaryn to talk to Judd and Spencer and get their support.
Surprisingly, Aaryn stuck to the script and said nothing to Amanda, McCrae or Andy who is in the dark about what's really happening for the first time this season. This has been one of Aaryn's smartest moves. Despite the fact that she's been in power 4 times, her nominations have not been her own, becoming Amanda's hired gun. However, she has been successful in keeping herself safe and longer in the game. If she does stick with Elissa, GM and Judd, Aaryn's chances of making it to F2 have grown exponentially. But I don't want to get too far ahead of myself.
Today, is the PoV competition with Elissa, Aaryn, McCrae, GM, Judd and Amanda playing. The worst case scenario for Aaryn is that Amanda wins the PoV and takes McCrae off the block. In the event that happens, Elissa is planning on replacing him with Andy. I will, for the first time this season, be updating the whole process this week.
Why? Because, finally, they are playing Big Brother not Big Amanda.
Update: Amanda won PoV. Of course. Andy will probably go on the block. Do we say goodbye to Aaryn or Andy?
Stay tuned!
P.S. For my more snarky updates, follow me on twitter :D
This video says it all.
Elissa showed her independent thinking by MVP nominating who she wanted gone even if Amanda did not agree which was highlighted the week she put up Jeremy instead of Howard. The fact that all three of her MVP nominations were voted out, says a lot about her insight into the game.
Now, she found herself alone in the house with her allies and support-group gone. But, using her HoH, she has been successful in getting the newly returned Judd on her side, taming the beast in GM and having her eating out of Elissa's hands, and more suprsingly, this...
Making a deal with Aaryn.
Who would have guessed this turn of events? Elissa told Aaryn that they need to put the past behind them because "this isn't high school" and work together to take out Amanda first, followed by the rest of her allies (McCrae and Andy). She added that Aaryn needs to win PoV but she would prefer if she herself wins it to take her off the block, proving to Aaryn her intention to work with her. She urged Aaryn to talk to Judd and Spencer and get their support.
Surprisingly, Aaryn stuck to the script and said nothing to Amanda, McCrae or Andy who is in the dark about what's really happening for the first time this season. This has been one of Aaryn's smartest moves. Despite the fact that she's been in power 4 times, her nominations have not been her own, becoming Amanda's hired gun. However, she has been successful in keeping herself safe and longer in the game. If she does stick with Elissa, GM and Judd, Aaryn's chances of making it to F2 have grown exponentially. But I don't want to get too far ahead of myself.
Today, is the PoV competition with Elissa, Aaryn, McCrae, GM, Judd and Amanda playing. The worst case scenario for Aaryn is that Amanda wins the PoV and takes McCrae off the block. In the event that happens, Elissa is planning on replacing him with Andy. I will, for the first time this season, be updating the whole process this week.
Why? Because, finally, they are playing Big Brother not Big Amanda.
Update: Amanda won PoV. Of course. Andy will probably go on the block. Do we say goodbye to Aaryn or Andy?
Stay tuned!
P.S. For my more snarky updates, follow me on twitter :D
Monday, August 19, 2013
Big Shambles Brother
After 7 years and 8 seasons of being an avid Big Brother fan, I am throwing in the towel. This was the straw that broke this fan's back. I can't take it anymore. This shambles of a season with the most ridiculously clueless and largely unlikable cast has spelled the end for this blogger.
Between the horrific vileness coming out of the mouths of Aaryn, Jeremy, GinaMarie, Amanda and Spencer and the absolute blindness and inability to play the game displayed by most of the others has left this fan with no one to root for. Unlike others, I don't have a short-term memory when it comes to the ugly shenanigans of the twisted sisters who are ruling the roost right now. I could care less how many competitions they win or how manipulative their strategies are, if I cannot stomach them as human beings, then I do not want to witness their victory, I felt sick to my stomach when Evel Dickhead won in season 8 and when Adam Jackasski won in season 9. Season 15 will end just as disgustingly, it seems, with someone who is even worse than those two. Under her beauty, Aaryn is a mean, small-minded, cruel person. Amanda is even worse. GM is struggling to fit in, taking on the ugly when it's around her.
I guess I'm not a game purist. I guess I don't "love" the game as much as those who choose to root for two women who are absolutely vile. There have been arguments that Aaryn and Amanda are playing great games, but all that's relative. They've got the upper hand because everyone else in the house sucks fiercely at playing this game.
Aaryn won 4 HoHs, one with the cheating help of her partner Jeremy (there are pictures to prove their cheating), sure, but look who she's up against. McCrae is too terrified to win a comp and not throw it to the woman who has his balls hostage. Helen is too busy cheering everyone on and trying to turn them into Disney characters. Elissa goes dead blank in most comps because her sensibilities cannot survive a season like this. GM is too busy planning the dungeon in which she will enslave Nick. Andy's focus is playing the rat game, and though he's won a couple of competitions, he's no more than Amanda's puppet. Amanda is absolutely useless in competitions. Spencer is there. And really why would Amanda, McCrae, Andy or Spencer try to win comps when they have their clownie do their dirty work for them?
Winning competitions is only as good as it serves furthering the person's game not everyone else's. Who did Aaryn want to put up this week? Spencer and Elissa. Why? Because she hates Elissa and doesn't trust Spencer. It doesn't matter though because she put up Amanda's picks; Helen and Elissa. How anyone can say this chick is playing a good game boggles my mind. She's winning competitions up against a motley crew of losers. Great. But her game is not better than anyone else's in the house, with the exception of the Dragon Mistress, Amanda Zuckerman.
When Elissa won the PoV competition (I wonder how many people will say it was given to her) Aaryn had the golden opportunity to strike and take out someone who has been dictating the house since week 1. Had she done that, she would have indeed earned the title of a good gamer. She fell back on the cop-out excuse that Helen would not have the votes to stay, but would Spencer really vote to keep Amanda over Helen? Spencer who called Amanda out on her BS? No, she's just choosing to play it safe. A good competitor she might be, a good player she isn't. I'm not going to even get into the fact that yet another minority is leaving on her HoH, with the third one having left under her co-racist's reign. It might not be the reason she's targeted them, but it sure doesn't look good, does it?
Amanda's success is largely due to the fact that Helen is an absolute moron at this game. She was too busy trying to get them all to hold hands and sing kumbaya as Amanda got her to vote out all her own allies and the people she promised to protect: Kaitlyn, Candice and Jessie. Not to mention the countless times Helen threw her closest ally, Elissa, under the bus. Now, where is she? Yup, on the block with maybe 2 votes. And she deserves to be there because any time anyone tried to get her to see the light, or call her out on her discrepancies, she would run away crying to the very people she shouldn't be trusting. You would think that after the 3rd time she went to Andy with the plan to vote out Amanda and he balked, she would realize that he wasn't on her side. Instead she acquiesced, only realizing how treacherous Andy is now when it's too late.
Andy has been able to sustain his rat status mostly because of Helen's blind loyalty to him. However, his game has blown up this week which will probably get him out before Spencer, GM or even Elissa. I won't be shedding any tears.
McCrae blew up his game as soon as Amanda blew him. Nuff said.
Elissa is the only person I like in the house but her social game is spotty because of the very reason I like her. She can't fake getting along with people she cannot stand which is most of the people left. She's won two PoVs but if it's a competition that requires concentration, she cannot sustain it. She's proven that she has a mind of her own but she's never had a strong alliance with people who would stick with her. After Helen leaves this week (it's inevitable), she won't have any allies. I doubt Aaryn or GM will stick with her to take out Amanda or McCrae.
GM and Spencer are not even worth my time typing about.
So yeah, someone might be coming back Thursday. The best chances of a power shift would be Helen coming back. Candice would be motivated to put a dent in the reigning regime but she's proven to be a very poor competitor. Judd will just target Elissa because he's far from the mastermind they've all made him out to be in the house. Jessie is a big question mark.
What's not a question mark is that I'm done. So I say my farewells!
Between the horrific vileness coming out of the mouths of Aaryn, Jeremy, GinaMarie, Amanda and Spencer and the absolute blindness and inability to play the game displayed by most of the others has left this fan with no one to root for. Unlike others, I don't have a short-term memory when it comes to the ugly shenanigans of the twisted sisters who are ruling the roost right now. I could care less how many competitions they win or how manipulative their strategies are, if I cannot stomach them as human beings, then I do not want to witness their victory, I felt sick to my stomach when Evel Dickhead won in season 8 and when Adam Jackasski won in season 9. Season 15 will end just as disgustingly, it seems, with someone who is even worse than those two. Under her beauty, Aaryn is a mean, small-minded, cruel person. Amanda is even worse. GM is struggling to fit in, taking on the ugly when it's around her.
I guess I'm not a game purist. I guess I don't "love" the game as much as those who choose to root for two women who are absolutely vile. There have been arguments that Aaryn and Amanda are playing great games, but all that's relative. They've got the upper hand because everyone else in the house sucks fiercely at playing this game.
Aaryn won 4 HoHs, one with the cheating help of her partner Jeremy (there are pictures to prove their cheating), sure, but look who she's up against. McCrae is too terrified to win a comp and not throw it to the woman who has his balls hostage. Helen is too busy cheering everyone on and trying to turn them into Disney characters. Elissa goes dead blank in most comps because her sensibilities cannot survive a season like this. GM is too busy planning the dungeon in which she will enslave Nick. Andy's focus is playing the rat game, and though he's won a couple of competitions, he's no more than Amanda's puppet. Amanda is absolutely useless in competitions. Spencer is there. And really why would Amanda, McCrae, Andy or Spencer try to win comps when they have their clownie do their dirty work for them?
Winning competitions is only as good as it serves furthering the person's game not everyone else's. Who did Aaryn want to put up this week? Spencer and Elissa. Why? Because she hates Elissa and doesn't trust Spencer. It doesn't matter though because she put up Amanda's picks; Helen and Elissa. How anyone can say this chick is playing a good game boggles my mind. She's winning competitions up against a motley crew of losers. Great. But her game is not better than anyone else's in the house, with the exception of the Dragon Mistress, Amanda Zuckerman.
When Elissa won the PoV competition (I wonder how many people will say it was given to her) Aaryn had the golden opportunity to strike and take out someone who has been dictating the house since week 1. Had she done that, she would have indeed earned the title of a good gamer. She fell back on the cop-out excuse that Helen would not have the votes to stay, but would Spencer really vote to keep Amanda over Helen? Spencer who called Amanda out on her BS? No, she's just choosing to play it safe. A good competitor she might be, a good player she isn't. I'm not going to even get into the fact that yet another minority is leaving on her HoH, with the third one having left under her co-racist's reign. It might not be the reason she's targeted them, but it sure doesn't look good, does it?
Amanda's success is largely due to the fact that Helen is an absolute moron at this game. She was too busy trying to get them all to hold hands and sing kumbaya as Amanda got her to vote out all her own allies and the people she promised to protect: Kaitlyn, Candice and Jessie. Not to mention the countless times Helen threw her closest ally, Elissa, under the bus. Now, where is she? Yup, on the block with maybe 2 votes. And she deserves to be there because any time anyone tried to get her to see the light, or call her out on her discrepancies, she would run away crying to the very people she shouldn't be trusting. You would think that after the 3rd time she went to Andy with the plan to vote out Amanda and he balked, she would realize that he wasn't on her side. Instead she acquiesced, only realizing how treacherous Andy is now when it's too late.
Andy has been able to sustain his rat status mostly because of Helen's blind loyalty to him. However, his game has blown up this week which will probably get him out before Spencer, GM or even Elissa. I won't be shedding any tears.
McCrae blew up his game as soon as Amanda blew him. Nuff said.
Elissa is the only person I like in the house but her social game is spotty because of the very reason I like her. She can't fake getting along with people she cannot stand which is most of the people left. She's won two PoVs but if it's a competition that requires concentration, she cannot sustain it. She's proven that she has a mind of her own but she's never had a strong alliance with people who would stick with her. After Helen leaves this week (it's inevitable), she won't have any allies. I doubt Aaryn or GM will stick with her to take out Amanda or McCrae.
GM and Spencer are not even worth my time typing about.
So yeah, someone might be coming back Thursday. The best chances of a power shift would be Helen coming back. Candice would be motivated to put a dent in the reigning regime but she's proven to be a very poor competitor. Judd will just target Elissa because he's far from the mastermind they've all made him out to be in the house. Jessie is a big question mark.
What's not a question mark is that I'm done. So I say my farewells!
Big Brother 15,
Monday, August 5, 2013
BB15: Mad, Medicated and Mean.
At the end of last season, I had decided to can BB blogging because I was so disenchanted with the way this show is run. I was disgusted by the way the editing fed into last season's object of hatred: Danielle Murphree. I did not like the mixture of vets and newbies. And I was sick to death of the casting formula.
When it was announced that this season would have all newbies, I was excited because it seemed that finally things were changing. Little did I know that the casting this season would be one of the worst ever. This season has been muddied by all the vile, racial, violent, inhumane comments made not just in the heat of the moment, but constantly by Aaryn, GM, Jeremy, Kaitlyn, and most aggressively Amanda.
Here are a couple of videos to highlight the nastiness: (Keep in mind that Aaryn's parents have hired a PR firm to cleanse Aaryn's image and a lot of these videos are being taken down. I don't doubt Amanda's parents will do the same. Watch them while you can.)
Here's the thing, while some people are calling this "beating a dead horse", in reality, this is simply a true reflection of what's going on in the house without production's intrusive edit. While CBS pretended to tackle the issue because it's "driving the story", they only focused on Aaryn's bigotry and have completely given Amanda the hero's edit. Amanda, who has surpassed Aaryn not only in bigoted, racist and vile comments but in threats to cause bodily harm to Jessie and Candice, is still portrayed as the valiant one, dealing with Elissa's mean statements about her hoochie outfit. Amanda is the Golden Girl this season.
A couple of weeks ago, a "source" came forward to claim that Amanda has ties with Grodner and has been chosen as the fave to win by production. Read for yourselves.
While I did not believe it at the time, since logistically it's very difficult to guarantee that someone win this show, the show's edits are starting to persuade me of this. Also. interesting to note, that a lot of the sites that ran this story, have deleted it. The only reason I have this screenshot is because I saved it on my computer.
But be that as it may, whether CBS and production are trying their best to control the story, this story is uncontrollable. People do not want to see any of this behaviour be rewarded in any way despite the "game play". Aaryn and GinaMarie have lost their jobs, and it seems Amanda has followed suit. The real world has condemned them for their words, it's time CBS and production grow a pair and do the same.
Big Brother is losing a lot of fans, despite the fluctuating ratings. The sole cause of this is poor show management, a ridiculous casting formula and an inability to actually run a reality show with more reality and less production manipulation.
And speaking of casting, how did they manage to cast so many on anti-anxiety and other psychiatric medications? What kind of screening do these people go through? It seems not much since quite a few are recruited for their "personality" and looks. Your formula has failed, Grodner. Reap the rewards of the fuctercluck. This season's cast is so disappointing because either they are examples of the lowest point in civilization or they don't have a modicum of understanding how to play this game. We can't even discuss or appreciate the "game" because it's been cluttered by this horrific social injustice.
To that end, being a person first and a fan second, I'm not going to sit around and watch this hot mess of a season come to its deflating, demoralizing and disgusting conclusion.
It's time the fans showed CBS what we really think of some of the disgraceful HGs in that house, by switching the channel. It's time we allow the outrage to hit them where they love, and that's in the ratings. It's time to stop watching.
When it was announced that this season would have all newbies, I was excited because it seemed that finally things were changing. Little did I know that the casting this season would be one of the worst ever. This season has been muddied by all the vile, racial, violent, inhumane comments made not just in the heat of the moment, but constantly by Aaryn, GM, Jeremy, Kaitlyn, and most aggressively Amanda.
Here are a couple of videos to highlight the nastiness: (Keep in mind that Aaryn's parents have hired a PR firm to cleanse Aaryn's image and a lot of these videos are being taken down. I don't doubt Amanda's parents will do the same. Watch them while you can.)
A couple of weeks ago, a "source" came forward to claim that Amanda has ties with Grodner and has been chosen as the fave to win by production. Read for yourselves.
While I did not believe it at the time, since logistically it's very difficult to guarantee that someone win this show, the show's edits are starting to persuade me of this. Also. interesting to note, that a lot of the sites that ran this story, have deleted it. The only reason I have this screenshot is because I saved it on my computer.
But be that as it may, whether CBS and production are trying their best to control the story, this story is uncontrollable. People do not want to see any of this behaviour be rewarded in any way despite the "game play". Aaryn and GinaMarie have lost their jobs, and it seems Amanda has followed suit. The real world has condemned them for their words, it's time CBS and production grow a pair and do the same.
Big Brother is losing a lot of fans, despite the fluctuating ratings. The sole cause of this is poor show management, a ridiculous casting formula and an inability to actually run a reality show with more reality and less production manipulation.
And speaking of casting, how did they manage to cast so many on anti-anxiety and other psychiatric medications? What kind of screening do these people go through? It seems not much since quite a few are recruited for their "personality" and looks. Your formula has failed, Grodner. Reap the rewards of the fuctercluck. This season's cast is so disappointing because either they are examples of the lowest point in civilization or they don't have a modicum of understanding how to play this game. We can't even discuss or appreciate the "game" because it's been cluttered by this horrific social injustice.
To that end, being a person first and a fan second, I'm not going to sit around and watch this hot mess of a season come to its deflating, demoralizing and disgusting conclusion.
It's time the fans showed CBS what we really think of some of the disgraceful HGs in that house, by switching the channel. It's time we allow the outrage to hit them where they love, and that's in the ratings. It's time to stop watching.
Big Brother 15,
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Strategy is Everything
The name of the game in Big Brother is strategy. There have been several successful strategies used in the past to carry players to the end. There have also been some unsuccessful strategies that have sent people home.
There's the floater strategy, that Jun used in BB4. Its core characteristic is the ability to remain fluid in alliances and to choose which competitions to win or not. It's the ability to stay under the radar while manipulating situations to one's benefit, behind the scenes.
There's the social game strategy most successfully used by Dr. Will Kirby in season 2. He won the game based on sheer manipulation and personality, as he is the only winner to have never won an HoH or PoV competition.
There's the ninja strategy (Dan's term) which is a combination of social game, winning competitions when necessary and relying on a small, solid, often secret, alliance. This strategy was successfully used by Dan Gheesling in BB10, Hayden Moss in BB12 and Ian Terry in BB14.
There's the goon strategy (my term) which is one of intimidation used successfully by Evel Dick in BB8. It's aggressively social and competitive game play that involves a lot of risky moves (such as using the veto on someone else) that pay off.
Finally, there's the production assisted win that is the use of any of the above strategies but with the winner being helped by production via the twists and/or favorable show edits that sway fan voting . The twists alone did not win them the game, but the twists did save them when they or their alliance was in danger. This is most notable with Jordan Llyod in BB11 and Rachel Reilly in BB13.
Who are the strategic players this season? Who is production favoring via the twists and edits?
Though many believe Amanda is the only strategic player this season, it's not accurate. She's been using a combination of the social game and intimidation thus far. She's been able to manipulate some situations and people to get her way, mainly getting Kaitlyn evicted over the more game-vulnerable Aaryn. However, her main goal for 3 weeks now has been to take out Howard and she's failed. Will her plan be foiled again this week; will she succeed; or will her game end?
Helen, though I don't care with some of her waffling tactics and her tendency to say too much, is also a key strategic player this season. She's been using a fusion between the floater and ninja strategies, being the main force behind David's, Nick's and Jeremy's evictions. She gets very close to taking the ultimate steps but she second-guesses herself which might be her demise.
Production has had their hand in the game via the MVP twist and the show editing. The first 3 weeks, the MVP twist has been a huge factor in helping Elissa not only stay in the game but with her allies' ability to get key threats to them evicted. Largely due to fan protests of rigging, production switched it up making fans the MVP. The main goal for this was to get Aaryn, who has become the representative of bigoted statements made by several house guests this season, evicted. (more on this in tomorrow's blog) This backfired when Kaitlyn was evicted instead, as a result of Amanda's and Helen's campaigning.
This week, the fans voted for Amanda as the third nominee, mostly because they crave to see a shift in the power, and have been disillusioned by her tactics. This has happened despite production's attempt to manipulate the voting via their edits which have been showing Elissa in a negative light while giving Amanda the hero's edit.
The other cast this season have placed themselves in supporting roles thus far, helping to further either Amanda's or Helen's agendas. Unless these people step up their games, they will find themselves watching the show from home or from the edited DvDs in jury.
Stay tuned.
There's the floater strategy, that Jun used in BB4. Its core characteristic is the ability to remain fluid in alliances and to choose which competitions to win or not. It's the ability to stay under the radar while manipulating situations to one's benefit, behind the scenes.
There's the social game strategy most successfully used by Dr. Will Kirby in season 2. He won the game based on sheer manipulation and personality, as he is the only winner to have never won an HoH or PoV competition.
There's the ninja strategy (Dan's term) which is a combination of social game, winning competitions when necessary and relying on a small, solid, often secret, alliance. This strategy was successfully used by Dan Gheesling in BB10, Hayden Moss in BB12 and Ian Terry in BB14.
There's the goon strategy (my term) which is one of intimidation used successfully by Evel Dick in BB8. It's aggressively social and competitive game play that involves a lot of risky moves (such as using the veto on someone else) that pay off.
Finally, there's the production assisted win that is the use of any of the above strategies but with the winner being helped by production via the twists and/or favorable show edits that sway fan voting . The twists alone did not win them the game, but the twists did save them when they or their alliance was in danger. This is most notable with Jordan Llyod in BB11 and Rachel Reilly in BB13.
Who are the strategic players this season? Who is production favoring via the twists and edits?
Though many believe Amanda is the only strategic player this season, it's not accurate. She's been using a combination of the social game and intimidation thus far. She's been able to manipulate some situations and people to get her way, mainly getting Kaitlyn evicted over the more game-vulnerable Aaryn. However, her main goal for 3 weeks now has been to take out Howard and she's failed. Will her plan be foiled again this week; will she succeed; or will her game end?
Helen, though I don't care with some of her waffling tactics and her tendency to say too much, is also a key strategic player this season. She's been using a fusion between the floater and ninja strategies, being the main force behind David's, Nick's and Jeremy's evictions. She gets very close to taking the ultimate steps but she second-guesses herself which might be her demise.
Production has had their hand in the game via the MVP twist and the show editing. The first 3 weeks, the MVP twist has been a huge factor in helping Elissa not only stay in the game but with her allies' ability to get key threats to them evicted. Largely due to fan protests of rigging, production switched it up making fans the MVP. The main goal for this was to get Aaryn, who has become the representative of bigoted statements made by several house guests this season, evicted. (more on this in tomorrow's blog) This backfired when Kaitlyn was evicted instead, as a result of Amanda's and Helen's campaigning.
This week, the fans voted for Amanda as the third nominee, mostly because they crave to see a shift in the power, and have been disillusioned by her tactics. This has happened despite production's attempt to manipulate the voting via their edits which have been showing Elissa in a negative light while giving Amanda the hero's edit.
The other cast this season have placed themselves in supporting roles thus far, helping to further either Amanda's or Helen's agendas. Unless these people step up their games, they will find themselves watching the show from home or from the edited DvDs in jury.
Stay tuned.
Big Brother 15,
Game Analysis,
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Grodner, This is Your Fuctercluck
Yesterday, was a fustercluck in the Big Brother house. Why? Because the people cast on this season are dumber than the rubber ducks populating Studio City. I take back all my ratings from the other day.
So let's see, Helen two days ago pulled Elissa and Candice in the Storage room, dead set on getting Amanda out of the house because she manipulates every situation and every HoH. Finally, clarity. But no, somehow she got it back in her head, after some Amanda brainwashing, that Howard is a threat and needs to go. Why does Amanda hate Howard and Candice so much? Because they see right through her shenanigans. So she convinced Helen to leap on board the Kaitlyn eviction train, trying to drag Elissa with her.
What happened to the promises Helen and Andy made to the sobbing Candice after Aaryn flipped her bed and mocked her? It seems only Elissa remembers this incident. Granted, Kaitlyn is a bigger threat in the game (for Amanda), but what happened to Helen's reassurance that Kaitlyn would be "safe"? Oh, that's right! Helen lied. I guess it's okay for her to lie but she will put Howard in permanent time out for lying to protect his now defunct alliance.
Meanwhile, Judd, Amanda and McCrae went on a rampage going through Howard's possessions looking for a secret power. I would laugh hysterically if I wasn't so disgusted in their pathetic state. I lost all respect for Judd after this and his tirade against Elissa and Candice calling one "bitch" and the other 'slut". Yup, Candice is the one who used his HoH room to do a strip show and his HoH bed to fornicate. *eyeroll* I'm not even going to get into the grossmance between Amanda the Dominatrix and McSockPuppet. But it gets worse.
Elissa pulled Kaitlyn aside, trying to give her a heads up that the house is about to vote her out because they've heard about her alliance with Howard and Spencer. What did the idiot, Kaitlyn, do? She went straight to Andy -Yup, Pop Up Tattletale Andy- to tell him her hysterical version of what transpired. What did he do? He scampered to HoH to tell the Mistress of the house, the permanent HoH who has taken over the room/house, having even donned the HoH robe.
As if that's not stupid enough, Kaitlyn proceeded to tell Aaryn her version of what transpired between her and Elissa. Yes, the person who is on the block with her. It didn't stop there, folks, Kailtyn went throughout the house telling everyone, while Aaryn scuttled to Helen to tell her her version of Kaitlyn's version of the discussion with Elissa.
Helen then scurried to find Elissa to "rein her in" and make her tow Amanda's line, only to be rebuffed by Elissa who was talking to GinaMarie and Judd at the time. Eventually, everyone in the house wound up in that bedroom, except Amanda, McCrae and Candice, who slept through it all. This didn't stop the morons from blaming the latter for everything. Aaryn and Kaitlyn did their best to rattle Elissa who calmly told Aaryn that she had nothing to say to her and got Kailtyn to cough up the true version of events. It ended in a stalemate with not even a real smackdown.
Helen then scampered to HoH to tell her Mistress the embellished and untrue version of the version of the version of events, entering the room with "Elissa has got to go." This woman runs campaigns?
Yes, Elissa has got to go because she won't be bullied into going along with Amanda's agenda like all the other good sock puppets are doing. Yes, Howard, Candice and Spencer have got to go because they aren't intimidated by Amanda.
Yes, Kaitlyn will go this week, finally finding out what a huge idiot she is by exposing the one person in the house who was trying to save her ass.
Yes, Aaryn will stay and probably make it to final 2 because there is no integrity, no loyalty, no common sense in that house.
And yes, I blame Grodner and her stupid production company for the worst casting ever. Between the clueless recruits, the people chosen solely to fill stereotypical roles and throwing in only one relative of a vet who is one of the most polarizing people to enter the BB house, she has turned this season is one big hot mess of stupid.
Everyone has been busy complaining about the unfair advantage Elissa has. An advantage that not only has put a huge target on Elissa's back but one that was taken away from her this week and placed in the hands of the public. The public responded in droves against the very person these nut bars are trying to save this week. Did Gronder tell them or us the results? No. Causing a huge uproar in and out of the house. Epic fail yet again.
This season will go up in a blaze of disgraceful lack of game play. Fans have lost any sense of who to root for or what the hell is going on even. Those who seemed to be heroes in the house have turned into nasty dictators or wimpy morons. Everyone has been complaining that the show is being rigged for Elissa, when Amanda is getting the hero's edit. Allegations that there's a connection between Grodner and Zuckerman have already spread, making Amanda the favorite to win this season. And she will win, not because Grodner needs to rig it, but simply because the house has been filled with buffoons who can't keep a thought or an alliance longer than 10 minutes to save their lives. Good job, Grodner!
Does anyone have a fly swatter? I want to crush that fly on the wall.
Stay tuned!
So let's see, Helen two days ago pulled Elissa and Candice in the Storage room, dead set on getting Amanda out of the house because she manipulates every situation and every HoH. Finally, clarity. But no, somehow she got it back in her head, after some Amanda brainwashing, that Howard is a threat and needs to go. Why does Amanda hate Howard and Candice so much? Because they see right through her shenanigans. So she convinced Helen to leap on board the Kaitlyn eviction train, trying to drag Elissa with her.
What happened to the promises Helen and Andy made to the sobbing Candice after Aaryn flipped her bed and mocked her? It seems only Elissa remembers this incident. Granted, Kaitlyn is a bigger threat in the game (for Amanda), but what happened to Helen's reassurance that Kaitlyn would be "safe"? Oh, that's right! Helen lied. I guess it's okay for her to lie but she will put Howard in permanent time out for lying to protect his now defunct alliance.
Meanwhile, Judd, Amanda and McCrae went on a rampage going through Howard's possessions looking for a secret power. I would laugh hysterically if I wasn't so disgusted in their pathetic state. I lost all respect for Judd after this and his tirade against Elissa and Candice calling one "bitch" and the other 'slut". Yup, Candice is the one who used his HoH room to do a strip show and his HoH bed to fornicate. *eyeroll* I'm not even going to get into the grossmance between Amanda the Dominatrix and McSockPuppet. But it gets worse.
Elissa pulled Kaitlyn aside, trying to give her a heads up that the house is about to vote her out because they've heard about her alliance with Howard and Spencer. What did the idiot, Kaitlyn, do? She went straight to Andy -Yup, Pop Up Tattletale Andy- to tell him her hysterical version of what transpired. What did he do? He scampered to HoH to tell the Mistress of the house, the permanent HoH who has taken over the room/house, having even donned the HoH robe.
As if that's not stupid enough, Kaitlyn proceeded to tell Aaryn her version of what transpired between her and Elissa. Yes, the person who is on the block with her. It didn't stop there, folks, Kailtyn went throughout the house telling everyone, while Aaryn scuttled to Helen to tell her her version of Kaitlyn's version of the discussion with Elissa.
Helen then scurried to find Elissa to "rein her in" and make her tow Amanda's line, only to be rebuffed by Elissa who was talking to GinaMarie and Judd at the time. Eventually, everyone in the house wound up in that bedroom, except Amanda, McCrae and Candice, who slept through it all. This didn't stop the morons from blaming the latter for everything. Aaryn and Kaitlyn did their best to rattle Elissa who calmly told Aaryn that she had nothing to say to her and got Kailtyn to cough up the true version of events. It ended in a stalemate with not even a real smackdown.
Helen then scampered to HoH to tell her Mistress the embellished and untrue version of the version of the version of events, entering the room with "Elissa has got to go." This woman runs campaigns?
Yes, Elissa has got to go because she won't be bullied into going along with Amanda's agenda like all the other good sock puppets are doing. Yes, Howard, Candice and Spencer have got to go because they aren't intimidated by Amanda.
Yes, Kaitlyn will go this week, finally finding out what a huge idiot she is by exposing the one person in the house who was trying to save her ass.
Yes, Aaryn will stay and probably make it to final 2 because there is no integrity, no loyalty, no common sense in that house.
And yes, I blame Grodner and her stupid production company for the worst casting ever. Between the clueless recruits, the people chosen solely to fill stereotypical roles and throwing in only one relative of a vet who is one of the most polarizing people to enter the BB house, she has turned this season is one big hot mess of stupid.
Everyone has been busy complaining about the unfair advantage Elissa has. An advantage that not only has put a huge target on Elissa's back but one that was taken away from her this week and placed in the hands of the public. The public responded in droves against the very person these nut bars are trying to save this week. Did Gronder tell them or us the results? No. Causing a huge uproar in and out of the house. Epic fail yet again.
This season will go up in a blaze of disgraceful lack of game play. Fans have lost any sense of who to root for or what the hell is going on even. Those who seemed to be heroes in the house have turned into nasty dictators or wimpy morons. Everyone has been complaining that the show is being rigged for Elissa, when Amanda is getting the hero's edit. Allegations that there's a connection between Grodner and Zuckerman have already spread, making Amanda the favorite to win this season. And she will win, not because Grodner needs to rig it, but simply because the house has been filled with buffoons who can't keep a thought or an alliance longer than 10 minutes to save their lives. Good job, Grodner!
Does anyone have a fly swatter? I want to crush that fly on the wall.
Stay tuned!
Big Brother 15,
Game Analysis,
Monday, July 22, 2013
Who's getting schooled?
Three evictions down. It seems like this season has already been going for 6 weeks. It was game one right from the start. So who's playing the best and worst games thus far? It seems to change from week to week, day to day, hour to hour; but here are their grades this week.
J.U. Double DEE is at the head of the class this week. His nominations did not stir the pot with the house; he's managed to make some side-alliances; and he's still well-liked. No one has even mentioned his name as a target yet, unlike Helen who managed to put a target on her back after her ridiculous run as the Love HoH. A+
Pop Up Andy. I swear he's a quadruplet. He's in one room. I switch cams, and he's already there. He's managed to get everyone's trust and secrets, yet there's no target on his back yet. Why? Because he's managed to reassure everyone that he's on their side and he's a self-proclaimed failure at all competitions. I don't know how long he's going to pull that off,; but he's doing a great job thus far. A
Jessie. She's managed to stay off the radar and has not involved herself in the embarrassing girl drama this week. She is very observant and has picked up on some of the moves others have been trying to make. She is also someone in whom a lot of people confide without putting herself on anyone's radar. I don't know who is actually allied with her, but she hasn't even been mentioned as a threat. A-
Howard. Despite being the target of Amanda's obsessive need to be put on the block, and despite being in a pretty sticky position last week, Howard seems to have gained some ground with various factions of the house; but he's still seen as a huge threat. Maybe Amanda did him a huge favor by manically insisting that he be backdoored, making her seem less trustworthy. B +
Kaitlyn. If she survives this week, she has a good chance of making it far in the game. She is indisputably a challenge beast, has managed to disassociate herself from Aaryn; and has kept a pretty level head despite Jeremy being evicted on Thursday. (Unlike GM who went batshit cray cray when Nick was evicted.) Although a few have approached her for alliances, I'm not sure how solid they are, or how long they'll last. B
Elissa. Nominated for the third time in four weeks, she managed to get herself off the block; she's tried to stay away, as much as she can, from the girl drama, despite being constantly dragged in; and has a pretty clear assessment of what others, like Amanda, are trying to do. She's solid with Helen and Candice, and through the latter with Howie, though I doubt that understanding will last long. I would love if she would team up with Kaitlyn who has vocally been against her. Secret alliances are my faves, but it hasn't happened so this does not figure into my assessment. B-
Spencer. He's also survived being one of the two biggest backdoor targets last week, mapping a steady route to safety by solidifying ties with Judd. His allegiance to Howard, his friendship with Jessie and his easy-going attitude with GM are helping him gain a stronger footing in the house. C+
Helen. The curfew punishment is the best thing that could have happened to her. It's saved her from her runningmouthitis that put a target on her back last week. Despite that, she still doesn't have a clear understanding that not everyone can be trusted, especially, Andy who has no problem blabbing her secrets to his other alliance: McCranda. She's lucky there are bigger threats in the house, but she is not safe by any means. I had high hopes for you Helen... C
Candice. She's loyal, intuitive, unafraid to speak her mind and smart. She is the bridge between the Howard/Spencer and the Elissa/Helen factions; but I'm not sure how high on the totem pole she is with any of those people. The very fact that she speaks her mind has and will have gotten her into hot water, but her fierce loyalty might be an asset that will serve her to last longer in the game. C-
McCrae. I don't even know what to say about this dude. He managed to go from being part of the power to getting "engaged" to one of the biggest targets in the house. As soon as he shacked up with Amanda, he threw his game into the pyre of a showmance. He lost his voice, his will, his family jewels, it seems. Hopefully, he'll get his head back in the game if/when Amanda is evicted, but I'm not sure about him. Another one who dashed my preseason hopes into the conjugal hot mess he's in... D+
Amanda. Yeah, she needs to be gagged. Her non-stop mouth, her pushy insistence on running other people's games, her being at the epicenter of most drama have made a lot of her former allies distrust her. It's unfortunate because she's a savvy player; but she overreached way too fast. She's as subtle as a two by four between the eyes. If she had been more understated in her machinations, she would have been a front-runner in this game. I knew from her preseason interviews that her mouth would get her in trouble; and unfortunately, that is quickly becoming the case. D
GinaMarie. She's made too many unfortunate mistakes in this game. She's all mouth and drama, but that could work in her favor. The others might take her along as a safe bet in the F2 chairs. She's made an alliance with Judd, Howard and Spencer but it's unlikely that this alliance is a real one, at least with her in it. D-
Aaryn. This girl has dug her BB grave with her mouth. However, she's not a huge threat in the game. That being said, it seems people want her evicted, both in and out of the house. Should she make it this week (I would personally evict Kaitlyn this week but I'm not playing), she will be the easy target. And one thing's for sure, the other house guests do not want her in jury. F
That's it for this week's grades.
Stay tuned.
Update: Two days later, and my ratings are in the toilet...
J.U. Double DEE is at the head of the class this week. His nominations did not stir the pot with the house; he's managed to make some side-alliances; and he's still well-liked. No one has even mentioned his name as a target yet, unlike Helen who managed to put a target on her back after her ridiculous run as the Love HoH. A+
Pop Up Andy. I swear he's a quadruplet. He's in one room. I switch cams, and he's already there. He's managed to get everyone's trust and secrets, yet there's no target on his back yet. Why? Because he's managed to reassure everyone that he's on their side and he's a self-proclaimed failure at all competitions. I don't know how long he's going to pull that off,; but he's doing a great job thus far. A
Jessie. She's managed to stay off the radar and has not involved herself in the embarrassing girl drama this week. She is very observant and has picked up on some of the moves others have been trying to make. She is also someone in whom a lot of people confide without putting herself on anyone's radar. I don't know who is actually allied with her, but she hasn't even been mentioned as a threat. A-
Howard. Despite being the target of Amanda's obsessive need to be put on the block, and despite being in a pretty sticky position last week, Howard seems to have gained some ground with various factions of the house; but he's still seen as a huge threat. Maybe Amanda did him a huge favor by manically insisting that he be backdoored, making her seem less trustworthy. B +
Kaitlyn. If she survives this week, she has a good chance of making it far in the game. She is indisputably a challenge beast, has managed to disassociate herself from Aaryn; and has kept a pretty level head despite Jeremy being evicted on Thursday. (Unlike GM who went batshit cray cray when Nick was evicted.) Although a few have approached her for alliances, I'm not sure how solid they are, or how long they'll last. B
Elissa. Nominated for the third time in four weeks, she managed to get herself off the block; she's tried to stay away, as much as she can, from the girl drama, despite being constantly dragged in; and has a pretty clear assessment of what others, like Amanda, are trying to do. She's solid with Helen and Candice, and through the latter with Howie, though I doubt that understanding will last long. I would love if she would team up with Kaitlyn who has vocally been against her. Secret alliances are my faves, but it hasn't happened so this does not figure into my assessment. B-
Spencer. He's also survived being one of the two biggest backdoor targets last week, mapping a steady route to safety by solidifying ties with Judd. His allegiance to Howard, his friendship with Jessie and his easy-going attitude with GM are helping him gain a stronger footing in the house. C+
Helen. The curfew punishment is the best thing that could have happened to her. It's saved her from her runningmouthitis that put a target on her back last week. Despite that, she still doesn't have a clear understanding that not everyone can be trusted, especially, Andy who has no problem blabbing her secrets to his other alliance: McCranda. She's lucky there are bigger threats in the house, but she is not safe by any means. I had high hopes for you Helen... C
Candice. She's loyal, intuitive, unafraid to speak her mind and smart. She is the bridge between the Howard/Spencer and the Elissa/Helen factions; but I'm not sure how high on the totem pole she is with any of those people. The very fact that she speaks her mind has and will have gotten her into hot water, but her fierce loyalty might be an asset that will serve her to last longer in the game. C-
McCrae. I don't even know what to say about this dude. He managed to go from being part of the power to getting "engaged" to one of the biggest targets in the house. As soon as he shacked up with Amanda, he threw his game into the pyre of a showmance. He lost his voice, his will, his family jewels, it seems. Hopefully, he'll get his head back in the game if/when Amanda is evicted, but I'm not sure about him. Another one who dashed my preseason hopes into the conjugal hot mess he's in... D+
Amanda. Yeah, she needs to be gagged. Her non-stop mouth, her pushy insistence on running other people's games, her being at the epicenter of most drama have made a lot of her former allies distrust her. It's unfortunate because she's a savvy player; but she overreached way too fast. She's as subtle as a two by four between the eyes. If she had been more understated in her machinations, she would have been a front-runner in this game. I knew from her preseason interviews that her mouth would get her in trouble; and unfortunately, that is quickly becoming the case. D
GinaMarie. She's made too many unfortunate mistakes in this game. She's all mouth and drama, but that could work in her favor. The others might take her along as a safe bet in the F2 chairs. She's made an alliance with Judd, Howard and Spencer but it's unlikely that this alliance is a real one, at least with her in it. D-
Aaryn. This girl has dug her BB grave with her mouth. However, she's not a huge threat in the game. That being said, it seems people want her evicted, both in and out of the house. Should she make it this week (I would personally evict Kaitlyn this week but I'm not playing), she will be the easy target. And one thing's for sure, the other house guests do not want her in jury. F
That's it for this week's grades.
Stay tuned.
Update: Two days later, and my ratings are in the toilet...
Big Brother 15,
Game Analysis,
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Reality TV is still TV
I don't like stating the obvious, but Big Brother is a TV show. It's not a professional sport. It's main credo is to make money from sponsors by getting ratings. Their mandate is to keep things exciting and fans tuning in. "Expect the Unexpected" is a pass for production to manipulate and attempt to change the course of the game in order to please the fans. Not all fans, but the majority. Their twists are designed to help the house guests that the majority of fans love or love to hate. It's unscripted in that they cannot possibly know the outcome of competitions or the way the house guests will react but is it manipulated? Indeed it is to enhance the drama and the struggle. So what? WWF is totally staged, yet many enjoy and support it.
Every time there's a twist with fan involvement, there is a faction of fans who protest in outrage that it's rigged or unfair or whatever. But let's examine some of the most contentious twists in order to see if this in fact is true.
During BB8, Eric Stein was "America's Player". He became instrumental in the nomination and eviction of several house guests including Joe, Jenn, Dustin and Amber. This was one of the most intrusive twists ever, but since the public was involved in evicting some of their least favorites, it paid off for the show. It didn't help Eric's or those evicted house guests' game but it helped get the then fan faves, Daniele and Dick Donato, to the end. Was their win rigged? Of course it wasn't. The way they played the game and competed had a huge part in that win.
During BB9, the fans were given the opportunity to vote someone back in the game. The house guests were given the option of bringing back someone the fans wanted (Alex Coladonato) to return or newly-evicted James Zinkland. They chose James. Production had no way of knowing which the HGs would choose but it was a win-win situation for them. Alex was a fan fave but James also brought in fans because of his sheer moxy and drive to win. Rigged? No. Manipulated. Yes. It's the name of the game.
In BB11, Jeff Schroeder and Jordan Llyod were decidedly the fan faves. Their innocent showmance/love story and their underdog status in the house caused a vast majority of fans to root for them. When Chima was HoH and was clearly targeting them, production reintroduced the Coup D'Etat in the game. It was previously used in BB7 All Stars in a competition which Mike 'Boogie" Malin won. He never used it. In BB11, this power was voted on by the fans and of course it went to Jeff who used it, reversing the nominations and succeeding in getting Jesse Godderz (not a fan fave) evicted. Was this vote rigged? No. Jeff was indeed the fan fave, Did production know that this is how it would go down? Sure they did. They were banking on it.
In BB13, two twists were introduced that cause a lot of controversy mostly because it involved two house guests that were polarizing the fans: Rachel Riley and Brendon Villegas. One was when fans were asked to vote a previously evicted house guest to compete with whomever was recently evicted to get back in the game. Brendon was voted back in over fan darlings Dominic Briones and Cassi Colvin. This sparked a storm of rigging accusations, but the vote makes sense. Brendon and Rachel were closely allied with Jeff and Jordan, uniting their enormous fan base with Rachel's growing fan base to trump the Dominic/Cassi fans. Did production know this would happen? Of course they did.
The second twist in the same season was the "Couples Twist" that was unleashed when Porsche Briggs opened Pandora's Box. This allowed the house guests to pair up with another house guest, being both saved by the PoV. This sparked outrage from some fans, saying that the twist was introduced to save the vulnerable Jordan and Rachel. Of course it was! But there were too many factors in play that production could not control. Porsche could have chosen to listen to her alliance and not open Pandora's Box. Rachel could have not won PoV which she did. Were the majority of fans pleased that "Jorchel" were saved? Yes they were! Was this production's goal. You betcha!
This season, the MVP twist was introduced and Elissa Slater (Rachel's sister and the only HG related to a vet) came into the game with it. Was this a fair advantage, given that Rachel rallied the troops to vote for Elissa? Sure. It was also cancelled out by the distinct disadvantage of Elissa being the chief target for eviction for the first two weeks of the game. She and her alliance used this advantage to their benefit by turning the tables on the alliance that was in power and terrorizing the house. Many have accused that the MVP results have been rigged. But have they? Sure the Riley army has had a big hand in these results; but the vast majority of fans have been outraged by the bigotry of those targeting Elissa who has proven to be a very likable and smart player. The MVP twist has not kept Elissa safe, her and her alliance's use of this twist has done so.
Bottom line, yes this is a manipulated show. Their credo is to keep the drama high, feature the good versus bad struggle and give the fans what they want. I am not a fan of this production but I do have to give credit to the fact that they know how please the majority of their fans.
If some people want this show to be a fair, untampered competition, they need to watch reruns of the Olympics. This isn't the show for them.
Stay tuned.
Every time there's a twist with fan involvement, there is a faction of fans who protest in outrage that it's rigged or unfair or whatever. But let's examine some of the most contentious twists in order to see if this in fact is true.
During BB8, Eric Stein was "America's Player". He became instrumental in the nomination and eviction of several house guests including Joe, Jenn, Dustin and Amber. This was one of the most intrusive twists ever, but since the public was involved in evicting some of their least favorites, it paid off for the show. It didn't help Eric's or those evicted house guests' game but it helped get the then fan faves, Daniele and Dick Donato, to the end. Was their win rigged? Of course it wasn't. The way they played the game and competed had a huge part in that win.
During BB9, the fans were given the opportunity to vote someone back in the game. The house guests were given the option of bringing back someone the fans wanted (Alex Coladonato) to return or newly-evicted James Zinkland. They chose James. Production had no way of knowing which the HGs would choose but it was a win-win situation for them. Alex was a fan fave but James also brought in fans because of his sheer moxy and drive to win. Rigged? No. Manipulated. Yes. It's the name of the game.
In BB11, Jeff Schroeder and Jordan Llyod were decidedly the fan faves. Their innocent showmance/love story and their underdog status in the house caused a vast majority of fans to root for them. When Chima was HoH and was clearly targeting them, production reintroduced the Coup D'Etat in the game. It was previously used in BB7 All Stars in a competition which Mike 'Boogie" Malin won. He never used it. In BB11, this power was voted on by the fans and of course it went to Jeff who used it, reversing the nominations and succeeding in getting Jesse Godderz (not a fan fave) evicted. Was this vote rigged? No. Jeff was indeed the fan fave, Did production know that this is how it would go down? Sure they did. They were banking on it.
In BB13, two twists were introduced that cause a lot of controversy mostly because it involved two house guests that were polarizing the fans: Rachel Riley and Brendon Villegas. One was when fans were asked to vote a previously evicted house guest to compete with whomever was recently evicted to get back in the game. Brendon was voted back in over fan darlings Dominic Briones and Cassi Colvin. This sparked a storm of rigging accusations, but the vote makes sense. Brendon and Rachel were closely allied with Jeff and Jordan, uniting their enormous fan base with Rachel's growing fan base to trump the Dominic/Cassi fans. Did production know this would happen? Of course they did.
The second twist in the same season was the "Couples Twist" that was unleashed when Porsche Briggs opened Pandora's Box. This allowed the house guests to pair up with another house guest, being both saved by the PoV. This sparked outrage from some fans, saying that the twist was introduced to save the vulnerable Jordan and Rachel. Of course it was! But there were too many factors in play that production could not control. Porsche could have chosen to listen to her alliance and not open Pandora's Box. Rachel could have not won PoV which she did. Were the majority of fans pleased that "Jorchel" were saved? Yes they were! Was this production's goal. You betcha!
This season, the MVP twist was introduced and Elissa Slater (Rachel's sister and the only HG related to a vet) came into the game with it. Was this a fair advantage, given that Rachel rallied the troops to vote for Elissa? Sure. It was also cancelled out by the distinct disadvantage of Elissa being the chief target for eviction for the first two weeks of the game. She and her alliance used this advantage to their benefit by turning the tables on the alliance that was in power and terrorizing the house. Many have accused that the MVP results have been rigged. But have they? Sure the Riley army has had a big hand in these results; but the vast majority of fans have been outraged by the bigotry of those targeting Elissa who has proven to be a very likable and smart player. The MVP twist has not kept Elissa safe, her and her alliance's use of this twist has done so.
Bottom line, yes this is a manipulated show. Their credo is to keep the drama high, feature the good versus bad struggle and give the fans what they want. I am not a fan of this production but I do have to give credit to the fact that they know how please the majority of their fans.
If some people want this show to be a fair, untampered competition, they need to watch reruns of the Olympics. This isn't the show for them.
Stay tuned.
Big Brother 15,
Game Analysis,
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
It's a Man's Game.
Well, two evictions down, one to go. The men are being taken down like rotten trees in an orchard. I don't want to draw the gender line, but the women are kicking some serious booty this season; and I'm loving it. Women have been getting a raw deal in this game, being almost always the most criticized even when they have won the game. From the 14 previous seasons, only 5 women have won Big Brother and only up against other women.
Lisa Donahue was the first woman to win BB in season 3, sitting next to Danielle Reyes who is arguably one of the best players to never win the game, losing it because her sarcastic DR comments angered her former fellow housemates. This loss prompted production to introduce the sequestered jury. Interestingly, Dr. Will Kirby who was openly brutal to his fellow housemates, did not lose out as a result,
Jun Song, who turned "floating" into an art form, maneuvered herself expertly to win BB4 against Alison Irwin. However, rather than being praised for her masterful game, Jun was considered the least likable and respected house guest from her season. Yet, male counterparts who won the game equally brutally like Drew Daniel (BB5), Mike Malin (BB7) and Dick Donato (BB9) had huge support from the community and fans.
Maggie Ausburn won BB6 against one of her alliance members Ivette Corredo. She is one of the most hated house guests from one of the most hated BB Alliances, the "Friendship Alliance", dubbed the "Nerd Herd" by the more popular "Sovereign Alliance" of the same season. The fact that she and her alliance not only stuck together to take out the competition, but made it to the final 2 chairs should be something for which they received accolades, yet all they got and continue to get is disdain. Yet, when the Brigade, an all-male alliance from BB12 did the same thing, they won high praise for burning through the house.
When Jordan Llyod won BB11, everyone was quick to say that she was "carried" to the end by her sole alliance and showmance, Jeff Schroeder who was evicted at Final 5. Though she and Jeff have been at the top of the all-time fan faves, many game purists maintain that she was one of the least worthy players to win Big Brother. The ultimate "pawn", Jordan survived 5 nominations to go on and win the final HoH against Kevin Campbell and Natalie Martinez. She is ranked by many as the "least deserving" to win, even below Adam Jacinski whose game, remarks and despicable lie that he worked and will donate to Autism Society surely should win him that spot.
The last female to win Big Brother in season 13, against Prosche Briggs, was Rachel Riley, one of the most polarizing personalities to be cast on the show. Fresh from a much despised appearance on Big Brother 12, Rachel re-entered the game as part of a twist of vets versus newbies along with Dick Donato (who left week one), Daniele Donato, Jordan Llyod, Jeff Schroeder and Brendon Villegas. She entered with the intent to rehabilitate her image, succeeding in winning many fans over to her side. Her win has been criticized as assisted by production with the notorious "Couples Twist" that came into play when Porsche opened Pandora's Box, against her alliance's urging not to. Despite winning 4 HoH competitions, including the the final one, and managing to redeem herself in the eyes of the fans, Rachel occupies the second to last "least deserving" ranking of all time.
It's not surprising that mostly the female winners of this game have made, in one ranking or another, the least deserving title. Fans, game critics and the media have not been kind to the females of this show. They have been attacked on a deeply personal and superficial level, more so than any male to walk through the Big Brother doors.
Is this simply a manifestation of the deeply rooted, misogynistic double-standard that runs throughout many societies? Will the women of this game be constantly splattered under the microscope?
Let's talk about the women in this season.
Elissa, who has the bad luck of being Rachel's sister and has been given the "unfair advantage" in the MVP twist, has already been attacked for her looks, her mannerisms (which are diametrically opposed to Rachel's) and her lack of game play, despite the fact that she's used the MVP to take out two and possibly 3 male threats from the house. The fact that she's been able to keep a calm head despite being the target not only in the game but on a personal level in the house is ignored. The fact that she created a strong and understated alliance with Helen, Andy, Amanda and McCrae is brushed aside. The fact that she can see through lies and manipulation in a game clouded by paranoia is glossed over. I have asked many times, yet never received an answer to the following question: Would fans have been as critical if it was a male relative of a former houseguest that was liked?
Helen, who is part of the MoM Squad with Elissa, has played a passably good game up until this week, working hard to get two and, more than likely, three of the males of the hate-filled "Blondtourage" alliance evicted, despite Elissa being their target, This week, she faltered, mostly because of her propensity to talk too much and give too much away to everyone in the house, succeeding in putting a huge target on her own back. She forgot the cardinal rule of being HoH: make them come to you, get information and say nothing. Her need to turn the BB house into a Disney pavilion has lessened her chances considerably of making it far in the game.
Amanda, who has been a puppet master in the house, managing to turn McCrae away from his initial all-male alliance and getting the votes to evict David and Nick has been vastly criticized for her looks, for the very strategic game she's been playing, for every breath she takes. She's been called a "whale" and other derogatory terms, terms that have not been used to describe any male in the game. In fact, the males have not been criticized for their looks, no matter how imperfect they are.
Candice was the first to sniff out the "Moving Company", yet none of the women would truly listen to her until it all blew up in the air. She has been one of the chief targets of racism in the house but has refused to back down. She has great instincts in the game but has not been given any credit for them. Her friendship with Howie, who has been another target of the disgusting racism in the house, has put a target on her back. Why? Because Howie had the audacity to lie in order to protect his secret alliance that went belly up in week 2. How dare he lie and form alliances in Big Brother? They will both have a hard road ahead of them in this game, but, I fear, Candice will bear the brunt, being a woman,
Jessie, whose interviews in the first episode did not win her any fans, has shown a remarkable backbone, standing up to the bullies in the house. She's mellowed since the first night of the show, but I doubt anyone will take her seriously inside or outside of the game, as a result.
The other women, Aaryn, Kaitlyn and GinaMarie are basically one category of female cast member: the recruits who were chosen based on their looks (They are beautiful women on the outside. They need to work on their inner beauty.) and the concept of what roles they will play in the house. I don't think production could have possibly known what a hot mess of crazy and inappropriate those three would represent. Their lack of social game, their bullying, the racial/homophobic slurs, their focus on finding love on the wrong show make me want to disown them from the female race. But alas, there they are. Any bad publicity they have and will get, they have earned with their words and actions in a game that is transparent to the public.
If Elissa, Amanda, Candice and even Helen make it to the final 2 chairs, these women will have earned their place in the winner's circle. But they probably won't get the props. History has proven this.
Stay tuned. The men are next. ;)
Lisa Donahue was the first woman to win BB in season 3, sitting next to Danielle Reyes who is arguably one of the best players to never win the game, losing it because her sarcastic DR comments angered her former fellow housemates. This loss prompted production to introduce the sequestered jury. Interestingly, Dr. Will Kirby who was openly brutal to his fellow housemates, did not lose out as a result,
Jun Song, who turned "floating" into an art form, maneuvered herself expertly to win BB4 against Alison Irwin. However, rather than being praised for her masterful game, Jun was considered the least likable and respected house guest from her season. Yet, male counterparts who won the game equally brutally like Drew Daniel (BB5), Mike Malin (BB7) and Dick Donato (BB9) had huge support from the community and fans.
Maggie Ausburn won BB6 against one of her alliance members Ivette Corredo. She is one of the most hated house guests from one of the most hated BB Alliances, the "Friendship Alliance", dubbed the "Nerd Herd" by the more popular "Sovereign Alliance" of the same season. The fact that she and her alliance not only stuck together to take out the competition, but made it to the final 2 chairs should be something for which they received accolades, yet all they got and continue to get is disdain. Yet, when the Brigade, an all-male alliance from BB12 did the same thing, they won high praise for burning through the house.
When Jordan Llyod won BB11, everyone was quick to say that she was "carried" to the end by her sole alliance and showmance, Jeff Schroeder who was evicted at Final 5. Though she and Jeff have been at the top of the all-time fan faves, many game purists maintain that she was one of the least worthy players to win Big Brother. The ultimate "pawn", Jordan survived 5 nominations to go on and win the final HoH against Kevin Campbell and Natalie Martinez. She is ranked by many as the "least deserving" to win, even below Adam Jacinski whose game, remarks and despicable lie that he worked and will donate to Autism Society surely should win him that spot.
The last female to win Big Brother in season 13, against Prosche Briggs, was Rachel Riley, one of the most polarizing personalities to be cast on the show. Fresh from a much despised appearance on Big Brother 12, Rachel re-entered the game as part of a twist of vets versus newbies along with Dick Donato (who left week one), Daniele Donato, Jordan Llyod, Jeff Schroeder and Brendon Villegas. She entered with the intent to rehabilitate her image, succeeding in winning many fans over to her side. Her win has been criticized as assisted by production with the notorious "Couples Twist" that came into play when Porsche opened Pandora's Box, against her alliance's urging not to. Despite winning 4 HoH competitions, including the the final one, and managing to redeem herself in the eyes of the fans, Rachel occupies the second to last "least deserving" ranking of all time.
It's not surprising that mostly the female winners of this game have made, in one ranking or another, the least deserving title. Fans, game critics and the media have not been kind to the females of this show. They have been attacked on a deeply personal and superficial level, more so than any male to walk through the Big Brother doors.
Is this simply a manifestation of the deeply rooted, misogynistic double-standard that runs throughout many societies? Will the women of this game be constantly splattered under the microscope?
Let's talk about the women in this season.
Elissa, who has the bad luck of being Rachel's sister and has been given the "unfair advantage" in the MVP twist, has already been attacked for her looks, her mannerisms (which are diametrically opposed to Rachel's) and her lack of game play, despite the fact that she's used the MVP to take out two and possibly 3 male threats from the house. The fact that she's been able to keep a calm head despite being the target not only in the game but on a personal level in the house is ignored. The fact that she created a strong and understated alliance with Helen, Andy, Amanda and McCrae is brushed aside. The fact that she can see through lies and manipulation in a game clouded by paranoia is glossed over. I have asked many times, yet never received an answer to the following question: Would fans have been as critical if it was a male relative of a former houseguest that was liked?
Helen, who is part of the MoM Squad with Elissa, has played a passably good game up until this week, working hard to get two and, more than likely, three of the males of the hate-filled "Blondtourage" alliance evicted, despite Elissa being their target, This week, she faltered, mostly because of her propensity to talk too much and give too much away to everyone in the house, succeeding in putting a huge target on her own back. She forgot the cardinal rule of being HoH: make them come to you, get information and say nothing. Her need to turn the BB house into a Disney pavilion has lessened her chances considerably of making it far in the game.
Amanda, who has been a puppet master in the house, managing to turn McCrae away from his initial all-male alliance and getting the votes to evict David and Nick has been vastly criticized for her looks, for the very strategic game she's been playing, for every breath she takes. She's been called a "whale" and other derogatory terms, terms that have not been used to describe any male in the game. In fact, the males have not been criticized for their looks, no matter how imperfect they are.
Candice was the first to sniff out the "Moving Company", yet none of the women would truly listen to her until it all blew up in the air. She has been one of the chief targets of racism in the house but has refused to back down. She has great instincts in the game but has not been given any credit for them. Her friendship with Howie, who has been another target of the disgusting racism in the house, has put a target on her back. Why? Because Howie had the audacity to lie in order to protect his secret alliance that went belly up in week 2. How dare he lie and form alliances in Big Brother? They will both have a hard road ahead of them in this game, but, I fear, Candice will bear the brunt, being a woman,
Jessie, whose interviews in the first episode did not win her any fans, has shown a remarkable backbone, standing up to the bullies in the house. She's mellowed since the first night of the show, but I doubt anyone will take her seriously inside or outside of the game, as a result.
The other women, Aaryn, Kaitlyn and GinaMarie are basically one category of female cast member: the recruits who were chosen based on their looks (They are beautiful women on the outside. They need to work on their inner beauty.) and the concept of what roles they will play in the house. I don't think production could have possibly known what a hot mess of crazy and inappropriate those three would represent. Their lack of social game, their bullying, the racial/homophobic slurs, their focus on finding love on the wrong show make me want to disown them from the female race. But alas, there they are. Any bad publicity they have and will get, they have earned with their words and actions in a game that is transparent to the public.
If Elissa, Amanda, Candice and even Helen make it to the final 2 chairs, these women will have earned their place in the winner's circle. But they probably won't get the props. History has proven this.
Stay tuned. The men are next. ;)
Big Brother 15,
Game Analysis,
Saturday, July 13, 2013
Face Palm
So yeah, a lot changes in the BB house over the course of a couple of days. My elation at Helen winning HoH turned to horror when I witnessed on the feeds (Thanks for letting me get them CBS. I'll send you the doctor's bill.) Helen turning her golden opportunity into an absolute clusterf*ck.
Her sole task was finding out who "lied" to her (umm, it's Big Brother.) about the hinky vote and when Howard finally confessed she cried, forgave him, told him to keep it to himself, then proceeded to turn him into her target. Yes, over the people who have been gunning after her alliance and bullying the house. Yes, over Jeremy.
What's worse is she laid out her strategy and intentions to everyone she talked to, including the people who have been gunning for her "alliance," because she said she trusts Aaryn and Jeremy more than the people who "lied" to her. Let me quote Amanda, though at this point I don't want to, "What game are you playing?" Helen is pissed that they didn't fess up to the Moving Company alliance, questioning their loyalty. I guess only she's allowed to make multiple alliances...
So she outed Howard to everyone causing Amanda and McCrae to want to target him over the people who have been on the opposite side of the house. This lead to them pressuring Elissa to put up Howard with the MVP nomation, intending to show Howard the door. Over people who have been gunning for them. Sigh. So, McCrae, at Amanda's prompting, told everyone that he was MVP, reassuring them that Howard is his target...
This backfired when Elissa decided not to put up Howard (Yes, there's mention of production tampering but she is either using it as an excuse or misinterpreted the questions they asked. But who cares?) She put up Spencer. Oops! Now, McCrae was stuck with his pants down and his testicles in Amanda's grasp, having to switch up his story. My question is WHY LIE WHEN YOU DON'T HAVE TO?
So what did Amanda do? She told Kaitlyn about the plan to back door Jeremy., prompting Aaryn and Kaitlyn to decide to throw the PoV so they can protect Jeremy who, by the way, will not return the favor.
Yeah, so the PoV competition is today. Helen, Aaryn, Kaitlyn, Spencer, Candice and GinaMarie are playing. At this point, I hope Candice or Spencer win this and foil the idiots in their unnecessary plots. This was supposed to be a no-brainer week. Not a week with no brains.
Stay tuned.
Her sole task was finding out who "lied" to her (umm, it's Big Brother.) about the hinky vote and when Howard finally confessed she cried, forgave him, told him to keep it to himself, then proceeded to turn him into her target. Yes, over the people who have been gunning after her alliance and bullying the house. Yes, over Jeremy.
What's worse is she laid out her strategy and intentions to everyone she talked to, including the people who have been gunning for her "alliance," because she said she trusts Aaryn and Jeremy more than the people who "lied" to her. Let me quote Amanda, though at this point I don't want to, "What game are you playing?" Helen is pissed that they didn't fess up to the Moving Company alliance, questioning their loyalty. I guess only she's allowed to make multiple alliances...
So she outed Howard to everyone causing Amanda and McCrae to want to target him over the people who have been on the opposite side of the house. This lead to them pressuring Elissa to put up Howard with the MVP nomation, intending to show Howard the door. Over people who have been gunning for them. Sigh. So, McCrae, at Amanda's prompting, told everyone that he was MVP, reassuring them that Howard is his target...
This backfired when Elissa decided not to put up Howard (Yes, there's mention of production tampering but she is either using it as an excuse or misinterpreted the questions they asked. But who cares?) She put up Spencer. Oops! Now, McCrae was stuck with his pants down and his testicles in Amanda's grasp, having to switch up his story. My question is WHY LIE WHEN YOU DON'T HAVE TO?
So what did Amanda do? She told Kaitlyn about the plan to back door Jeremy., prompting Aaryn and Kaitlyn to decide to throw the PoV so they can protect Jeremy who, by the way, will not return the favor.
Yeah, so the PoV competition is today. Helen, Aaryn, Kaitlyn, Spencer, Candice and GinaMarie are playing. At this point, I hope Candice or Spencer win this and foil the idiots in their unnecessary plots. This was supposed to be a no-brainer week. Not a week with no brains.
Stay tuned.
Big Brother 15,
Game Analysis,
Friday, July 12, 2013
The Valiant and the Vile
So yeah. WOW! What a night last night!
During the show, watching the blindside
and Helen win the HoH, after a nail-biting competition, many felt like this:
It was a relief from last week, to have a sane and likable person in power in the BB house.
It didn't last long.
It started with what was to become a seven HOUR jag of torrential mourning and crying fits because GinaMarie lost her BB boyfriend to the game.
No matter what the topic of discussion was, Gina Marie's meltdown progressed to unimaginable magnitude.
We started to look like this:
Kaitlyn, Aaryn and Gina Marie, pissed that the power and their plot to vanquish Elissa did not pay off, went on a tirade including bullying Jessie, taking over her bed, making her feel uncomfortable, flipping Candice's bed and refusing to see sense when sense was smacking them in the face. Jeremy, though he would profess to anyone who would listen, out of his harpies' ear shot that he was not getting involved in the "cat fight", chose to plant himself on Jessie's bed even though she told him she was feeling uncomfortable.
This escalated when Aaryn, being her usual compassionate self, mocked Candice when the latter confronted her about the filpped bed, with "What you gon' do girl. What you gon' do girl?"
And Gina Marie getting in Candice's face saying "you want to bring the black out?"
Howard, knowing that Candice was about to go somewhere beyond return, grabbed her and physically removed her from the situation,
While the widow took a break from her self-pity, to back-up her buddy Aaryn.
By the way, this all happened just after the HoH reveal which we couldn't even enjoy because of this outrageous situation.
Howard tried to calm Candice down. He explained that if he were to act, he would not be able to rein himself in, getting himself in trouble in a house where racism is rampant and production remains silent. "They must want this to happen or else they would stop it"
Candice kept repeating, "I don't want to give up the bed." That bed represented to Candice everything that she and many have struggled with; backing down to the oppressor, giving up her rights, letting them win. She broke down and many of us did with her,
When Elissa, Helen and the others got wind, they took her into the HoH to calm and soothe her. And Howard quietly broke down in prayer for strength, as BB repeatedly called him to DR.
And this is how I felt.
And this:
Calmer heads prevailed as the others rushed to comfort Candice, Jessie and Howard who bore the brunt of the horrid alliance of bullies, thugs, racists and creeps.
Meanwhile, Gina Marie continued her wake, even getting comfort from Howard and Candice throughout the night.
Ironic, no?
What's more ironic is that Howard and Candice chose to sleep on the floor in the Have Not room. Because, yes, they gave up the bed.
There are no words to describe the absolutely heartbreaking horror of witnessing these events transpire in the house. Production will not interfere. That's a given. The house guests are there to deal with the situation themselves. This season more than ever, it has truly become a battle between the good and evil as is manifested in society. All we can do is speak out against racism, homophobia, sexism and all the other injustices. And root for them to overcome this nightmare.
And in a night of unspeakable human horror, two champions have risen to the challenge, to defend those being targeted.
Amanda told it like it is, yet again, to Aaryn et al, not backing down. Aaryn, unfortunately, is incapable at this moment, if ever, of acknowledging her misdeeds, not even seeing them as such.
Judd came to Jessie's rescue multiple times against the harpies that continued to attack her throughout the night.
And finally these two:
Who did not allow this situation to get the better of them and rose above the ugliness. Even though they had to sleep on the floor.
Stay tuned.
During the show, watching the blindside
and Helen win the HoH, after a nail-biting competition, many felt like this:
It was a relief from last week, to have a sane and likable person in power in the BB house.
It didn't last long.
It started with what was to become a seven HOUR jag of torrential mourning and crying fits because GinaMarie lost her BB boyfriend to the game.
No matter what the topic of discussion was, Gina Marie's meltdown progressed to unimaginable magnitude.
We started to look like this:
Kaitlyn, Aaryn and Gina Marie, pissed that the power and their plot to vanquish Elissa did not pay off, went on a tirade including bullying Jessie, taking over her bed, making her feel uncomfortable, flipping Candice's bed and refusing to see sense when sense was smacking them in the face. Jeremy, though he would profess to anyone who would listen, out of his harpies' ear shot that he was not getting involved in the "cat fight", chose to plant himself on Jessie's bed even though she told him she was feeling uncomfortable.
This escalated when Aaryn, being her usual compassionate self, mocked Candice when the latter confronted her about the filpped bed, with "What you gon' do girl. What you gon' do girl?"
And Gina Marie getting in Candice's face saying "you want to bring the black out?"
While the widow took a break from her self-pity, to back-up her buddy Aaryn.
By the way, this all happened just after the HoH reveal which we couldn't even enjoy because of this outrageous situation.
Howard tried to calm Candice down. He explained that if he were to act, he would not be able to rein himself in, getting himself in trouble in a house where racism is rampant and production remains silent. "They must want this to happen or else they would stop it"
Candice kept repeating, "I don't want to give up the bed." That bed represented to Candice everything that she and many have struggled with; backing down to the oppressor, giving up her rights, letting them win. She broke down and many of us did with her,
And this is how I felt.
And this:
Calmer heads prevailed as the others rushed to comfort Candice, Jessie and Howard who bore the brunt of the horrid alliance of bullies, thugs, racists and creeps.
Meanwhile, Gina Marie continued her wake, even getting comfort from Howard and Candice throughout the night.
Ironic, no?
What's more ironic is that Howard and Candice chose to sleep on the floor in the Have Not room. Because, yes, they gave up the bed.
There are no words to describe the absolutely heartbreaking horror of witnessing these events transpire in the house. Production will not interfere. That's a given. The house guests are there to deal with the situation themselves. This season more than ever, it has truly become a battle between the good and evil as is manifested in society. All we can do is speak out against racism, homophobia, sexism and all the other injustices. And root for them to overcome this nightmare.
And in a night of unspeakable human horror, two champions have risen to the challenge, to defend those being targeted.
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"What game are you playing? Cause we're playing Big Brother." |
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They were two girls acting like animals not human beings." |
And finally these two:
Who did not allow this situation to get the better of them and rose above the ugliness. Even though they had to sleep on the floor.
Stay tuned.
Big Brother 15,
Game Analysis,
Monday, July 8, 2013
What Show IS This?
I'm still confused. I could have sworn I set my DVR to record Big Brother, not Bachelor Pad. But someone forgot to tell some of the cast. Kaitlyn, Aaryn, GinaMarie, Jessie and. to some extent, Amanda seem to be under the impression that they are in the house to hook up. No wonder ABC didn't run the show this season, Allison Grodner et al stole their cast.
"Don't look at MY man!"
"She was mean mugging me!"
"Who does she think she is? She thinks all the guys like her. but they like me!"
"I'm the prettiest here!"
"She's so this, that and the other thing (fill it in with whatever derogatory remark you want)."
"She's hogging too much of his time!"
What the f*ck? The meltdowns, the cat fights, the full on make out sessions, the soft porn, the jealousy, the whining, the possessive obsessions and stalking, the absolute cluelessness about how to even play the game convince me most of these chicks don't even know where they are.
Of course, this plays into the hands of the men who are using these women to further their game and take them closer to the final 2 chairs. They play into their insecurities and confuse them so much that they won't even see what hit them as they exit the game, one by one. Meanwhile the women who seem to have actual working brains: Helen, Candice, Elissa and Amanda (she has what it takes to play the game but is blinded by her connection to McCrae) are going to be taken down by the Moving Company first because they refuse to "accept their place".
I have given up on the idea of a girl alliance in this game because the women who have been cast recently, are not cast to win but to look good. In the preseason, all people could talk about was how hot or pretty these women are. What difference does it make if they look good but make our ears bleed?
Helen and Candice have figured out the Moving Company but refuse to allow themselves to take it to the next level, pull Amanda and Elissa in and form an actual alliance. Amanda is extremely savvy but her connection to McCrae isn't going to do her game any favors. Helen, despite her doubts, tells Spencer everything. Candice can't keep her mouth shut.
Many people have been irate because Elissa has "not played a good game" but I respectfully disagree. She's been target number one from day one, on the block both weeks, a Have Not both weeks, the object of derision, marginalization and derision both weeks. She managed to use the MVP advantage last week to save herself, but if she puts Nick up today, it will spell the end of her game.
Elissa has a better chance of staying if she puts up Kaitlyn who, despite the fact she is Jeremy's mate in the game, literally, does not have a lot of fans in the house. Even her alliance members, Aaryn and GinaMarie, have turned on her out of jealousy for her connection to the most obnoxious HG to enter the house.
I doubt Elissa's attempt to put doubt in people's minds about Nick being related to Dan Gheesling will work. The Moving Company (Nick, Spencer, Howard, Jeremy and McCrae) will make sure the women puppets vote with them and evict Elissa.
Once Elissa is evicted, no matter how smartly or well Helen, Candice and Amanda play, they will not be long in the game. The MC will target them next and keep the Bachelor Pad rejects in and distracted with their insecure need to get validation from men.
Le sigh.
Stay tuned!
"Don't look at MY man!"
"She was mean mugging me!"
"Who does she think she is? She thinks all the guys like her. but they like me!"
"I'm the prettiest here!"
"She's so this, that and the other thing (fill it in with whatever derogatory remark you want)."
"She's hogging too much of his time!"
What the f*ck? The meltdowns, the cat fights, the full on make out sessions, the soft porn, the jealousy, the whining, the possessive obsessions and stalking, the absolute cluelessness about how to even play the game convince me most of these chicks don't even know where they are.
Of course, this plays into the hands of the men who are using these women to further their game and take them closer to the final 2 chairs. They play into their insecurities and confuse them so much that they won't even see what hit them as they exit the game, one by one. Meanwhile the women who seem to have actual working brains: Helen, Candice, Elissa and Amanda (she has what it takes to play the game but is blinded by her connection to McCrae) are going to be taken down by the Moving Company first because they refuse to "accept their place".
I have given up on the idea of a girl alliance in this game because the women who have been cast recently, are not cast to win but to look good. In the preseason, all people could talk about was how hot or pretty these women are. What difference does it make if they look good but make our ears bleed?
Helen and Candice have figured out the Moving Company but refuse to allow themselves to take it to the next level, pull Amanda and Elissa in and form an actual alliance. Amanda is extremely savvy but her connection to McCrae isn't going to do her game any favors. Helen, despite her doubts, tells Spencer everything. Candice can't keep her mouth shut.
Many people have been irate because Elissa has "not played a good game" but I respectfully disagree. She's been target number one from day one, on the block both weeks, a Have Not both weeks, the object of derision, marginalization and derision both weeks. She managed to use the MVP advantage last week to save herself, but if she puts Nick up today, it will spell the end of her game.
Elissa has a better chance of staying if she puts up Kaitlyn who, despite the fact she is Jeremy's mate in the game, literally, does not have a lot of fans in the house. Even her alliance members, Aaryn and GinaMarie, have turned on her out of jealousy for her connection to the most obnoxious HG to enter the house.
I doubt Elissa's attempt to put doubt in people's minds about Nick being related to Dan Gheesling will work. The Moving Company (Nick, Spencer, Howard, Jeremy and McCrae) will make sure the women puppets vote with them and evict Elissa.
Once Elissa is evicted, no matter how smartly or well Helen, Candice and Amanda play, they will not be long in the game. The MC will target them next and keep the Bachelor Pad rejects in and distracted with their insecure need to get validation from men.
Le sigh.
Stay tuned!
Big Brother 15,
Game Analysis
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
Crossing the Line
When someone signs on to be a part of the show that is accessed, "uncensored" via live feeds, that person steps in the public eye. When a production company is paid to run said show, it too shares the spotlight.
Big Brother has been a polarizing show that has caused public outcry almost every single season, multiple times. Often, that's based on personal pets peeves of the cast's personalities or their moves in the game affecting certain fan faves but sometimes, it goes beyond that.
The latest backlash is centered around one the BB15's cast: Aaryn Gries who is one, but by far not the only, cast member to spew racist and homophobic comments in the house, as witnessed on the live feeds. She has been fired from her modelling agency based on those comments and the public outcry that has ensured. If you want to read the story it's here.
Some have compared this to the hate mail, threats and attempts to destroy Shelly Moore because she turned against the fan faves Jeff Schroeder and Jordan Llyod in BB13. This is nowhere near the same thing. Shelly made a game move which she thought would assist her in winning the game. The psychotic behaviour that affected her and her family was nothing but criminal and must never be aimed at anyone for whatever reason.
The same happened to Dan Gheesling in BB10 and BB13 with people threatening to call the school that employed him as a coach because of moves he made for game purpose, only.
Last year, Danielle Murphree became to the crazed focus of some fans' ire causing them to post her nursing and education records, threatening to call her employers because they didn't like her lies and personality. That is an immoral response perpetrated by individuals who clearly need therapy and a ban from the live feeds.
This has nothing in common with what is happening to Aaryn. There is not public company in the world who would want her as a spokesperson. Maybe she should have thought of that before she sprayed her bigotry and hatred all over the feeds. Her words as well as the network's (CBS) and production's refusal to deal with this is in a speedy and satisfying manner has brought on such a backlash as to possibly threaten the future of this show. And, frankly, as long as Allison Grodner et al produce this show, nothing will change.
This public outcry is warranted because, by not addressing this issue, CBS and the producers seem to condone it. Censoring Big Brother after Dark (BBAD) or manipulating the feeds is not the proper response. Aaryn, Kaitlyn, GinaMarie, David, Jeremy, Amanda and Spencer have all shown themselves to represent a part of the population that is still stuck in the past when those comments were not only tolerated, but encouraged.
People have fought, were tortured and died in this part and many other parts of the world to have the right to be viewed as human beings, regardless of their skin color, sexual orientation, religion, politics, and gender. Many others will continue to do so in countries where oppression still has a vice grip.
It is irresponsible, immoral and criminal to condone this behaviour. Turning a blind eye, trying to silence those who would speak against it, editing it out is condoning this behaviour.
Aaryn being fired is just the beginning. CBS will soon feel it in its coffers. As all facets of the mainstream media pick it up, if they do not address this satisfactorily, they will find the lowered ratings for BB plummet even more; and their advertising partners will start to pull out. As they should.
This could all have been avoided had the casting process and the show's credo had not been directed by such ineptitude and shortsightedness. Fly on the Wall Entertainment has stopped entertaining us a long time ago. This show is supposed to be about strategy and human behaviour. REAL human behaviour. If this production company continues to force this "reality" show to follow their script, they should be fired so they can produce soap operas. Though, they too would probably suck.
Be careful CBS, you don't want to be seen doing to civil rights what Jeremy did to Elissa's hat last night:
And it continues. GinaMarie has been fired as pageant director.Another one bites the dust of her words
Stay tuned.
Some have compared this to the hate mail, threats and attempts to destroy Shelly Moore because she turned against the fan faves Jeff Schroeder and Jordan Llyod in BB13. This is nowhere near the same thing. Shelly made a game move which she thought would assist her in winning the game. The psychotic behaviour that affected her and her family was nothing but criminal and must never be aimed at anyone for whatever reason.
The same happened to Dan Gheesling in BB10 and BB13 with people threatening to call the school that employed him as a coach because of moves he made for game purpose, only.
Last year, Danielle Murphree became to the crazed focus of some fans' ire causing them to post her nursing and education records, threatening to call her employers because they didn't like her lies and personality. That is an immoral response perpetrated by individuals who clearly need therapy and a ban from the live feeds.
This has nothing in common with what is happening to Aaryn. There is not public company in the world who would want her as a spokesperson. Maybe she should have thought of that before she sprayed her bigotry and hatred all over the feeds. Her words as well as the network's (CBS) and production's refusal to deal with this is in a speedy and satisfying manner has brought on such a backlash as to possibly threaten the future of this show. And, frankly, as long as Allison Grodner et al produce this show, nothing will change.
This public outcry is warranted because, by not addressing this issue, CBS and the producers seem to condone it. Censoring Big Brother after Dark (BBAD) or manipulating the feeds is not the proper response. Aaryn, Kaitlyn, GinaMarie, David, Jeremy, Amanda and Spencer have all shown themselves to represent a part of the population that is still stuck in the past when those comments were not only tolerated, but encouraged.
People have fought, were tortured and died in this part and many other parts of the world to have the right to be viewed as human beings, regardless of their skin color, sexual orientation, religion, politics, and gender. Many others will continue to do so in countries where oppression still has a vice grip.
It is irresponsible, immoral and criminal to condone this behaviour. Turning a blind eye, trying to silence those who would speak against it, editing it out is condoning this behaviour.
Aaryn being fired is just the beginning. CBS will soon feel it in its coffers. As all facets of the mainstream media pick it up, if they do not address this satisfactorily, they will find the lowered ratings for BB plummet even more; and their advertising partners will start to pull out. As they should.
This could all have been avoided had the casting process and the show's credo had not been directed by such ineptitude and shortsightedness. Fly on the Wall Entertainment has stopped entertaining us a long time ago. This show is supposed to be about strategy and human behaviour. REAL human behaviour. If this production company continues to force this "reality" show to follow their script, they should be fired so they can produce soap operas. Though, they too would probably suck.
Be careful CBS, you don't want to be seen doing to civil rights what Jeremy did to Elissa's hat last night:
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A true asshat he is. |
And it continues. GinaMarie has been fired as pageant director.Another one bites the dust of her words
Stay tuned.
Big Brother 15,
Monday, July 1, 2013
Big Brother 15 Casting: Epic Fail
I've been struck silent since this season has begun. Not having the feeds is not the reason. I'm airing on the side that CBS did us non-U.S. citizens a favor. I would probably not even watch the feeds if I had them. I've heard enough from those that do to make me even question if I want to watch this show again.
Every season carries with it a certain level of nastiness, bringing the seedy underbelly of people to the forefront. Every season, some HG says or does something that causes a fury among the fans. Every season has heated debates, campaigns of outrage and bouts of inexcusable behaviour from those who call themselves fans. Every season, people threaten to stop watching while remaining glued to the feeds and to the TV.
This season is different.
This season has shed light into such vileness as never seen before. Racism, homophobia, bullying, character assassination, sexual promiscuity and a level of game play that cannot be excused with the phrases: "It's just game." or "The house brings out the worst in people." or "It's a matter of perspective." This season, I will break my own rule of not slamming the players.
This season will probably unseat BB9 as the worst cast ever.
Sure, there were awesome players in BB9 (neither of which made it for F2); and there are awesome players in BB15 who I pray will make it to the F2 chairs. But, this season is ruled by people who were picked based on looks alone. "Beautiful" people who are so rotten inside, the rot has seeped to their faces, making them the ugliest cast ever.
Worst yet, we know that production will probably spin them into the characters they cast them for, whether they deserve these roles or not. Jerry MacDonald of BB10 comes to mind. While his mouth spewed ugliness on the feeds, he was portrayed as a valiant older man, one worthy of being a fan fave in the show. Expect that to happen again.
At the forefront of this monstrous behaviour are some of the members of the self-proclaimed Blondetourage, dubbed as Bieber Fever by Amanda and YUCK (Young Unsavory Cretinous Knuckleheads) by me: Aaryn, Jeremy, Kaitlyn and David.
The Blonde Vileshell
Aaryn was probably cast to play the role of "America's Sweetheart" but the only sweet thing about her will be her departure from the game, hopefully, pre-jury. She has made racial slurs against Helen and Candice, homophobic comments against Andy and sexist comments against those of her own gender. In her preseason interviews, she claimed to hate mean girls, yet she makes them look like the members of Sister Act. She is a bully and an instigator, just for the fun of it. She is insecure and arrogant at the same time. It will be a feat of editing to portray her as anything close to a "darling". Whoever compared her to Jordan Llyod needs a stronger dose of medication.
The Dickhead
Jeremy was probably cast to play the part of Great American Hero, someone whose Cherokee roots would break the preconceptions of Native Americans. The Cherokee Nation needs to disown him. He has zero redeeming qualities. He is a flaming sexist, a homophobic bully who unfortunately is part of one of the worst Brolliances ever (The Moving Company) simply because he is in it. I try not to pay attention to rumours that come via social networking, but the early news of him being a woman hater are verified by his behaviour in the house. Many have compared him to Jacob of the Twilight series. As much I as I cannot stomach those books or movies, Taylor Lautner has done nothing to deserve that comparison.
The Mark
Kaitlyn is one of the recruits this year. Note to casting, don't have a few too many before selecting who will be on the show. She has been labeled the "Bella" to Jeremy's "Jacob". There ain't no Bella there. As much as Kristen Stewart's acting blows and she has the personality of cardboard, the comparison is horrific. More Cruella than Bella, this piece of work has not only engaged gleefully in bullying with her cohort in slime, Aaryn, she has spouted such racist and homophobic comments that have made people's stomachs curl. She has already engaged in sexual activity with Jeremy, making her image irredeemable in many people's eyes. Jeremy, of course is using her, but I can't even muster a molecule of sympathy for her. Not one bit.
The Schmoe
David has the personality of car grease. Relying on his 'bod' and looks, he joined the "cool kids" racist banter. Since he, hopefully, will be the first evicted on Wednesday, I don't even want to spend the time to type about him. Should he leave, my hope is that his will be the first of the consecutive evictions of those in his alliance (minus Nick).
Jerkey Girl
GinaMarie was not one of my early faves but she did have some fans. That's dwindling. Although she has been conscious of using the word "retard" in the house, asking everyone to call her out when she uses it, she should have the same sensitivity towards the racial stereotyping and slurs that come out of her non-stop mouth. Those who compared her to Jo Jo Spatafora better be apologizing to Jo Jo, and double time.


Amanda's mouth never stops, (Yes, I predicted it.) and it has nothing good to say about anyone. Spencer, has spewed racist, homophobic and sexist statements all in "good fun". We shall see. I doubt either of them will change my mind.
When we found out that the cast will contain all newbies, we were ecstatic. The pre-seaon ire was aimed at Elissa Slater simply because she's Rachel Reily's sister. That's died down pretty fast. Elissa only infinitesimally resembles Rachel in personality, but even if she were the spitting image of Rachel, and even Rachel herself, would be a welcome relief.
Casting jumped the shark this season, Why can't they just cast people who want and know how to play the game and stop casting based on looks and roles they want them to play? It's beyond ridiculous that they won't, can't or are too inept to see that their formula does not work. IT DOES NOT WORK!
My only hope is that the real people, the ones who may not be perfect but are worthy of fans, McCrae, Helen, Nick, Howard, Andy and Elissa (yes Elissa) make it far into the game, thereby cleansing the house of the poltergeist that are haunting it.
As to the nature of this blog. Needless to say, I won't be blogging as I did before. Expect to see one every Monday with others in the week should something happen in the house that restores my faith in this game.
Stay tuned.
Every season carries with it a certain level of nastiness, bringing the seedy underbelly of people to the forefront. Every season, some HG says or does something that causes a fury among the fans. Every season has heated debates, campaigns of outrage and bouts of inexcusable behaviour from those who call themselves fans. Every season, people threaten to stop watching while remaining glued to the feeds and to the TV.
This season is different.
This season has shed light into such vileness as never seen before. Racism, homophobia, bullying, character assassination, sexual promiscuity and a level of game play that cannot be excused with the phrases: "It's just game." or "The house brings out the worst in people." or "It's a matter of perspective." This season, I will break my own rule of not slamming the players.
This season will probably unseat BB9 as the worst cast ever.
Sure, there were awesome players in BB9 (neither of which made it for F2); and there are awesome players in BB15 who I pray will make it to the F2 chairs. But, this season is ruled by people who were picked based on looks alone. "Beautiful" people who are so rotten inside, the rot has seeped to their faces, making them the ugliest cast ever.
Worst yet, we know that production will probably spin them into the characters they cast them for, whether they deserve these roles or not. Jerry MacDonald of BB10 comes to mind. While his mouth spewed ugliness on the feeds, he was portrayed as a valiant older man, one worthy of being a fan fave in the show. Expect that to happen again.
At the forefront of this monstrous behaviour are some of the members of the self-proclaimed Blondetourage, dubbed as Bieber Fever by Amanda and YUCK (Young Unsavory Cretinous Knuckleheads) by me: Aaryn, Jeremy, Kaitlyn and David.
The Blonde Vileshell
Aaryn was probably cast to play the role of "America's Sweetheart" but the only sweet thing about her will be her departure from the game, hopefully, pre-jury. She has made racial slurs against Helen and Candice, homophobic comments against Andy and sexist comments against those of her own gender. In her preseason interviews, she claimed to hate mean girls, yet she makes them look like the members of Sister Act. She is a bully and an instigator, just for the fun of it. She is insecure and arrogant at the same time. It will be a feat of editing to portray her as anything close to a "darling". Whoever compared her to Jordan Llyod needs a stronger dose of medication.
The Dickhead
Jeremy was probably cast to play the part of Great American Hero, someone whose Cherokee roots would break the preconceptions of Native Americans. The Cherokee Nation needs to disown him. He has zero redeeming qualities. He is a flaming sexist, a homophobic bully who unfortunately is part of one of the worst Brolliances ever (The Moving Company) simply because he is in it. I try not to pay attention to rumours that come via social networking, but the early news of him being a woman hater are verified by his behaviour in the house. Many have compared him to Jacob of the Twilight series. As much I as I cannot stomach those books or movies, Taylor Lautner has done nothing to deserve that comparison.
The Mark
Kaitlyn is one of the recruits this year. Note to casting, don't have a few too many before selecting who will be on the show. She has been labeled the "Bella" to Jeremy's "Jacob". There ain't no Bella there. As much as Kristen Stewart's acting blows and she has the personality of cardboard, the comparison is horrific. More Cruella than Bella, this piece of work has not only engaged gleefully in bullying with her cohort in slime, Aaryn, she has spouted such racist and homophobic comments that have made people's stomachs curl. She has already engaged in sexual activity with Jeremy, making her image irredeemable in many people's eyes. Jeremy, of course is using her, but I can't even muster a molecule of sympathy for her. Not one bit.
The Schmoe
David has the personality of car grease. Relying on his 'bod' and looks, he joined the "cool kids" racist banter. Since he, hopefully, will be the first evicted on Wednesday, I don't even want to spend the time to type about him. Should he leave, my hope is that his will be the first of the consecutive evictions of those in his alliance (minus Nick).
Jerkey Girl
GinaMarie was not one of my early faves but she did have some fans. That's dwindling. Although she has been conscious of using the word "retard" in the house, asking everyone to call her out when she uses it, she should have the same sensitivity towards the racial stereotyping and slurs that come out of her non-stop mouth. Those who compared her to Jo Jo Spatafora better be apologizing to Jo Jo, and double time.
The jury is out on these two:


Amanda's mouth never stops, (Yes, I predicted it.) and it has nothing good to say about anyone. Spencer, has spewed racist, homophobic and sexist statements all in "good fun". We shall see. I doubt either of them will change my mind.
When we found out that the cast will contain all newbies, we were ecstatic. The pre-seaon ire was aimed at Elissa Slater simply because she's Rachel Reily's sister. That's died down pretty fast. Elissa only infinitesimally resembles Rachel in personality, but even if she were the spitting image of Rachel, and even Rachel herself, would be a welcome relief.
Casting jumped the shark this season, Why can't they just cast people who want and know how to play the game and stop casting based on looks and roles they want them to play? It's beyond ridiculous that they won't, can't or are too inept to see that their formula does not work. IT DOES NOT WORK!
My only hope is that the real people, the ones who may not be perfect but are worthy of fans, McCrae, Helen, Nick, Howard, Andy and Elissa (yes Elissa) make it far into the game, thereby cleansing the house of the poltergeist that are haunting it.
As to the nature of this blog. Needless to say, I won't be blogging as I did before. Expect to see one every Monday with others in the week should something happen in the house that restores my faith in this game.
Stay tuned.
Big Brother 15,
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